I have tried to lucid dream before as it sounded pretty cool, and I did manage to start lucid dreaming, but there was one problem. The problem is that my brain likes the stories of my dreams as they are, and it is a lot better at controlling the dreams than I am. For example, in one dream/ nightmare I had there was a time when a building was going to fall and kill someone else and when I saw it falling I said to myself, "Wait, this is my dream. Those people are now standing over there instead." So they moved instantly to the other spot and survived the building falling. However, instead the ground beneath their feet cracked and they began to fall into a chasm to their doom. Through experimentation, I have learned that whenever I do something in my dreams, whether good or bad, my brain takes whatever I did and makes something else happen that achieves the same effect as if I had did nothing. The only difference is that when I change something I get the feeling that what I did doesn't really fit into the dream, like it is something unnatural, but when my brain does it, it feels like it fits into the dream perfectly. One time I even tried to change something and was locked in a battle with my own brain for ten or fifteen changes before I gave up. After a couple of weeks of trying to change things, I eventually gave up. I still could lucid dream, but I fear that if I try I will still meet the same resistance from my brain, making it the same as a normal dream.