One of my first wave immigrants, a natural weaver, got torn up a bit when I spot-recruited him to deal with a kobold thief. Enough to go to bed. So I told one of his companions, the natural clothesmaker, to take on weaving duties (having just set up the basics of the clothing industry, from growing onwards) and I managed to get the weaving up to a decent amount of skill and the clothesmaking just slightly ahead. (So much so that the next clothesmaker that came along I decided to recruit, instead of switching the clothesmaking duties completely over to the newcomer.)
Then the weaver woke up and went for broke on a legendary weaving task. Before going back to bed.
Not sure if the stat gains helped out in his recovery. I do know that a (previously) legendary/near-legendary miner who also went to bed after a similar encounter (as one of my original two, and my having at that time only the two picks, I had to finagle his tool out of his hands in order for someone else to help out the other original miner complete some necessary digging) but who didn't have the advantage of a mood recovered a lot earlier (I suddenly realised he was sitting there as "No job" instead of "Rest", and had to temporarily pinch the pick back again, though I soon got a few spares from the next relevent trading opportunity).
When the weaver woke up, I don't know, but suddenly I found him woke up and was able to remove the clothesmaker/weaver-backup's weaving assignment. Not enough work for two of the blighters, with only one, albeit Legendary, grower handling the entire farming industry and being made to concentrate more on foodcrops, and now I had a legendary weaver working away to feed the decent-skilled clothesmaker.
(Or so are the facts as I remember them, anyway. ICBW)