The game will be devided into days and nights.
Every day, the players may choose one player to kill, or to refrain from killing.
This will be decided by a vote.
Initially one or two players will be infected, although they will not be infomes that they are until night one.
At night an infected player may attempt to spread the infection to other players. If their target is already infected, bothe players will learn that each other are infected. After being infected, a player will NOT be informed until the next night.
Infected players may try to "lay low" to avoid revealing themselves greatly reducing the chance of being detected as infected.
Each player needs to eat one unit of food a day. If a player goes two days without eating, they will die. Eating is an automatic action. The town starts with a stockpile of 30(plus farming at a self-sufficient level) food(see? It's more of a late-game mechanic). Every few days, new players may join the game as migrants. There is a chance of some of them being infected(there is a possibility of them all being infected, and/or the infected ones knowing themselves to be infected before they arrive).
All PMs must also be sent to me.
Revealing conversation can be detected, unless it is accomplished through magical means(telepathy?), and then it can only be detected magically. Magic and related effects are Very Late Game, though.
Construction can be anything, resource requirements subject to common sense, if you don't know, ask me.
Tool-making takes one day for wooden objects, two days for metal. One wood for wooden objects, one metal and one wood(fuel) for metal objects. Wooden tools give a +1 bonus to the skill they were made for, metal gives +2. The town starts with a stockpile of 8 metal ore and 32 wood units. Again, resource harvesting is a late-game concern.
The infected win when the non-infected are dead(or infected), the non-infected don't win, at least not without some plot device such as the source of the infection(probably just another evil wizard-adventurer(DF 2.8!) trying to take over the world