I had a dwarf civ in world gen defeat an elf civ in the 12th year. The Cremated Fence defeated The Euphoric Thorn, and then left the town and survivors intact and simply instated a new Dwarf Leader and Dwarf Government. The fight was over "the eating of sapient beings" and the new government was "The Seal of Chewing" and forbid the elves who chose to remain from cannibalism. Half the elves flee into the swamps, the other half greet their new dwarfy neighbors.
An elf born 7 years later under this dwarf regime grows up to become a farmer. Two years later he is considered dwarfy enough to be the leader of the Dwarf civilization The Cremated Fences. Not the Seal of Chewing regime, that alternated between elf and dwarf rulers for 10 years before going all dwarf. This elf, Mosus Portaldashes, ruled the entire civ like a freaking Mountainhome king, leading dwarves into battle, dueling goblins while drunk, et cetera.
His only actual participation in the combats he lead that are mentioned are his several duels with one goblin. This goblin maims the elf each time, but the elf just comes back for more. The goblin finally kills him, and the elf went his whole life without a single kill... but in that entire war with the goblins he was also the longest living leader. After his 7 year reign, thirty dwarf leaders were struck down in their first combat.
This elf was relatively their most badass farmer. And it was dwarf mettle that inspired any elves to take things on the offensive against those goblins. They made the elves dwarfy. ...it was beautiful...