Thanks for the feedback so far, guys! I am doing it on sort of a random basis right now because it's mostly for my friends and coworkers. As time goes on and I get better at this, I'll try to do it on a regular basis.
Also, to clarify, the first few comics I posted were "hourly" comics. The link on the very first one will take you to the original hourly comics page by John Campbell. There you can find a detailed explanation of what they are and how they came about. Basically you keep a journal of your day, with a short (in this case two-panel) comic written once per hour for each hour you are awake. So the "character" is actually me, and that is what actually happened to me those days. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not. But I had fun making them, which is why I made them, and my friends here and always on me to write more, so at least from the standpoint of someone who lives here with me they must have a decent amount of humor in them.
Also, there are a few "story arcs" now and then, but mostly I just write a strip when I think of something funny to write or, more often, when something funny happens to me. In fact, every single one of the comics so far is based on something that actually happened in my life. A few may be funny only to those who were there, which is fine for now because as I said, the comic is geared towards my friends here. My goal right now is to find out what is funny only as an inside joke and what is funny in general, so I can try to gear future comics more towards mass appeal.
By the way, I am very heavily inspired by Pictures for Sad Children by John Campbell, and often write my comics just after having read some of his, so there may be some similarity in tone and style (if I am lucky, the guy is freaking awesome!).
Thanks again for the input so far, and please keep it coming! I will try to post at least one comic every few days. Right now I am taking my experiences from last week's five-day hike and making a story of it in comic form (last time I did a narrative with photographs but I think this might be more fun). There will be a lot of these, and again, they are geared towards people who want to know how my hike went rather than a general audience, but I hope that they will be funny in a general way as well.