Now that thats solved:

Stati:Nirur Torir:
Name: Dusk Hawk (Shush. I'm uncreative. That's why my names on this board usually come from DF language files.)
History: He grew up in the suburbs on the outskirts of a city in America in the late 1970s. On his 9th birthday, mobsters killed his parents in a drive-by shooting for accidentally insulting their leader on the phone. It had been a wrong number.
Swearing revenge, he began calling himself Dusk Hawk. With no living relatives, he was forgotten about; he began roaming the streets at night. Over the next half a year he taught himself how to kill people without getting caught, but he had several close calls. Eventually, he discovered where the mobsters were.
He botched the assassination attempt on their leader. Having broken past the security to get to the leader's room late at night, he attempted to kill the luxurious bed while it was empty. The amused mobsters decided to let him live, but framed him for serial murder. He was tried as an adult, and incarcerated for life. He is slightly insane from spending nearly all of his life in prison.
Symbol: ∑
Style: Subtle
Skills: +1 hiding, +1 melee weapons
Attacks: Good with knives
Injury:Injured Finger (-1 to melee/unarmed rolls)
Grappling (-1 to all rolls not involving target you are grappled with)
Inventory:Colt .45 (Belt) (4/6 bullets)
Kills:1 guard (Jailhouse)
History:Presumed to be an assassin that used to work for communist Russia. He was caught trying to assassinate some American members of Congress, long after the cold war ended. After a long debate, it was agreed that he was insane and not in any way working for Russia. Nicknamed by the guards for his speech to be a combination of English, Russian, and incoherent babble.
Skills: +1 Stealing, +1 Dodging
Attacks: Prefers knives and small blades.
Inventory:1 Knife. (Right hand)
1 Roll of Gauze (+1 to First Aid rolls) (Left hand)
Name: Varsen
History: He's a psycopath with an unknown background. Ten years ago, he began a string of absolutely terrifying killings. People would disappear, only to be found weeks later in...indescribable conditions. Thirty died over the course of two years, mostly young women. He was caught trying to dispose of a body. When he was brought into the police station, he had no identification, and nothing on him save a wire coat hanger and a roll of duct tape. He was found to be very mentally unstable, and placed in a mental institution, though there was a large crowd, mostly the victims' families and freinds, that called for his death. The state will soon wish they had listened to that crowd...
Symbol: §
Style: Torture
Skills: +1 Perception, +1 Torturing
Attacks: Prefers a flat-head screwdriver in one hand and a corkscrew in the other. Also is deadly with a wire coat hanger or just wire in general.
Inventory:Blood-stained knife (+1 to Intimidate and Torturing) (Right-hand)
Injury:Drowsy (-1 to dodge, block, and search rolls)
Name: Olril Pasta
History: A teen with murderous desires. He hated everything, school, his parents, his siblings, everything. He did nothing in school besides write down the names of the people he wanted dead. He was caught writing this and was suspended for a week with mandatory counseling. Fed up with waiting, he stashed a hand axe in his backpack one day. During school, he took it out and attempted to kill some people. He hacked a kid's arm off before the school security came. They wrestled him to the ground and called the cops. They placed him in prison for what he had done.
Style: Brutal
Skills: +1 Ransacking, +1 Melee
Attacks: Loves the decapitating ability of axes.
Inventory:Mishappen table leg (-1 to attack rolls, improvised) (Right hand)
1 Tranquillizer Syringe (Empty, Left Hand)
Name: Desmond White
History: A small time debt collector and assassin for the mob, Desmond quickly earned accolades for his special methods of persuasion, often involving hammers and saws. He left little in the way of remains, save a bag of bones dropped at the doorstep a week afterwards.
His downfall of course, was the mob tossing him to the police as soon as they needed to cut a deal. He went quietly, offering no resistance. Officers found several heavy-duty refrigeration units on his property, contained in which were the remains of his 9 victims-seems the psycho was eating the evidence, one crock-pot at a time.
By all rights, he should have been sentenced to death, but a combination of a good lawyer and general public squeamishness led to a life sentence. Despite these dire circumstances, he looks forward to feeding again, and soon.
Symbol: &
Style: Brutal
1 Intimidation
1 Appraisal
Attacks: Large, heavy meat hammers and bone saws, for cleaning up
Inventory:1 Plain Sheet (Right hand)
1 Tranquillizer Syringe (Empty, Belt)
1 Mystery Syringe (5/6 charges remaining, Left Hand)
Injuries:Burnt Hand (-1 to Melee, Ranged, and Unarmed rolls)
Drowsy (-1 to dodge, block, and search rolls)
Name: Zakariah Jones
History: A mentally unstable murderer. Born in a lonely town on the outskirts of the city, he grew up with abusive parents, repeated beatings and mental torture. He eventually snapped at the age of 18 and ambushed he's parents, one by one, and tortured them to death using the tools in the shed.
He was sentanced to the mental hospital but he escaped custody with nothing but a paperclip, a comb and a few pins. The looks of pain and horror on the faces of the officers say that he know's what he's doing when torturing. He was caught again by law enforcement and was taken to jail with a short trial.
He can hardly wait for realease.
Symbol: ☺
Style: Torture
1 torturing
1 mechanics
Attacks: Blades are a favourite of his, along with dills, hammers and pliers.
Inventory:Hammer (Right hand)
Injury:Injured Finger (-1 to meele/unarmed rolls)
Bleeding (-1 to endurance rolls)