I fell asleep in the movie theater for this one. It was so stupid that my brain shut down. I must say: to enjoy this kind of show you need to lower your intelligence quotient and completely turn a blind eye to all the idiocy and illogical actions. And it's not like the action was particularly engaging as well, so unlike Die Hard 4 which I loved because it was balls-out insane with the action (though equally stupid in plot), this didn't really have any redeeming factors.
In fact, I can prove that the action was boring. I went into the movie with a couple of Chinese guys who can't speak a lick of English, so all they had to watch was the action, and yep. They thought it was boring too.
Man, two shitty movies in a row. First Angels and Demons. Now this. Even the expected sex scene was replaced by some shitty huggy cuddling thing.
And yeah, I was dragged into this show. No expectations whatsoever and I was expecting it to suck. Turns out it did suck and even my "no expectations whatsoever" stance couldn't redeem it.
P.s: If I were Skynet, here's what I would do. Send 500 robotic mosquitoes with anthrax virus injections back in time to hunt John Connor. At the same time, send suicide robot with nuclear payload to self-detonate when it finds John Connor.