Once, while continuing my reign of terror, I came upon a high priest who promptly advised me to prepare to die. Finding this to be mildly amusing I Caught hold of the arm he was trying to punch me with and shattered every joint in it. Still undetered he continued his assult on me, prompting me to gouge out both of his eyes as well as hack off his one good arm. Satisfied that he was no longer a threat, I moved on.
Later, as I fought a spearman, I noticed he was running right for me, somehow sensing where I was despite his lack of occular orbs. Finding this to be mildly amusing I wrestled the spear away from my opponent and hurled it at the priest. It impaled his chest and lodged in the wound, causing him to pass out. Just to be sure of his demise this time, I hurled an arrow at him, lodging it in his knee.
Once again content in his mortal wounds I decided to let him bleed to death while I dealt with more pressing, crossbow related issues. It was about when I was raiding an appartment building that I stepped onto a lower level and low and behold, there was the priest again, screaming his death taunts. With continued amusement I removed his clothing and broke the remaining joints he had. Even this didn't kill him, as he still somehow, in his waking momements, manage to try and attack me. Finally I tore the spear out of him and let him be. I left the city and haven't gone back since. I never got the message about his death though.
I somehow still expect to go back and find him there, with that spear, waiting for my return as a blind, master spearman.