[00:57] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Signups are over. 7 playing. Sending roles... (Setup: mm) |||
[00:57] --XylBot-- Role: Doctor (mafia). You can protect other players from kills. Each protection stops one kill, and lasts for one night. You win when you have majority and there are no other killers. The mafia are: Alexhans Sleeves.
[00:57] --XylBot-- Abilities: protect
[00:57] --XylBot-- Group abilities: mafiakill
[00:57] --XylBot-- Team members: Alexhans (Doctor), Sleeves (Godfather Roleblocker)
[00:57] * XylBot sets mode -vvvvv A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans Excedrin Grant Sleeves for #mafia
[00:57] * XylBot sets mode -vv fubarific yernab for #mafia
[00:57] * XylBot sets mode +m for #mafia
[00:57] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || It is night 0. Night ends in 180 s (or when all choices are in). Submit actions to XylBot. |||
[00:57] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans Excedrin fubarific Grant Sleeves yernab |||
[00:58] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Waiting for all actions... |||
[00:58] -> *XylBot* protect A_Fey_Dwarf
[00:58] --XylBot-- Action confirmed.
[00:58] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || yernab has been killed. |||
[00:58] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || yernab was a Stalker (town). |||
[00:58] * XylBot sets mode +vvvvv A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans Excedrin Grant Sleeves for #mafia
[00:58] * XylBot sets mode +v fubarific for #mafia
[00:58] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || It is day 1. It takes 4 votes to lynch. |||
[00:58] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans Excedrin fubarific Grant Sleeves |||
[00:58] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> ouch
[00:58] <+Grant> !xmafia help stalker
[00:58] <+Alexhans> !xmafia help stalker
[00:58] --XylBot-- Stalker (town; common; 6+ players): You can choose to either inspect someone or kill someone. Actions: inspect kill
[00:59] <+fubarific> !xmafia help stalker
[00:59] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Also it is lylo
[00:59] <+Alexhans> clearly he inspected?
[00:59] <+fubarific> aw man
[00:59] <+Sleeves> Cop+Vig?
[00:59] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> We can't nl
[00:59] <+Alexhans> or he chose to kill someone...
[00:59] <+Alexhans> no
[00:59] <+Alexhans> he mightv'e chosen to kill
[00:59] <+Alexhans> anyway
[00:59] <+Alexhans> no good
[00:59] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> WE CAN'T NO LYNCH
[00:59] <+Alexhans> Who wants
[00:59] <+Excedrin> ok
[00:59] <+Alexhans> oh
[00:59] <+Alexhans> I was going to say
[00:59] <+Alexhans> who wants to nl
[00:59] <+Alexhans> sibs?
[00:59] <+fubarific> wait, why can't we?
[00:59] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> We must MC
[00:59] <+Alexhans> hold on
[00:59] <+Sleeves> Aren't we at 6p?
[00:59] <+Grant> have to assume sibs imo
[00:59] <+Alexhans> hold on
[00:59] <+Alexhans> hold on
[00:59] <+Alexhans> no
[00:59] <+Excedrin> wait a sec before MC
[00:59] <+Alexhans> I fear survivor
[00:59] <+Excedrin> we're at 7p
[00:59] <+Alexhans> gambyt
[01:00] <+Alexhans> we are 6
[01:00] <+Grant> we're at 6
[01:00] <+Excedrin> oh
[01:00] <+Excedrin> ok
[01:00] <+Alexhans> unless you're sibs
[01:00] <+Excedrin> basically 5p then
[01:00] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> MC
[01:00] <+Sleeves> So are we at lylo or not?
[01:00] <+Alexhans> dude
[01:00] <+Alexhans> claim
[01:00] <+fubarific> MC
[01:00] <+Alexhans> first
[01:00] <+Alexhans> then we mc
[01:00] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I am sibling yes
[01:00] <+Excedrin> Sleeves: yea lylo
[01:00] <+Alexhans> good
[01:00] <+Alexhans> MC
[01:00] <+Sleeves> Oh
[01:00] <+Sleeves> Well... crap
[01:00] <+Grant> all rdy?
[01:00] <+Sleeves> Yup
[01:00] <+Alexhans> fubarific
[01:00] <+Excedrin> A_Fey_Dwarf: it would have been nice if you didn't claim before MC, but ok
[01:00] <+Alexhans> ready?
[01:00] <+fubarific> yep
[01:00] <+Grant> MC Countdown. Mass Claim on 0.
[01:00] <+Grant> 10
[01:00] <+Grant> 9
[01:00] <+Grant> 8
[01:00] <+fubarific> just writing my stuff down
[01:00] <+Grant> 7
[01:00] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Excedrin i was trying not to
[01:00] <+Grant> 6
[01:00] <+Grant> 5
[01:00] <+Grant> 4
[01:00] <+Grant> 3
[01:00] <+Grant> 2
[01:00] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> But alexhans pushed it out of me
[01:00] <+Grant> 1
[01:00] <+fubarific> Sibling to A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:00] <+Grant> 0 - Mass Claim NOW.
[01:00] <+Alexhans> Doc, protected A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:00] <+Excedrin> townie
[01:00] <+Sleeves> Doc; protected Exc n0
[01:00] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Sibling to fubarific.
[01:01] <+Grant> retired cop.
[01:01] <+Alexhans> 2 docs?
[01:01] <+Alexhans> really?
[01:01] <+Sleeves> Apparently
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Two docs is unlikely
[01:01] <+fubarific> seems so
[01:01] <+Alexhans> why did you protect Excedrin?
[01:01] <+Grant> had a fadebot game earlier with 3 docs, 2 of them mafia
[01:01] <+Grant> it's possible
[01:01] <+Excedrin> Grant: did you become cop?
[01:01] <+fubarific> lol
[01:01] <+Sleeves> Because I thought he'd be targetted obv
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> This isn't fadebot
[01:01] <+Grant> no, I didn't.
[01:01] <+fubarific> I thought it was?
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> It is mm
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> But i don't see any mm roles
[01:01] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:01] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || No one is currently voting. |||
[01:01] <+Alexhans> retired cop
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> just normal roles
[01:01] <+Alexhans> !xmafia help retired cop
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> !xmafia help mm
[01:01] --XylBot-- Retired Cop (town; common; 4+ players): When the cop dies, you become a Cop.
[01:01] <+Excedrin> ok
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> yeah
[01:01] <+fubarific> !xmafia help mm
[01:01] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> No non normal roles
[01:02] <+Grant> you mean b/c yernab had inspect?
[01:02] <+fubarific> oic
[01:02] <+Excedrin> yea
[01:02] <+Grant> is that why you asked?
[01:02] <+Excedrin> yes
[01:02] <+Grant> nope =/
[01:02] <+Alexhans> mmm
[01:02] <+Alexhans> Ima do some testsetups
[01:02] <+Sleeves> A_Fey_Dwarf: Who's scum?
[01:02] <+Alexhans> I find it highly unlikely
[01:02] <+Grant> wouldn't retired cop imply a cop?
[01:02] <+Alexhans> that there are 2 docs
[01:02] <+Grant> or notnecessarily?
[01:02] <+Alexhans> but Sleeves is incapable of good scumclaims
[01:02] <+Sleeves> I'm not incapable :C
[01:02] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Sleeves well it is either alexhans orSleeves imo
[01:02] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:02] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:02] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Mafioso, Ascetic; survivor: Survivor; town: Doctor Tracker*, Cop, Nurse, Townie
[01:02] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Roleblocker, Tracker; town: One-Shot Cop, Vigilante, Jailkeeper*, Nurse, Townie
[01:02] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:02] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Roleblocker, Mafioso; town: Vigilante, Retired Cop, Cop, Townie, Lesser Hot Nurse (0%)*
[01:02] <+Grant> Alexhans, we had 3 docs in a fadebot game earlier today, but had like 1 in 50 testsetups come out iwth even 2
[01:02] <+fubarific> Grant, I don't think so
[01:02] <+Alexhans> doc and nurse
[01:02] <+Excedrin> Grant: it does actually
[01:03] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> As you both claimed doc
[01:03] <+Alexhans> but not doc and doc
[01:03] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:03] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Roleblocker, Mafioso; town: Vigilante, Vice Cop, Townie (x3)
[01:03] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:03] <+fubarific> I'm pretty sure I've been a nurse before and there was no doctor...
[01:03] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Godfather Roleblocker*, Mafioso; town: Vigilante Inventor*, Roleblocker, Combat Medic Twin (Shellshocked)*, Townie (x2)
[01:03] <+Alexhans> ok
[01:03] <+Alexhans> lets see
[01:03] <+Excedrin> fubarific: depends on the setup
[01:03] <+fubarific> ah
[01:03] <+Alexhans> if scum is inside sibs
[01:03] <+Alexhans> this is not lylo
[01:03] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:03] <+Alexhans> wiat
[01:03] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Alexhans yes
[01:03] <+Alexhans> wait
[01:03] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> But if scum isn't
[01:03] <+Alexhans> let me do the math
[01:03] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Scum will know
[01:03] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> And will kill sib
[01:03] <+fubarific> wait, are you saying one sibling could be mafia?
[01:03] <+Sleeves> I'm running testsetups to check for 2 doc's
[01:03] <+fubarific> !xmafia help role
[01:03] <+Alexhans> no
[01:04] <+Alexhans> this is lylo
[01:04] <+Alexhans> either way
[01:04] <+Grant> siblings will be obv target tonight if there's no scum in them
[01:04] <+Alexhans> we need to find scum OUTSIDE sib group
[01:04] <+Grant> if they don't die, we can assume scum in sibs.
[01:04] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Also it could be a doble doc fakeclaim
[01:04] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> But i doubt sleeves is capable of that
[01:04] <+Alexhans> both scum claiming sibs seems stupid
[01:04] <+Alexhans> and would deserve a win
[01:04] <+Grant> but yes... this:
[01:04] <+Grant> 12-03 22:04:23> <+Alexhans> we need to find scum OUTSIDE sib group
[01:04] <+Alexhans> so, yeah
[01:04] <+Sleeves> Ow, my feelings
[01:04] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Alexhans why did you force the sibling out of me
[01:04] <+fubarific> the role help says Sibling is town...
[01:04] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:04] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || No one is currently voting. |||
[01:04] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> We should have waited till MC
[01:04] <+Alexhans> Excedrin, Sleeves, Grant or me
[01:04] <+fubarific> can you have a mafia sib'd with a town?
[01:04] <+Alexhans> A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:05] <+Alexhans> I thought you might be survivor
[01:05] <+Sleeves> Fuba: Yeah
[01:05] <+fubarific> hrm
[01:05] <+Alexhans> survivor MCing would've fucked us
[01:05] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Yeah sibling is town only
[01:05] <+Alexhans> A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:05] <+Sleeves> Wait
[01:05] <+Alexhans> sibling is not town only
[01:05] <+Alexhans> anyway
[01:05] <+Sleeves> !xmafia help sibling
[01:05] <+Excedrin> one sibling is town only
[01:05] <+Excedrin> other one can be town or mafia
[01:05] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Oh right
[01:05] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> True
[01:05] <+Sleeves> Yup
[01:05] <+Alexhans> Sleeves
[01:05] <+Sleeves> Yes?
[01:05] <+Alexhans> Why arent you voting for me?
[01:05] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> That is confusing help file
[01:05] <+Alexhans> how likely do you think that there are 2 town?
[01:05] <+Sleeves> What do you mean?
[01:05] <+fubarific> [23:01:01] <fubarific> Sibling to A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:06] <+fubarific> [23:01:02] <Grant> 0 - Mass Claim NOW.
[01:06] <+fubarific> [23:01:03] <Alexhans> Doc, protected A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:06] <+fubarific> [23:01:03] <Sleeves> Doc; protected Exc n0
[01:06] <+fubarific> [23:01:03] <Excedrin> townie
[01:06] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> "Sibling (town; common; 5+ players): If your sibling dies, you die as well. Sometimes one sibling (but not both) is mafia."
[01:06] <+fubarific> [23:01:04] <A_Fey_Dwarf> Sibling to fubarific.
[01:06] <+Alexhans> what do you think about Excedrin?
[01:06] <+fubarific> [23:01:04] <Grant> retired cop.
[01:06] <+Grant> why would sleeves vote for you Alexhans?
[01:06] <+Alexhans> town docs
[01:06] <+Alexhans> Grant
[01:06] <+Alexhans> let me speak to him
[01:06] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> It is contradictory
[01:06] <+Alexhans> what do you think about the likelyhood of there being 2 town docs?
[01:06] <+Sleeves> I'm not familiar with this setup
[01:06] <+Alexhans> sigh
[01:06] <+Alexhans> Excedrin
[01:06] <+Sleeves> But from the testsetup's I'd say nearly impossible >.>
[01:06] <+Alexhans> what do you think?
[01:06] <+Grant> about the same of having 2 mafia docs imo, which I saw happen today, along with a town doc in that game.
[01:06] <+Alexhans> about Sleeves?
[01:06] <+Alexhans> and me?
[01:07] <+Grant> this is fadebot, no?
[01:07] <+Alexhans> no
[01:07] <+Alexhans> mm
[01:07] <+Excedrin> it's mm
[01:07] <+Grant> ahh
[01:07] <+Excedrin> ok so
[01:07] <+Alexhans> !xmafia votes
[01:07] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:07] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || No one is currently voting. |||
[01:07] <+Grant> it was fadebot that happened in
[01:07] <+Alexhans> it's 4 to lynch
[01:07] <+Alexhans> so you guys need to start scumhunting
[01:07] <+Excedrin> I'm not sure if you said that both sibs are town
[01:07] <+Excedrin> but I think that it's correct
[01:07] <+Sleeves> Which are sibs again?
[01:07] <+Grant> Excedrin, who do you think is scum?
[01:07] <+Alexhans> Excedrin
[01:07] <+fubarific> ok, I'm gonna throw out there that I think Grant is legit, because it would be stupid to claim retired cop and not have your scum buddy claim cop as a cover
[01:07] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:07] <+Alexhans> we are not voting Sibs
[01:07] <+Alexhans> not today
[01:08] <+Excedrin> fubarific and A_Fey_Dwarf are sibs
[01:08] <+Alexhans> we need to find scum OUTSIDE sibs
[01:08] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I'm sure it has to be one of alexhans and sleeves
[01:08] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Or both
[01:08] <+Sleeves> Fuba: Wouldn't that be wifom?
[01:08] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> claiming doctor
[01:08] <+Alexhans> lol
[01:08] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> to throw us off
[01:08] <+Alexhans> that would be awesome
[01:08] <+Grant> agree with sleeve's assessment
[01:08] <+Alexhans> anyway
[01:08] <+Alexhans> I think it's Excedrin + Sleeves
[01:08] <+fubarific> I still don't get this "WIFOM" phrase you all use
[01:08] <+Excedrin> fubarific: do you understand why we couldn't NL with 6 and sibs?
[01:08] <+fubarific> lol
[01:08] <+Sleeves> Why Excedrin and me?
[01:08] <+Alexhans> Because Excedrin seems off
[01:08] <+fubarific> Excedrin, yes
[01:08] <+Grant> I don't see sleeves use the term wifom very often, if ever
[01:08] <+Alexhans> and you're 2 nd doc?
[01:08] <+Alexhans> come on
[01:08] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:09] <+Grant> odd that he would throw that out there now
[01:09] <+Sleeves> I use it about 2 times a day
[01:09] <+Alexhans> But im hesitant
[01:09] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Alexhans is seems genuinely town
[01:09] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> !vote sleeves
[01:09] <+Alexhans> I want to know what Grant things?
[01:09] <+Excedrin> fubarific: but you didn't understand that before this game? (early game you seemed unsure)
[01:09] <+Alexhans> thinks
[01:09] <+Alexhans> Grant
[01:09] <+Alexhans> what do you think?
[01:09] <+fubarific> yeah, I get it now
[01:09] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> !xmafia votes
[01:09] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:09] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 1 (A_Fey_Dwarf) |||
[01:09] <+Excedrin> ok
[01:09] <+Grant> I think Sleeves would be a good lynch
[01:09] <+Sleeves> Oh, I'm building my own bandwagon
[01:09] <+Alexhans> mmm
[01:09] <+Alexhans> crap
[01:09] <+fubarific> the two die together at night, means that it's a tie the next day aka town loses
[01:09] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Sleeves that aint a good thing
[01:09] <+Grant> he's participating too much
[01:10] <+Alexhans> Im totally avoiding the possiblity of sib scum + outside scum
[01:10] <+Alexhans> although i dont see that very often
[01:10] <+Grant> and yeah, it's crappy to punish someone for being involved, but my meta teslls me something is us
[01:10] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: why do you think Grant is clear, considering his claim and yernab's flip?
[01:10] <+Grant> up*
[01:10] <+Alexhans> I dont think that
[01:10] <+Alexhans> I only suspect you
[01:10] <+fubarific> yernab's flip?
[01:10] <+Alexhans> and Sleeves
[01:10] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Well
[01:10] <+Alexhans> mainly for his claim
[01:10] <+Sleeves> Hm?
[01:10] <+Grant> yernab had an inspect, yet when he died, I didn't become cop
[01:10] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: why don't you suspect Grant?
[01:10] <+Alexhans> For now... I have nothing on him
[01:10] <+fubarific> ohh
[01:11] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I'm actually thinking we have sleeves and fubarific scum team
[01:11] <+Alexhans> That's why Im trying to get reads
[01:11] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: what do you have on Sleeves again?
[01:11] <+Sleeves> AFD: Why?
[01:11] <+Alexhans> Excedrin
[01:11] <+Alexhans> 2 docs?
[01:11] <+Alexhans> seriously?
[01:11] <+Grant> wait, how is stalker different than vice cop?
[01:11] <+Excedrin> that's it?
[01:11] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Excedrin they both claimed docs
[01:11] <+Alexhans> yes
[01:11] <+fubarific> I thought you had to be cop and not like, someone with inspect, to get promoted up the ranks
[01:11] <+Alexhans> pretty much
[01:11] <+Grant> !xmafia help stalker
[01:11] <+Grant> !xmafia help vice cop
[01:11] <+Alexhans> that's why i havent voted
[01:11] <+Grant> oh
[01:11] <+Alexhans> because it can happen
[01:11] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Sleeves alexhans seems townie and you are not
[01:11] <+Grant> vice cop is rb
[01:11] <+Sleeves> Alex: You're lynching me because my claim is "Scummy"?
[01:11] <+Grant> not kill
[01:11] <+Alexhans> but its very unlikey
[01:11] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> It is either you or him
[01:11] <+Alexhans> Sleeves
[01:11] <+Alexhans> Im not even voting you
[01:11] <+Alexhans> Im saying why i suspect you
[01:11] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:11] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> !unvote
[01:11] <+Excedrin> ok
[01:11] <+Alexhans> and you still need to scumhunt
[01:11] <+fubarific> so anyone with inspect is considered a cop?
[01:11] <+Alexhans> and you still need to scumhunt
[01:12] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> This is quite a confusing setup
[01:12] <+Sleeves> Wait, so I'm not building a bandwagon anymore?
[01:12] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: do you see a connection to me and Sleeves?
[01:12] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> As there is no balance
[01:12] <+fubarific> and can have someone bump up into their role?
[01:12] <+Alexhans> Excedrin, not really
[01:12] <+Grant> well, that's an issue on the table fubarific
[01:12] <+Alexhans> I just find you scummy
[01:12] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> oh right stalker
[01:12] <+Alexhans> and he is null like always
[01:12] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:12] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || No one is currently voting. |||
[01:12] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: based on what?
[01:12] <+Alexhans> not much, dude
[01:12] <+Sleeves> fubarific: Who do you suspect?
[01:12] <+Grant> my experience in this game tells me no, anyone with inspect is not considered a cop
[01:12] <+Alexhans> this is experience
[01:12] <+fubarific> not sure
[01:12] <+Alexhans> I couldnt convince anyone right now
[01:12] <+Alexhans> Let me think
[01:12] <+Sleeves> What does your gut tell you?
[01:12] <+Alexhans> MY gut tells me its Excedrin
[01:13] <+fubarific> gut says Sleeves + Excedrin
[01:13] <+Alexhans> and Im doubting about Sleeves
[01:13] <+Alexhans> but I think a bit more
[01:13] <+Alexhans> that is Sleeves
[01:13] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> my gut sleeves and fubarific
[01:13] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> !vote sleeves
[01:13] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> For sure
[01:13] <+Sleeves> So everyone thinks it's me?
[01:13] <+Alexhans> Excedrin
[01:13] <+Excedrin> Sleeves: that's what it looks like
[01:13] <+Alexhans> what do you think about Sleeves?
[01:13] <+Alexhans> Sleevesl
[01:13] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> A question is two docs two sibs a stalker and a mafioso balanced?
[01:13] <+Sleeves> What!?
[01:13] <+Alexhans> who do YOU think is scum?
[01:14] <+Alexhans> A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:14] <+Alexhans> no
[01:14] <+Alexhans> there's 2 scum
[01:14] <+Sleeves> Fuba
[01:14] <+Alexhans> as sure as hell
[01:14] <+Grant> I'm kinda picking up town vibes off sleeves, sadly
[01:14] <+Alexhans> with sibs
[01:14] <+Sleeves> Sadly? :c
[01:14] <+Alexhans> that combination can only mean a lot of wifom
[01:14] <+Alexhans> and 2 scum
[01:14] <+fubarific> lol
[01:14] <+Excedrin> why mafioso?
[01:14] <+Grant> as in, I'd like to lynch you, but not feeling you're scum as of last couple minutes
[01:14] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> It is possible to have two docs as town if the sibs are town as well
[01:14] <+Alexhans> who do YOU think is scum?
[01:14] <+Alexhans> Sleevesl
[01:14] <+Sleeves> I already answered that
[01:14] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I suppose
[01:14] <+Excedrin> Grant: so, Alexhans is the scum doctor?
[01:14] <+Alexhans> who
[01:14] <+Alexhans> who did you say?
[01:14] <+Sleeves> fubarific
[01:15] <+Alexhans> lol
[01:15] <+Alexhans> !vote Sleeves
[01:15] <+Alexhans> I think you may be right
[01:15] <+Grant> I think it's within the realm of possibility that there are two docs
[01:15] <+Alexhans> AFD
[01:15] <+Excedrin> two town docs?
[01:15] <+Grant> /test mm 7
[01:15] <+Sleeves> If you think I'm right then why're you voting me? -_-
[01:15] <+Alexhans> I dont think so
[01:15] <+Alexhans> I was hesitant
[01:15] <+Alexhans> because XylBot surprises me
[01:15] <+Grant> ahh, well, put that way, meh
[01:15] <+fubarific> two docs seems possible, two town docs seems unlikely
[01:15] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:15] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 2 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans) |||
[01:15] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Yeah well two docs sort of balances out the two sibs
[01:15] <+Alexhans> but Sleeves just jumped on fubarific
[01:15] <+Grant> I suppose that would be pretty damn rare
[01:15] <+Alexhans> after AFD mentioned him
[01:15] <+Sleeves> I didn't jump on her
[01:15] <+fubarific> *her
[01:15] <+Alexhans> why not?
[01:15] <+Excedrin> A_Fey_Dwarf: why did you say:
[01:15] <+Excedrin> 20:14:03 <+A_Fey_Dwarf> A question is two docs two sibs a stalker and a mafioso balanced?
[01:16] <+Excedrin> particularly the "and a mafioso" part
[01:16] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I meant two mafioso
[01:16] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> not a
[01:16] <+Grant> /test mm 7
[01:16] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I was thinking it was excedrin and Grant for a while
[01:16] <+Excedrin> ok, either way, how is it specifically a mafioso?
[01:16] <+Excedrin> and not some other scum role?
[01:16] <+Grant> I'm seeing some really messy testsetups
[01:16] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Because i didn't know the roles of said mafioso
[01:16] * Alexhans testsetupping
[01:16] <+Sleeves> fubarific: You're lurking more than I do
[01:16] <+fubarific> how do you test setup?
[01:16] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:16] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Disabler Godfather*, Roleblocker Cheater*; survivor: Survivor; town: Lesser Stalker*, Hot Nurse, Retired Wolf Hunter, Townie
[01:16] -> *XylBot* !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:17] --XylBot-- [mm] mafia: Mafioso (x2); town: Roleblocker Retired Cop*, Cream Puff, Cop, Roleblocker, Townie
[01:17] <+Sleeves> /msg XylBot xmafia testsetup
[01:17] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I was meaning mafioso as team not role
[01:17] <+Alexhans> /msg XylBot !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:17] <+Alexhans> /msg XylBot !xmafia testsetup mm 7
[01:17] <+Grant> /msg xylbot xmafia testsetup <setup> <players>
[01:17] <+Excedrin> A_Fey_Dwarf: it obviously depends on the roles of the mafia
[01:17] <+Alexhans> Grant, what do you think about Excedrin?
[01:17] <+fubarific> oooh neat
[01:17] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:17] <+fubarific> oooh neat
[01:17] <+Alexhans> Sleeves
[01:17] <+fubarific> err
[01:17] <+fubarific> whoops
[01:17] <+fubarific> lol
[01:17] <+Sleeves> Yes?
[01:17] <+Alexhans> why are you lurking?
[01:17] <+Sleeves> I'm testsetup'ing
[01:17] <+Alexhans> ...
[01:18] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I can't make a decison on this one,
[01:18] <+Alexhans> ok
[01:18] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> But i'm reasonably sure sleeves is scum
[01:18] <+Alexhans> hint... Sleeves said fubarific was scum.... but is not voting
[01:18] <+Alexhans> he doesnt even realize I claimed doc...
[01:18] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:18] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 2 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans) |||
[01:18] <+Grant> OK
[01:18] <+fubarific> who isn't voting?
[01:18] <+Grant> 12-03 22:18:41 -XylBot- [mm] mafia: Roleblocker, Coward; town: Cop Double Voter*, Doctor, Nurse, Sibling Cop*, Doctor Sibling*
[01:18] <+Sleeves> I don't like voting on gut feeling
[01:18] <+Alexhans> he should've wondered about the setup
[01:18] <+Alexhans> really?
[01:18] <+Grant> so it is possible
[01:19] <+Alexhans> werent you the one that said
[01:19] <+Alexhans> gut on d1?
[01:19] <+Excedrin> in that setup
[01:19] <+Alexhans> locig in lylo
[01:19] <+Excedrin> it's a doctor sibling
[01:19] <+Alexhans> doc != nurse
[01:19] <+Grant> right
[01:19] <+Excedrin> slightly different
[01:19] <+Sleeves> Alex: Did I say that this game or the last game?
[01:19] <+Alexhans> last game
[01:19] <+Sleeves> We weren't in lylo then
[01:19] <+Excedrin> you won't find Doctor (x2) imo
[01:19] <+Alexhans> oh
[01:19] <+Alexhans> lol
[01:19] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> So a strong town balances out the siblings
[01:19] <+fubarific> rofl super coward cop, test setups are awesome
[01:19] <+Alexhans> you're actually right
[01:19] <+Alexhans> Sleeves is right
[01:19] <+Alexhans> guys
[01:20] <+Alexhans> XD
[01:20] <+Alexhans> we are in lylo
[01:20] <+Sleeves> I'm right sometimes
[01:20] <+Grant> right about hwat?
[01:20] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> !xmafia votes
[01:20] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:20] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 2 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans) |||
[01:20] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: you didn't know that?
[01:20] <+Sleeves> Being in lylo
[01:20] <+Alexhans> anyway
[01:20] <+Alexhans> yes
[01:20] <+Alexhans> I did
[01:20] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> yes and scum haven't double hammered
[01:20] <+Alexhans> I just questioned him wrongly
[01:20] <+Alexhans> about a phrase
[01:20] <+Alexhans> [01:18] <+Sleeves> I don't like voting on gut feeling
[01:20] <+Alexhans> çnvm
[01:20] <+fubarific> [23:20:29] -XylBot- [mm] mafia: Lesser Frame Artist Doctor*, Godfather; town: Vigilante, Retired Cop, Doctor, Combat Medic Cop (Shellshocked)*, Roleblocker
[01:20] <+fubarific> found doctor X2
[01:20] <+Excedrin> no
[01:20] <+Sleeves> That's combat medic
[01:21] <+Alexhans> and notice one is mafia
[01:21] <+fubarific> ohh
[01:21] <+fubarific> you meant X2 town
[01:21] <+fubarific> my bad
[01:21] <+Sleeves> Yes
[01:21] <+Grant> yes
[01:21] <+Excedrin> 20:39:14 -XylBot- [fadebot] mafia: Mafioso (x2); town: Timebomber, Reviver, Double Voter, Super-Saint
[01:21] <+Alexhans> ok
[01:21] <+Alexhans> fubarific
[01:21] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:21] <+Excedrin> see Mafioso (x2)
[01:21] <+Alexhans> who do you think is scum
[01:21] <+Alexhans> fubarific
[01:21] <+fubarific> moi?
[01:21] <+Excedrin> you won't find Doctor (x2)
[01:21] <+Grant> yeah, I really don't like that line,
[01:21] <+Sleeves> Excedrin: That's fadebot
[01:21] <+Alexhans> yes
[01:21] <+Excedrin> in MM setup
[01:21] <+Alexhans> you
[01:21] <+Excedrin> I know
[01:21] <+fubarific> I'm still have gut feelings on Sleeves + Excedrin
[01:21] <+Grant> you said last game d1 is all about gut, now you're saying we shouldn't go on gut, Sleeves?
[01:21] <+fubarific> but I have nothing condusive on anyone
[01:21] <+Alexhans> yes?
[01:21] <+Sleeves> WE'RE IN LYLO
[01:21] <+fubarific> aka no legit reasons
[01:21] <+Alexhans> and who would you vote?
[01:21] <+Alexhans> Sleeves or exc?
[01:21] <+Sleeves> Usually on d1 we aren't
[01:22] <+Alexhans> who's scummier?
[01:22] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Guys!
[01:22] <+Alexhans> what?
[01:22] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Scum haven't double hammered
[01:22] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> So that means sleeves is scum
[01:22] <+Alexhans> A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:22] <+Excedrin> so, it's Alexhans + A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:22] <+Alexhans> that's lame
[01:22] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Or one of alex and i are scum
[01:22] <+Grant> or that you or Alexhans is scum
[01:22] <+fubarific> tbh, I'd vote Excedrin before Sleeves just on the fact that if leave the doctors you could have both of them protect each of the sibs
[01:22] <+Alexhans> scum is lame
[01:22] <+Excedrin> or A_Fey_Dwarf + Sleeves
[01:22] <+Alexhans> we have fubarific
[01:22] <+fubarific> assuming they are legit
[01:22] <+Alexhans> we have Grant
[01:22] <+Excedrin> or Alexhans + Sleeves
[01:22] <+Alexhans> when have you seen them quickhammer?
[01:22] <+Alexhans> guys
[01:22] <+Alexhans> this is bullshit
[01:22] <+fubarific> otherwise I'd vote Sleeves first
[01:22] <+Alexhans> dont pull the "quick hammer" argument
[01:22] <+Alexhans> because it's fake
[01:23] <+Excedrin> Sleeves didn't claim SS
[01:23] <+Excedrin> nobody else claimed vig
[01:23] <+Alexhans> Excedrin
[01:23] <+Alexhans> you know damn right
[01:23] <+Excedrin> scum has no reason to slowroll
[01:23] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:23] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 2 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans) |||
[01:23] <+Alexhans> that scum is lame
[01:23] <+Sleeves> I remember when fuba and I were scumteam, took a few minutes to organize the hammer
[01:23] <+Alexhans> Sleeves and Grant missed plenty of chances to quickhammer
[01:23] <+Excedrin> if it's Grant + fubarific you should hammer
[01:23] <+Alexhans> many games
[01:23] <+Alexhans> anyway
[01:23] <+Alexhans> Excedrin
[01:23] <+Alexhans> if its them
[01:23] <+Alexhans> they probably wont
[01:23] <+Alexhans> because they suck
[01:23] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Hmm
[01:23] <+Alexhans> they will wait for half an hour
[01:23] <+Grant> I would definately have hammered if I were scum and neither sib was scum wth me
[01:23] <+Alexhans> anyway
[01:23] <+Alexhans> I still think it's Sleeves
[01:24] <+Excedrin> ...
[01:24] <+Alexhans> so tonw should slow hammer
[01:24] <+Alexhans> or whatever
[01:24] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> They don't have to hammer alexhans
[01:24] <+Excedrin> Grant: what difference does that make?
[01:24] <+fubarific> !xmafia votes
[01:24] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:24] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 2 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans) |||
[01:24] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> They can just pretend they want the lynch in a town fashion
[01:24] <+Alexhans> Grant
[01:24] <+Grant> Alexhans is suggesting I wouldn't have
[01:24] <+Alexhans> its the same thing
[01:24] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> And then the other scum partner hammers
[01:24] <+Excedrin> Grant: if you're scum with fubarific you should hammer right now
[01:24] <+Grant> I'm not tho, so...
[01:24] <+Alexhans> lol
[01:24] <+Alexhans> and Excedrin said I was scum
[01:24] <+Alexhans> with A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:24] <+Alexhans> or Sleeves
[01:24] <+Alexhans> or someone
[01:24] <+Grant> !xmafia votes
[01:24] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:24] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 2 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans) |||
[01:24] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: please read context
[01:24] <+Excedrin> Alexhans: ah
[01:24] <+Sleeves> Hold on, I gotta re-read MC
[01:24] <+Excedrin> fucking lightbulb
[01:24] <+Alexhans> and totally omitted the fact that it could be A_Fey_Dwarf + someone(anyone)
[01:25] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Excedrin?
[01:25] <+Alexhans> including him
[01:25] <+Alexhans> or me and him
[01:25] <+Excedrin> I just realized why I can't play with Alexhans
[01:25] <+Grant> I'm kinda leaning towards AFD at the moment
[01:25] <+Alexhans> or Sleeves and anyone
[01:25] <+Excedrin> it's because he doesn't read
[01:25] <+Alexhans> ok
[01:25] <+Alexhans> reading
[01:25] <+Alexhans> dude
[01:25] <+Excedrin> drives me nuts
[01:25] <+fubarific> what are we reading?
[01:25] <+Alexhans> you gave 3 choicres
[01:25] <+Alexhans> choices
[01:25] <+Excedrin> he missed the entire context
[01:25] <+Excedrin> yea
[01:25] <+Alexhans> there are a lot more
[01:25] <+Alexhans> including you scum
[01:25] * Sleeves is getting sleepy
[01:25] <+Excedrin> I was responding to A_Fey_Dwarf's assertion
[01:25] <+Alexhans> ok
[01:25] * fubarific is also very sleepy
[01:25] <+Alexhans> whatever
[01:25] <+Excedrin> that no hammer implies that Sleeves is certain scum
[01:25] <+Alexhans> Sleeves is still scum
[01:25] <+Sleeves> Awww :C
[01:25] <+Excedrin> not that I actually think those are the only scumteams
[01:26] <+Alexhans> [01:25] <+Sleeves> Awww :C
[01:26] <+Alexhans> see?
[01:26] <+Excedrin> you would get that if you read context
[01:26] <+Alexhans> he is not even denying it
[01:26] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Excedrin maybe english isn't his first language and when sentances aren't precise they are difficult to read if you are not strong with the language
[01:26] <+Excedrin> I know that
[01:26] <+Alexhans> A_Fey_Dwarf
[01:26] <+Sleeves> I was expressing my displeasure at you thinking I'm scum |:C
[01:26] <+Alexhans> its not that
[01:26] <+Grant> he did add an afterward to that, though Excedrin
[01:26] * Sajin (
Sajin@ip68-2-138-137.ph.ph.cox.net) has left #mafia
[01:26] <+Alexhans> I was just moving faster
[01:26] <+Alexhans> than the game
[01:26] <+Alexhans> as I always do
[01:26] <+Excedrin> he does a good job at English tho, I think he'd get it if he read the context
[01:26] <+Grant> that it could also mean it was him or Alexhans
[01:26] * Alexhans kicks and shouts "roadhouse"
[01:26] <+fubarific> anyone have a problem if I vote Sleeves now?
[01:26] <+Alexhans> anyway
[01:26] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> You guys want to lynch me?
[01:27] <+Alexhans> fubarific needs to vote
[01:27] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> I'm happy with that
[01:27] <+Alexhans> fubarific needs to vote
[01:27] <+Alexhans> fubarific needs to vote
[01:27] <+fubarific> k
[01:27] <+Excedrin> yes
[01:27] <+Alexhans> and explain
[01:27] <+fubarific> yes a problem?
[01:27] <+Alexhans> and Excedrin too
[01:27] <+Excedrin> no
[01:27] <+Excedrin> please vote
[01:27] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> As i'm thinking fubar is in the scum team
[01:27] <+fubarific> !vote Sleeves
[01:27] <+Sleeves> Woo
[01:27] <+Sleeves> !xmafia votes
[01:27] <+Alexhans> nice
[01:27] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:27] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 3 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans fubarific) |||
[01:27] <+Alexhans> reason?
[01:27] <+Excedrin> ok so
[01:27] <+Sleeves> I have my own bandwagon again
[01:27] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> But if that were the case wouldn't it be better for a nolynch to prove it?
[01:27] <+Excedrin> we can certainly say that there's a bunch of impossible scumteams, yes?
[01:27] <+Alexhans> Grant?
[01:27] <+Grant> Alexhans just seems so pro town
[01:27] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Yeah
[01:27] <+Alexhans> what do you think about L-1
[01:27] <+Grant> but I'm not getting scum vibes from Sleeves
[01:28] <+A_Fey_Dwarf> Unless grant is asleep
[01:28] <+Alexhans> and no hammer?
[01:28] <+Alexhans> now is the time
[01:28] <+fubarific> explaination: 1) looool bandwagon 2) He's part of my gut feeling scum team 3) Just sending off the wrong vibes
[01:28] <+fubarific> yes I know weak reasons
[01:28] <+Alexhans> unless both scum are in his waggon
[01:28] <+fubarific> but I want to get things moving as well
[01:28] <+Excedrin> Grant: you never get scumvibes from Sleeves
[01:28] <+Sleeves> Just sending off the wrong vibes?
[01:28] <+Grant> ok
[01:28] <+Alexhans> and that would mean me + a sib
[01:28] <+Grant> that's true.
[01:28] <+Excedrin> do you?
[01:28] <+Alexhans> because both sibs scum
[01:28] <+Grant> good point Excedrin
[01:28] <+Alexhans> is crazy
[01:28] <+Grant> !vote Sleeves
[01:28] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (4 to lynch) |||
[01:28] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves - 4 (A_Fey_Dwarf Alexhans fubarific Grant) |||
[01:28] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves has been lynched. |||
[01:28] <@XylBot> ||| MAFIABOT || Sleeves was a Godfather Roleblocker (mafia). |||