Last Scenario. Find it somewhere.
Heh, I remember that one when it came out. Great game. Originally released
here on somethingawful back in 07, you will need the archives upgrade to see the thread.
If you would be put off playing by the fairly generic intro backstory, don't be as
things really, really aren't what they seem. It seems cliché to start with on purpose.
Also the game is huge. As I recall there were at least two occasions that I thought the game was coming to a conclusion, only for it to expand into a vaster world.
The game also includes a complete minigame.
Follow the download link
here for the game.
As I remember, the download didn't come with instructions for the controls so I'll post a copy of it here.
Controls are the following: Space continues the dialog, X opens and closes the menu, and B selects an menu entry. You do move around with the cursor keys. Alt + Enter switches to full screen and F1 opens a few menu options including letting you rebind keys.
The game uses a font that may not be installed on your computer. If you have Office, you can get it
here, otherwise you can get it
here. If you're running vista, you have to get rid of msgothic.ttc (or rename it to something else) before you can load that file.