The idea here is to take the map Dwarf Heaven and turn it into a house of horrors filled with devious death traps, dungeons holding multitudes of prisoners who must fight each other for their very survival (for another day-of life, that is) and in general turn the map into an obsidian-glassed elf's nightmare. Anyone interested? Rules will be as follows:
1. No deliberate setting off tantrum spirals-it's not the dwarfs we want to go insane, it's the elves/orcs/gobbos/whatever else we catch.
2. Pet orcs are acceptable, if you can mod it in and catch and tame them yourself.
a. These are orc mod orcs, so DON'T train them into war orcs (That would be cheap-pet orcs are cheap enough, and I feel they should be allowed because it IS *Mordor* after all)! Oh, and they need to have the [PET_EXOTIC] tag if you decide to give it a shot
b. They keep trap avoid-get creative.
3. HFS jailers are not only encouraged, but almost required if you are the one to hit admantine (IF you get SoF, try and catch and use them in your traps...say, place two inbetween adamantine vertical bars, and drop prisoners inbetween them for a slow roast-can also do that for catsplosions)
4. Elves may be allowed to live if you don't have something to kill them with, or if they bring good stuff (read: gators, eagles, crocs, etc.) . Otherwise, you should try and cage them for later amusement-don't kill them right off the bat. Better to have fun pitting them against 12 GCS in the arena pit, if you ask me.
5. Up to two people may sign up in advance of their turn. This is to ensure people can actually play their turn when it is time.
6. Standard stuff-one game year per turn, etc.
7. I have modded in pet werewolves-feel free to have some fun with them
(originally because of the orcs, but it turns out orcs slaughter regardless).
-The Eye of Armok.-CLEAR Glass walls, with a black obsidian pupil and onetime use floodgates on each of the four sides. On top of the fortress, to serve as dwarf magma cannon. Make sure the eye can be accessed from the inside to restore the floodgates and mechanisms after each firing.
-Excavate the volcano and give it an actual slope-make an entrance into it and place a magma forge there for legendary metalcrafters.
-make only one entrance into the map, guarded by (drawbridge protected in case of orcs) GCSs. Bonus points, make one entrance for caravans (we might need them for SOME things...) three tiles wide...which can be blocked to force passage through a path one tile wide (drawbridges raised) where the Spiders are hidden
W=wall, S=GCS, D=Drawbridge
-Actually CAST a tower out of solid obsidian. Then do the same for the branches.
-Dining chamber-betting room spanning 3-4 z levels with a glass walled pit in the center. Add a few GCSs to the pit, some giant eagles/giant bats (I know there should be some on the map, just have to figure out how to catch and breed the damn things)-and war cats OR tamed and trained giant rats.
-Capture one or more SoF (if present in the HFS). Profit.
So, anyone interested?
Edit: Using dwarf companion to butcher elves or nobles and get elf/dwarf leather clothes is perfectly acceptable.
Edit: First Turn: Byakugan01
Second Turn: crash2455
Third Turn: CJ1145
Wait List (For people interested):