There's no skill system. Only a time system. Like lets say you decide to craft some clothing. All your standard actions would be taken up that turn, and you couldn't do anything else. Where movement is only important during Combat (And hunting), so there's ALMOST no limitation in how far you can move in one turn, but you can't however move farther than a single area. Once you move into a new area, its a new turn. And once you devote your standard actions to a craft object, you can't do anything else.
Now that you ACTUALLY have followers (also, you guys are a caveman. Your not smart enough to think up a god. ONLY SMASHY SMASHY, TALKY TALKY, EAT EAT, and FIRE GOOD, NO FIRE BAD, and COLD COLD COLD can come to mind.) you can actually give them orders so they can fill their standard turns. Same rules apply to them, they can do everything you can do.
But yeah, the games more of a journey in itself, so the next game (and there will be several games after this one. I plan a series using AsciiDraw.) will have stats and skills, this one is suppose to be simple and easy to update, but at least you guys will be able to do more quickly.
Anyhow, It looks like you guys want to make axes. You need reed, which is plentyful, but lots of it, and logs to make huts, along with Animal Hide for the floor. So it seems like you want to cut down some trees, then gather things like rocks, reeds, and food. And THEN of course hunt.
So, what will it be? make axes? You can of course set the two followers to making two axes, and do something yourself.