More progress made with my place.
I refined the farm to me more immune to animal attacks (freaking pigs), made the farms easier to access (added half-steps with a couple full steps for style and torches) over the water sources. Added a shop so I won't have to travel as much and to fill an ugly gap, added a perimeter balcony to make farming and spotting easier, and also for style (even in rendering).
Furthermore, I did a little more exploratory mining judging from the other map. Still can't figure out where that other cavern is. I may have rendered the UG map oddly (mirrored and flipped?), rendering it unreadable at first glance. Found more coal, made more torches. I also dedicated some time carving out a large land mass from the sides of the farming block. I added more foliage while at it.
And lastly, I finished a little herb garden/temple I had developing when I first started. It's now 95% protected from wildlife (only a single accessible tile in the front door for viewing is the only way in and out. It comes with a glass roof and has spikes of torches.
Oh yeah, I finished and decorated my small path, and speaking of paths, during my tree-farming, land-carving, and farming, I think I have gathered more than enough material to finish Greater Mine's royal pathway, which I can also spot easily from the farmlands. It's beautiful. Might still want to make a lighthouse for decor. Overall, this is turning out well. I managed to get a better read and defense system for mob attacks, so gathering additional materials should be much less of a hassle. Speaking of reducing hassle, I got enough creeper blood (aka gunpowder) to craft me a few TNT. Mining should be less trouble for the Greater Mines now.
To make projects a little simpler to accomplish, I've made my dock have an import/export function setup (will be the same way with others, depending on project). It'll be what you'd expect. Whatever the site is easiest in gathering, that's the export, and what it needs is it's import. Example, thanks to the tree farms and grain (plus cooked pork), wood and food is a main export. It does need ores if I intend on building anything else, so that'll be it's main import. But from the looks of things, I don't think it'll need an export. I like it how it is.
And here are the new screens from both sides. Compare to the last one and you'll see one hell of a difference. I've decided to post day-night pics, seeing as they're easier to look at, and still show off the lighting a bit.
I think my maps are being slightly reduced. Odd.