Received a few messages about this. I gave OP to most Bay12ers that asked for it, whom I felt could be trusted. Those OPs also OPed other Bay12ers, so if anything we're all guilty of trust. I don't know who in particular OPed Hungry and the specifics of what he did(I only have the log and what people have told me). But I know in OPing who I did I felt I and your fellow Bay12ers are trusting you guys not to be dicks to one another. It's a handy tool to be able to warp and make adminium for anti-flooding purposes.
I only have one rule about the server that was the MOTD I had before. "Don't be a dick".
If someone tells you to stop something, then please stop it. Don't abuse OP. I don't want to go deOP or banhammer people, but I think you guys know and I don't have to tell you what I'll tolerate. I can go through and admin through the OP mess but I'm trusting you guys to be mature about it. I have no qualms about banning anyone here (insta-bans), reversing bans, and such, but I like to think I'm fair and following the community will rather than being a douche about it.
So that's a warning there, talk and joke all you want (hey this is the internet) but don't physically be an asshole. You know better, Hungry. And the rest of you I like that I've had to do very little moderation since we've gone private, it speaks for your maturity above the usual internet/minecraft hurr-ima-durr.