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Author Topic: DIG DEEPER, V1.4B  (Read 176110 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #480 on: October 17, 2009, 04:06:57 pm »

The green slimes...  Dar god, why the green slimes?  My unarmed dwarves can do NOTHING against them!  And a silver golem took my axe!

I haven't had a fort last more than two years yet.  I'm on my fifth fort.  I love this mod.
And when you build your fortress walls from the bones of skeletal elephants, slain my weapons forged from melted goblin plunder, fed on cattle that graze on grass that blinks.  Then, you will know dwarfdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #481 on: October 17, 2009, 07:33:52 pm »

Sodel Ushildegel, the Mad King of Armorsoaked

High in the mountains, where no dwarf dared to tread for fear of the ancient mythical beasts that made their homes in the many writhing caves that wormed their way down to the very depths of the world, a madman named Sodel lead an expedition of twenty degenerates and lost souls, bound for the pits of hell and without purpose. He probed the caves untouched by time, he avoided creatures too grotesque for description, he wound his way through the chasms and black pits and trenches rife with the smell of death with naught to show for it but a wide smile and a spring in his step.

One day, he made camp. He struck the earth with an old rusted pick and carved himself a place where he would be king. A king of the mad and the damned. From far and wide all the beggars, and the plague victims, and the demon worshipers threw up their hats and shouted to the good will of "Sodel, the Mad King of the ancient and the unknown!" From the cold earth he brought forth gold and iron, from the dead ground he brought forth Beer and food, and all about him rejoiced.

Armok looked down on this spectacle and was displeased. For from the mad comes no worship and no tithe, and the Mad King was godless and rebellious. And so Armok spoke to Sodel in his sleep, and said thus. "Sodel, you are a fool drenched in his own pride. You have forsaken me, and I shall forsake you in turn. For all your accomplishments are as nothing to me, as the cities of ants are as nothing to the giants. In seven days an army of Orcs, every one a mirror of your lunacy and outrage, will descend upon you and crush all you have wrought. Heed this warning, and prepare for your destruction."

Sodel awoke the next morning, smiling as he always did, but now invigorated with new found purpose. For six days and seven nights he toiled, oblivious to the world around him and full of joy. And on the seventh day the Orcs did come, and they stormed upon the keep and slaughtered all within. But there, at the end of a long hallway stood Sodel, laughing maniacally.

Filled with the wrath of Armok, the Orcs charged at the lone dwarf. But as they charged, they were one by one ensnared in elaborate and cruel traps. One Orc was caught by both arms and legs, only to be slowly torn apart. another was caught between two stones and slowly crushed to death. Each trap was unique and clever as it was gruesome and terrible. But the leader of the Orcs was a cunning swordmaster, and he was not caught. He stood behind the others as they were picked off one by one. And when all the Orcs were dead or dying, and all the traps sprung, he threw himself at Sodel, and just as his blade fell, and the power of Armok turned the stone in the hall to slag, and the laughter of the Mad King reached it crescendo, a huge steel box descended from the ceiling, fell onto him and went right through the floor.

The container fell into an infinite black pit, the laughter following it into the depths of existence. And as Sodel laughed, Armok said a final word to him. "Mad King, you have avoided my attack and rebuffed my anger. You are truly a man worthy of song. So now, in my mercy, I shall give you a final gift; immortality. May you live forever under the mountains you call your domain."

And the laughter stopped.

Based on a true story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #482 on: October 17, 2009, 09:41:27 pm »

Godwin that was awesome...

About the great helms... I'm fixing them in an update after I finish this week's exams... I'm not sure if I intended them for dwarves to wear... I think I did... I'll check the entity files...
I'm Digging Deeper... AGAIN... You Should Too!

Dig Deeper DIAMOND - 750+ items of new content including; new plants, new creatures, new metals, new woods, new gems, new stones, new crafts and much, much more.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #483 on: October 18, 2009, 09:52:13 pm »

Finally got a chance to use my marksdwarf trap. I walled in a giant courtyard, making my fortress look kind of like a giant beetle, and set up walled in fortifications facing inwards to ambush sieges. The last six sieges have been able to avoid this trap, mostly due to luck - a single hammerdwarf stands too close and charges, a trade caravan or liaison leaves right as they get there, etc - and have instead been slaughtered by hammerdwarves, their gear scattered pretty much everywhere. But finally, a siege of 4 orc squads blundered into the trap.

If I have one complaint about the orcs, it's that it takes them too long to realize they're dead. Several of them were stumbling around the courtyard with mangled hearts and lungs, taking even more bolts until they finally bled out. Final tally - 50 dead orcs, 0 dwarves. I don't think the bow orcs even returned fire, the only arrows shot were in the final charge when the orcs were retreating and I ordered the hammerdwarves after them.

Honestly, the orcs are a fierce enemy that scare the crap out of me. But dwarves don't crap. It was a perfect trap with experienced, professional soldiers, very fun, even moreso than death towering my goblins.

Oh yea, Godwin, awesome story. Trappable orcs aren't quite as scary, but it's a good read nonetheless.

Edit: On a completely different note, watermelons scare me. I've been doing some aboveground farming to give my dwarves some variety, and the giant green O's of watermelons are exactly the same as orc bowmen. I always do a double take on the dining floor when I see dwarves eating a bow orc.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 10:00:18 pm by Grendus »
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #484 on: October 19, 2009, 04:01:49 am »

Ronin, you might want to adjust the cost of Cobaltite for the embark screen.  It's way too cheap at three points per unit compared to 24 for iron ores.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #485 on: October 19, 2009, 08:08:32 am »

Ronin, you might want to adjust the cost of Cobaltite for the embark screen.  It's way too cheap at three points per unit compared to 24 for iron ores.

A very good suggestion... Noted...
I'm Digging Deeper... AGAIN... You Should Too!

Dig Deeper DIAMOND - 750+ items of new content including; new plants, new creatures, new metals, new woods, new gems, new stones, new crafts and much, much more.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #486 on: October 19, 2009, 09:29:25 am »

[02:34] <@Lofn> I just set a trap to drop the orcs into my magma moat, right.  Bridge and a lever, simple stuff.
[02:35] <@Lofn> I killed all of them. Except for one, who was catapaulted over the ditches, past the marksdwarves, down my main corridor and right into main stairwell.
[02:35] <@Lofn> Her name is Doomchaos and she is a hammerlord.

I love this mod.
Also known as Zuhayr.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #487 on: October 19, 2009, 11:34:37 am »

[02:34] <@Lofn> I just set a trap to drop the orcs into my magma moat, right.  Bridge and a lever, simple stuff.
[02:35] <@Lofn> I killed all of them. Except for one, who was catapaulted over the ditches, past the marksdwarves, down my main corridor and right into main stairwell.
[02:35] <@Lofn> Her name is Doomchaos and she is a hammerlord.

I love this mod.

 :o was that the end of that fortress?
I'm Digging Deeper... AGAIN... You Should Too!

Dig Deeper DIAMOND - 750+ items of new content including; new plants, new creatures, new metals, new woods, new gems, new stones, new crafts and much, much more.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #488 on: October 19, 2009, 04:16:41 pm »

I started playing with this mod recently and I have had to mod the orc to be just like the ones in the orc mod. There just not tough enough for me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #489 on: October 20, 2009, 03:44:59 am »

My rules:
1) Every invader must die.  No lockouts.
2) Every kill must be by a dwarf.  No mechanical kills or animal kills.
3) Drops are allowed up to 3 levels.

My first summer I got 15 orcs: 7 wrestlers, 7 macemen, and a bowman.  And killed them all.

I love this mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #490 on: October 20, 2009, 04:25:41 am »

:o was that the end of that fortress?

Indeed it was.  She was finally brought down by my hastily-recruited military (about twenty untrained dwarves and ten marksdwarves), but not before killing fifteen of them and sending the rest into a tantrum spiral.

Then the second orc wave showed up.

Good times.
Also known as Zuhayr.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #491 on: October 21, 2009, 08:54:43 am »

Question: I've been looking through the raws, and I can't find any reactions that actually use Bloodmetal. Since it has no use tags, what exactly is it good for? If you can't make any crafts or alloys out of it, what's it good for?
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #492 on: October 21, 2009, 11:31:05 am »

metals without tags can always be made into crafts and furniture. the only metal related tags are things to do with ammo anvil armor weapon ranged weapon
I just realized, after adding the new body parts to the other races, that I have an entire squad of dwarves with a shield in each hand and swinging their axes with their penises. There's nightmare fuel for those goblins, in more ways than one.

Tyrael the Archangel

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #493 on: October 21, 2009, 11:58:20 pm »

oh  :( i was looking forward to fighting my enemies with blood metal weapons, i guess my dwarves will have to settle on blood statues
Ilral Gatiz The treaty of Fondling, a cave spider silk short skirt


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Re: Dwarf Fortress: DIG DEEPER [v1.3] NEW RELEASE!
« Reply #494 on: October 22, 2009, 11:54:51 am »

or if you want them that bad add [WEAPON] and then probably gen a new world with the same seed and whalah bloodmetal melee weapons and traps


heres a link to the wiki. it'll help you

it lists the relevent metal related tokens for weapons armor etc
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 11:59:44 am by skaltum »
I just realized, after adding the new body parts to the other races, that I have an entire squad of dwarves with a shield in each hand and swinging their axes with their penises. There's nightmare fuel for those goblins, in more ways than one.

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