Alright, so through no influence of my own, my plans for the weekend are now less certain, which means that I should be able to put SOME time into the map, maybe even having the entire weekend (though not of course spending ALL weekend working), which means my current plan of releasing the map, at least an initial version, is still set for Monday or possibly Tuesday, depending on how well I can find and understand the power consumption rates, which I will need to do before I do any more work on APCs.
Speaking of, at some point I want to redo the power consumption code, with three things in mind - make power consumption automatic, make it much clearer (generator to SMES, SMES to APC, APC to device, possibly with separate types of wires to prevent silly issues like generator power bypassing SMESs but not powering APCs), and make it require connections to the device specifically - although certain things DO do this, such as grilles, others, such as doors and I think computers are powered so long as the area (as defined in the game) has a working, powered APC.
I think ultimately I want to make it so that the game becomes cleaner and modifiable (as in, nothing is designed for a specific map, everything is usable in any map), because currently it's neither, when as an "open-source" game it should be both. I think this is probably just a dream, right now, especially since I have only a little school experience in programming, and would probably end up with me having to start from scratch, and considering how well that's gone for several people in these forums so far, I'm not all too eager to start.