Data, Johbson is not our leader. Stop insulting him. He is a host for the servers, and he keeps track of various builds and suggestions and what not.
As for admins, I'm willing to admin your server, when I am available, but you just can't do things on it without telling your admins. Do you have any idea how annoying it is trying to keep control on a server with 30 different people on it, half of them asking for different powers, and then get word that there is an admin abusing his power, even for the purposes of testing? Especially when said admin is the developer, and doesn't actually tell the rest of the admins he is doing that? Unless there were indications to the contrary, I assume all rounds are serious, in the sense that admins don't give themselves what they want, and griefing by anyone gets dealt with.
All you have to do, when chasing bugs or anything else, is go, "Hey, I'm testing a feature. Please do anything *insert your name here* says, you will be fixed if something goes wrong. Thank you and have fun." You'll find that all of us, including Johbson, would be willing to help you in anyway possible, if we know you need help and make it public, instead of "sneaking" in testing. That is one of the reasons there is an adminsay channel. You would make an excellent addition to the team. Note I said addition. We have at least one coder of our own, and maybe instead of just doing things, you should talk a bit about them.
Johbson, you are a wonderful host, and you do a great job leading BS12. However, lighten up a bit. A 24/7 server is excellent, and Data's connection and hosting power seems excellent as well. He just has to learn to speak with the rest of his crew, which includes his admins. You, Johbson, need to stop going crazy. You do not speak for all of us. I like your server. Its basic, clean, efficient, works well, and has much less potential for chaos then Data's server. You keep a good crew of admins, and do an excellent job of keeping everyone updated. However, this is a team effort, and while you are team captain, we still have a say.
Everyone else, I apologize for any problems that have occurred in the past few days. New arrivals always rock the boat a bit, and the old guard doesn't always want to make room for them. Hopefully we will figure this out and move on together.