Since it's down. Here's a summary of the round from the traitor's point of view
I started as a Genetic Research, under the persona of Sir Tim Guardsmith.
My objective as traitor was to steal a fully loaded laser gun and escape, not alone. I began my quest by ordering up a Emag and a sleepy pen, for obvious reasons. I then proceeded to ask the captain If I could have a Laser Gun to defend myself against rabid experiments, he declined because it wasn't policy.
After a while of walking around and emagging various doors on the station, I claimed to have seen a "red suited man" outside genetics. This of course sent panic through the leadership's heads, and I was ordered to call security should anything happen. I proceeded to my humble lab, where I again saw the "red suited chap" security and the captain ran to the scene, where the man was strangely absent. Whilst they were scouring genetics for him, I broke into the bridge using my Emag and acquired the objective, Mission Complete, Or nearly, anyway. I returned to genetics with the gun in my belt. The captain asked me where I got said gun, and I replied that I had found it on the floor. He responded by giving me a Gun Permit, since the Red Suited people were so frequently spotted by me. I then created a human from a monkey and beat him to death with my laser. I claimed he was a "Red suited fellow, who appeared naked". Thus my reputation was secured. I then acquired a test subject, and proceeded with my duties, waiting for the shuttle to be called. However, it seems my hapless dis regard of the dangers of radiation was foolish. Within the hour I had made my test subject some kind of super-infective infected person. The last I saw before the server crashed was everyone complaining of high levels of radiation and spontaeneous mutations.
~ Yours, Sir Tim Guardsmith.