Wasn't it 20% last time I checked?
Also, I'm messing around with the revolution mode, but I have a problem:
name = "revolution"
config_tag = "revolution"
world << "<B>The current game mode is - Revolution!</B>"
world << "<B>Some crewmembers are attempting to start a revolution!<BR>\nRevolutionaries - Kill the Captain, HoP, HoR, HoS and HoM. Convert other crewmembers (excluding the Captain, heads, and security officers) to your cause by flashing them. Protect your leader(s).<BR>\nPersonnel - Protect the Captain and the heads. Kill the leader(s) of the revolution, and brainwash the other revolutionaries (by beating them in the head).</B>"
spawn (3000)
spawn ((18000+rand(3000)))
spawn ( 0 )
var/list/mobs = get_mob_list()
while (mobs.len == 0)
sleep 30
mobs = get_mob_list()
numberofleaders = 1
numberofleaders = 2
numberofleaders = 3
ticker.killer << "\blue You are the leader of the revolutionaries!"
if (numberofleaders > 1)
ticker.killer2 = ticker.killer
ticker.killer << "\blue You are the leader of the revolutionaries!"
if (numberofleaders > 2)
ticker.killer3 = ticker.killer
ticker.killer << "\blue You are the leader of the revolutionaries!"
ticker.target = get_mobs_with_rank("Captain")[1]
if(get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Personnel"))
ticker.target2 = get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Personnel")[1]
if(get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Research"))
ticker.target3 = get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Research")[1]
if(get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Security"))
ticker.target4 = get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Security")[1]
if(get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Maintenance"))
ticker.target5 = get_mobs_with_rank("Head of Maintenance")[1]
spawn (0)
var/list/mobs = list()
for(var/mob/M in world)
if (M.client && istype(M, /mob/human))
if(M.be_syndicate && M.start)
if(M.is_rev == 0)
mobs += M
if(mobs.len < 1)
mobs = get_mob_list()
return mobs
var/mob/human/killer = pick(get_synd_list())
ticker.killer = killer
ticker.revs += killer
spawn (100)
killer.is_rev = 2
// generate list of radio freqs
var/freq = 144.1
var/list/freqlist = list()
while (freq <= 148.9)
if (freq < 145.1 || freq > 145.9)
freqlist += freq
freq += 0.2
if (round(freq * 10, 1) % 2 == 0)
freq += 0.1
freq = freqlist[rand(1, freqlist.len)]
// find a radio! toolbox(es), backpack, belt, headset
var/loc = ""
var/obj/item/weapon/radio/R = null
if (!R && istype(killer.l_hand, /obj/item/weapon/storage))
var/obj/item/weapon/storage/S = killer.l_hand
var/list/L = S.return_inv()
for (var/obj/item/weapon/radio/foo in L)
R = foo
loc = "in the [S.name] in your left hand"
if (!R && istype(killer.r_hand, /obj/item/weapon/storage))
var/obj/item/weapon/storage/S = killer.r_hand
var/list/L = S.return_inv()
for (var/obj/item/weapon/radio/foo in L)
R = foo
loc = "in the [S.name] in your right hand"
if (!R && istype(killer.back, /obj/item/weapon/storage))
var/obj/item/weapon/storage/S = killer.back
var/list/L = S.return_inv()
for (var/obj/item/weapon/radio/foo in L)
R = foo
loc = "in the [S.name] on your back"
if (!R && killer.w_uniform && istype(killer.belt, /obj/item/weapon/radio))
R = killer.belt
loc = "on your belt"
if (!R && istype(killer.w_radio, /obj/item/weapon/radio))
R = killer.w_radio
loc = "on your head"
if (!R)
killer << "Unfortunately, the Syndicate wasn't able to get you a radio."
var/obj/item/weapon/syndicate_uplink/T = new /obj/item/weapon/syndicate_uplink(R)
R.traitorradio = T
R.traitorfreq = freq
T.name = R.name
T.icon_state = R.icon_state
T.origradio = R
killer << "The Syndicate have cunningly disguised a Syndicate Uplink as your [R.name] [loc]. Simply dial the frequency [freq] to unlock it's hidden features."
killer.store_memory("<B>Radio Freq:</B> [freq] ([R.name] [loc]).", 0, 0)
if (killer.r_store)
killer.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/weapon/flash(killer), killer.slot_l_store)
if (killer.l_store)
killer.equip_if_possible(new /obj/item/weapon/flash(killer), killer.slot_r_store)
/datum/game_mode/revolution/proc/check_death(var/mob/M as mob)
if (!M)
return 1
if (M.stat == 2)
return 1
return 0
// world << "Debug: Game over called"
// world << check_death(ticker.target)
// world << check_death(ticker.target2)
// world << check_death(ticker.target3)
// world << check_death(ticker.killer)
// world << check_death(ticker.killer2)
// world << check_death(ticker.killer3)
if (numberofleaders == 3)
if (check_death(ticker.target) && check_death(ticker.target2) && check_death(ticker.target3) && check_death(ticker.target4) && check_death(ticker.target5))
world << "<FONT size = 3><B>Revolutionary Victory</B></FONT>"
world << "<B>The commanding staff has been killed!</B> The Revolution is victorious!"
ticker.killer.unlock_medal("Viva la Revolution!", 1, "Successfully win a round as a revolutionary leader.", "medium")
if (ticker.killer2)
ticker.killer2.unlock_medal("Viva la Revolution!", 1, "Successfully win a round as a revolutionary leader.", "medium")
if (ticker.killer3)
ticker.killer3.unlock_medal("Viva la Revolution!", 1, "Successfully win a round as a revolutionary leader.", "medium")
return 1
if (check_death(ticker.killer) && check_death(ticker.killer2) && check_death(ticker.killer3))
world << "<FONT size = 3><B>The Research Staff has stopped the revolution!</B></FONT>"
world << "<B>The leaders of the revolution have been killed!</B>"
return 1
return 0
if (numberofleaders == 2)
if (check_death(ticker.target) && check_death(ticker.target2) && check_death(ticker.target3) && check_death(ticker.target4) && check_death(ticker.target5))
world << "<FONT size = 3><B>Revolutionary Victory</B></FONT>"
world << "<B>The commanding staff has been killed!</B> The Revolution is victorious!"
ticker.killer.unlock_medal("Viva la Revolution!", 1, "Successfully win a round as a revolutionary leader.", "medium")
if (ticker.killer2)
ticker.killer2.unlock_medal("Viva la Revolution!", 1, "Successfully win a round as a revolutionary leader.", "medium")
return 1
if (check_death(ticker.killer) && check_death(ticker.killer2) && check_death(ticker.killer3))
world << "<FONT size = 3><B>The Research Staff has stopped the revolution!</B></FONT>"
world << "<B>The leaders of the revolution have been killed!</B>"
return 1
return 0
if (numberofleaders == 1)
if (check_death(ticker.target) && check_death(ticker.target2) && check_death(ticker.target3) && check_death(ticker.target4) && check_death(ticker.target5))
world << "<FONT size = 3><B>Revolutionary Victory</B></FONT>"
world << "<B>The commanding staff have been killed!</B> The Revolution is victorious!"
ticker.killer.unlock_medal("Glorious Leader", 1, "Successfully win a round as the unique and only revolutionary leader.", "hard")
return 1
if (check_death(ticker.killer) && check_death(ticker.killer2) && check_death(ticker.killer3))
world << "<FONT size = 3><B>The Research Staff has stopped the revolution!</B></FONT>"
world << "<B>The leader of the revolution has been killed!</B>"
return 1
return 0
var/list/mobs = list()
for(var/mob/M in world)
if (M.client && M.start)
mobs += M
return mobs
var/list/humans = list()
for(var/mob/human/M in world)
if (M.client && M.start && get_rank(M) != "AI")
humans += M
return humans
return pick(get_human_list() - exception)
/datum/game_mode/revolution/proc/get_target_desc(mob/target) //return a useful string describing the target
var/targetrank = null
for(var/datum/data/record/R in data_core.general)
if (R.fields["name"] == target.rname)
targetrank = R.fields["rank"]
return "[target.name] the [targetrank]"
for(var/datum/data/record/R in data_core.general)
if (R.fields["name"] == M.name)
return R.fields["rank"]
return null
var/list/names = list()
var/list/mobs = list()
for(var/datum/data/record/R in data_core.general)
if (R.fields["rank"] == rank)
names += R.fields["name"]
for(var/mob/M in world)
for(var/name in names)
if(M.name == name)
mobs += M
return mobs
/datum/game_mode/revolution/proc/get_turf_loc(mob/m) //gets the location of the turf that the mob is on, or what the mob is in is on, etc
//in case they're in a closet or sleeper or something
var/loc = m:loc
while(!istype(loc, /turf/))
loc = loc:loc
return loc
So I'm trying to randomize the number of revs leaders, see (the numberofleaders var is in the game_mode datum), and the compiler calls me a bunch of bad argument definitions on ticker.killer2 and 3 each time they are named. Help?