Would it be possible to code a simple random military fortress\T-dome\maze generator? It would make for a great gamemode.
One of the key reasons for me rushing to get buildable pipes, was that the first change needed coincided with the main change needed for the run-time maploader to function correctly. So, I made that change, included the maploader, and added buildable pipes as an incentive to leave the maploader active
(Also, I really wanted more freeform rebuildability to the station. Excited over lighting already, as it is a key step. Adding actual light wires would be a further improvement, but unnessecary, at least for now.)
Now, the point is, that a certain functionality of the demo object for the maploader is that it basically loads an external map file with it's bottom left corner placed on the object.
The benefit is that first, it supports picking a random map file from a list, second, it supports shuffling a group of them(after the picking but before the loading), and it supports recursive(loaded map has a maploading object) loading.
However, to get pipes functioning through it is a bit complicated, as it either requires an entire pipe rebuild, and the code for clearing the current pipe setup doesn't exist in that yet, or altering the pipe systems to make new pipes created after the round start able to attach themselves to existing lines(not especially hard, as the code exists in the buildable pipes, but made harder by the fact that code reuse is not an option as long as pipe objects define their own node# vars, since the var/ that holds the object must have the correct type.
But, when a map bit is loaded by the initial map, the initial pipe building is delayed until no unloaded sub-map remains, so, after all that, I can say that:
Yes, randomized mazes/forts are already possible.
The difficult part would be mapping them so that nothing is isolated completely, but code-wise, it should already be possible.
I already mentioned the possibility of having a hallway of bedrooms and a 1 in 3 chance that one of them is a murder scene, with the exact location randomized each round if it even occurs.
So, if path patterns were loaded in map blocks into a grid, and with clever mappery, the path was guarenteed that you can always get from point A to point B(so most of the modules would actually be simply creative convolutions and obstacles that connect most or all entrances/exits), you could still have a Totally Random Layout.
Even better, it can (probably) randomize the start locations themselves, and with cross-z-level ladders, maybe a huge 3d cube-maze that is randomized on startup...