Seems like it should(Didn't download it myself, byt the page looks normal)
On it's own, however, it is merely a map.
It DOES NOT have the rest of the code required to run or even open it.
If you get an old copy of the code, it should work nearly perfectly, just missing small features like vats, but for those, if you create a definition for them with any properties that opening the map gives an error on, you will be able to use them in your own map and when it is loaded into an up-to-date version, it will be identical to the ones created with the new code.
The addition of a simple optional offset to the map loader allowed me to make a map that loads 8x8 chunks into gaps left for them.
name = "loadMapModule"
icon = 'screen1.dmi'
icon_state = "x3"
anchored = 1.0
var/category = "8x8"
var/map = "blank"
var/done = 0
var/list/mapModules = new()
src.invisibility = 100
if(!category in mapModules)
mapModules += category
mapModules[category] = list()
mapModules[category] += map
for(var/obj/loadMapModule/m in world)
world << l.len
m.done = 1
var/randMap = pick(mapModules[m.category])
mapModules[m.category] -= randMap
On it's own, that code won't do anything, but simply spawn(0) a call to load_map_modules() near the end of the world/New() in, and have map files in the right folders and appropriately named...
It sounds hard, but it isn't, and the results have great potential.
Next goal: let the map refrenced be a list, and if so, it picks a random one to add to the pool. That way, you can have a single category of atmospherics setups, with only one load marker, but it can create one of many.
Another possibility is to have a room area, and one room has a 33% chance of spawing with a murder scene. To do that, you would have rows of loadMapModule loading a bedroom, and one of them will load {"bedroom","bedroom","murderscene"} or however it would be phrased.
Edit: That feature can be added by changing to
var/list/map = list("blank")
mapModules[category] += pick(map)