Anyway, about these network things. I was thinking of a couple ways we could change the way broadcasting works. I was thinking we could have a main server that houses all the information and packet data. It would be behind firewalls that block incoming transmissions but allow outgoing ones (see point a for additional data on firewalls). This main server would be connect to wireless hubs that allow people to use wireless computers (see point b for more data on hubs). Hacking can be done using a modified computer on a hub (hard point c for more on computers), a syndicate hacker placed on a hub (medium-easy see point d for more on hacker), a syndicate hacker on a wire (hard), a computer on the main server (very hard), or a syndicate hacker on the main server (really easy). As was said, packets are sent that make doors open and close, and allow electrical stuff to happen from the A.I. or other computers. Since all the packets would have to go through the main server, you have to crack the firewalls that block unverified incoming transmissions.
A) Firewalls: Multiple firewalls that have randomized passwords for a backdoor. I was thinking 4 letters/numbers, and you can use a password breaker to open it. Password breakers are on specially modified computers and syndicate hackers.
B) Hubs: Wireless hubs scattered across the station. Hubs are connected to the main server by two ways:
For number one, if you wanted to turn off the hubs internet, simply disconnect the wire.
For number two, if you want to turn off hub 1, you disconnect a wire. It also turns off 2 and 3. If you disconnect hub 2, hub 3 also disconnects. If you disconnect hub 3, then only hub 3 is disconnected. The hubs use each other for internet, but if one fails then any that are receiving internet from it will disconnect.
C) Computers: Allow messaging, email, pictures (maybe?), video (maybe?), hacking, monitoring your job from away (think engineers seeing the engine through security cameras, or looking at the generator values, SMES values, what is connected to the power grid, gas in the engine; or think medical staff checking records, security staff sending out a location "blip" that shows an emergency and allows other security to respond (combined with video this would be epic). Hacking would probably involve modifying your computer using tools from a toolbox, circuitry, wires, and possibly a multitool. Hacking would require passwords (password breaker from multitool when added to computer with the other items?), chance of shock, chance of discovery (would be a general area, then narrow down as you continued hacking) from A.I. or network techs, and would drain your computer battery fast. Yeah, computers need batteries that last for an hour ingame, or 15 minutes if you are hacking.
D) Syndicate hacker: Costs 3 points to buy. Allows you to hack into the station via different means and difficulties. Added to a computer. Has a built in password breaker that take half the time of a normal one, less chance of discovery, higher chance of shock, and eats battery like a IPhone playing 3d video games on crack (think 5 minutes hacking time). Hacking the main server requires you just hook it up, however you still get discovery check like a normal computer. (I don't know how checks work on things, but have it to where a discovery "roll" is checked every 30 seconds for a normal computer and 60 for a syndicate hacker computer. If discovery is yes, a general warning and location pop up, and every yes afterwards increases location accuracy. If discovery is no, nothing happens warning or location wise)
Anyway, if my view wasn't really clear just ask if you have questions..... It's just what I would like to see happen if possible to the network stuff in the future.
Also, head, you DID say that you were sick of flashbang spam before you left which is why I said you almost banned me.... anyway, lets just drop it because Googol got rid of flashbangs more retarded properties, and I don't want to start a flame war. Also, zchris, head does a fine job admining as long as you don't get into an argument with him. He will win a argument no matter what.
EDIT: Jesus that is long, spoiled.