Great work Delgato! I placed your picture up on the first post, I hope you don't mind.
It should be noted, that while the raptors are trap-proof, I haven't removed the goblins, which aren't, so I'll still be using them.
Alright! I couldn't locate a glacier with magma, but through some exhaustive use of the (f)ind feature, I found a mountainside tundra with magma, which is LIKE a glacier, and a perpetually frozen brook that starts and ends on the same map tile.
These are the supplies, we're in a place with very little vegetation, so no axes, and no anvil so we can bring more wood, war dogs, and skill points.
Strike the permafrost!
I guess I should roleplay now:
Our escape into this frigid wasteland has been long and dangerous, but the mountainhomes needs to find new places, new homes, homes that cannot be reached by the raptor menace. Those evil creatures spawned from the dwarven genetics lab have overrun the world and are gradually conquering every place they set their claws on! The dwarven race will not survive if we do not find a way to outwit these reptilian enemies! We name this new home of our's "RaptorFortress" in commemoration to the dream that we will outlive the raptor menace and survive in this cold tundra!Bleh, good enough.
First things first, before we do anything, we need to secure our lodgings!
I have our resident miners start digging out some shiny gold that just so happened to be jetting out of the mountain. I know we're on a quest for ultimate survival here, but I simply CAN'T turn down the opportunity get GOLD!
This will be the death of me, but I will die rich goddammit!
Our resident carpenter is sent making a makeshift workshop and making beds for everyone as our lodgings are being dug.
I'll get to naming everyone right-quick.