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Do you read this story semi-regularly/have read it all the way through?  (This just sates my curiosity on how many people read this thing.)

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Author Topic: Olonkulet - Bloodlines  (Read 62425 times)


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Olonkulet - Bloodlines
« on: May 08, 2009, 08:57:06 pm »

The bolt thudded into Urist's helm with a sickening crack.  The oar slipped from his fingers into the dark waters, followed soon after by the dwarf's limp corpse.

Stot!" swore Fry, paddling desperately and ducking to avoid the bolts whistling through the air.  "They've found us!"

"We noticed!" yelled one of the other crewdwarves, raising an oar just in time to deflect a bolt but losing the oar to the current dragging them along.  Staccato commands in halting dwarfish battered them from above as the bolts continued to rain into the canal.  Fry spared a glance to the galleries above, where hanging glass bowls of phosphorescent mush cast dim shadows upon the marksdwarves firing down on them.  He grabbed Urist's bloody helmet and flung it at one of the bowls, causing it to shatter.  The slurry of glowing mush splashed into one of the marksdwarves' eyes, startling him enough to drop his crossbow.

The boat banked heavily against the stone canal walls as it turned another corner, putting the escapees temporarily out of range of the boltfire.  As the group worked to steady the boat in the freezing water, Frey looked back at the other dwarves in the boat, the memory of meeting each of them returning as his eyes crossed their faces.


I've wanted to do the tale of Olonkulet, or Gearabbeys, since last year when it was mentioned in the Waterbore thread.  Continuity-wise, this is set a number of years before that fort (which failed due to sheer frame issues of trying to pump multiple z-levels of ocean), though in the year 351.

Where Areldolush was a penal colony, Olonkulet will have its beginnings as a group of prisoners escaping the Mountainhomes by boat and eventually crash-landing upon the spot where the fortress will be built.

I'm looking for six community members to take dwarves.  Please choose a name, skill ranks (up to 10 available for everyone) and 200* worth of equipment, as well as listing the crime for which you were imprisoned in the Mountainhomes.  If you don't want to try and work out equipment values, just say what you'd like and I'll try and fit it in.

There will be 50 units of wood brought along, to represent the body of the boat.  Other items should either be personal possessions or looted from the Mountainhomes during the escape.

I am using an extended version of Boksi's plant mod for this, but essentially no other mods.

Worship List for The Searing Crypts

Onol the Tin Silver - God of Metals

Nish the East Wanderer of Wheels - Goddess of Wealth and Trade

Gigin - Goddess of Fortresses, Minerals and War

Zas Coppercoloured the Blueness of Dye - God of Jewels

Deler the Tin Oil - God of Mountains and Caverns

Nakas - Goddess of Revelry
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 01:50:52 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 10:59:03 pm »

I am so down. Sounds like fun.

Urgash Bonefetish - Male

Butcher - 6
Tanner - 6
Bonecrafter - 7
Leatherworker - 7
Cook - 9

Captured and imprisoned for making Dwarven Wife Biscuits, Wife Bone Bolts, and a dapper Wife Leather Cap. At his trial Urgash noted he canceled make Wife Tallow Soap : needed lye bearing item. He managed to grab his 6 dogs (he likes dogs, OK?), 22 Dwarven Beer, 5 Cave Lobsters, and 8 dog leather before fleeing the mountainhomes.

...I think that adds up to 200. If it doesn't I fail math forever and you can just take whatever off.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2009, 11:21:37 pm »

Broose - Male

Competent Woodcutter
Proficient Axedwarf

Imprisoned for Grand Theft Wagon

I am sure you can make an exception to the 200 limit rule, since we definitely need an axe.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2009, 12:41:56 am »

Frey had first met Urgash in the chain gang during quarry duty.  A recent expansion of the temple of Gigin, Goddess of Fortresses, Minerals and War, had led to a boom in bauxite demand and so the Mountainhome prison authorities had been quick to jump on a fresh opportunity.  Urgash had once been the consort of a low-ranking noble in the dwarven court who had, in a moment of bloodwine-induced euphoria, mandated the construction of biscuits, bone bolts, a leather cap and tallow soap in exorbitant quantities and lumped the entire demand on her husband.  After successfully manufacturing 15 of each item, Urgash's wife explained to him that there had been a miscommunication on the mandate papers and she had actually ordered 51 of each item.  Urgash, being a sensible dwarf, had opted to make use of the materials at hand.

Although sentenced to ten strokes of the hammer for his act of both assassination and uxoricide, Urgash had actually received a stay of execution due to a quirk of dwarven law; even after taking his wife to pieces for parts, Urgash still failed to complete his work order and received a statutory sentence of three years' imprisonment.  He had spent much of it in the kitchens, being a rather talented chef prior to (some would argue even during) cooking and soaping his spouse.  It was in this way that Urgash had unwittingly started the gaolbreak.

A pair of the guards had arrived at the prison kitchens with orders to slaughter the full complement of the kitchen's dogs for the approaching Feast of Nakas.  Urgash, who had grown very close to the meat animals, complained bitterly as to having them all killed and soon entered a hot argument with one of the guards, ending with Urgash being kicked to the floor.  The battered dwarf immediately went silent and picked himself up, pouring two tankards of glowing ale, lacing them with glumcap dye and offering them to the guards in apology.  The guards drank them down and Urgash explained that he would go attend to the dogs personally.  As he left, the guards began to cough and then violently vomit, sinking to their knees as their stomachs and bowels vented their contents and soon choked to death on their own bile.  Urgash returned with the six barking dogs on their leashes as the other inmates, seeing their chance, grabbed the guards' weapons and made for the doors.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 09:34:41 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2009, 01:22:21 am »

Fath - Male

Mechanic 10
Engraver 6
Architect 6
Mason 8

Imprisoned for the 'accidental' pulling of a lever connected to floodgates. The system was designed by Fath to irrigate farms. However, in this case it was used as a drowning chamber. Two dwarves were killed in the incident. In addition to the charges of murder, he destroyed several months worth of food growing in the farms which had to be replaced.

Before the escape, he managed to grab two copper nuggets, two barrels of deer meat (10 units), a barrel full of his favorite dwarven ale (25 units), a bronze crossbow (unfortunately with no ammo just two bolts left in it ;)), a bag of plump helmet firecap seeds (26 units), and 3 pig tail cloth.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 04:22:53 am by [deleted] »
The spinning Sea Lamprey dorsal fin strikes The Sea Lamprey in the head!
It is smashed into the body, an unrecognizable mass!
The Sea Lamprey is propelled away by the force of the blow!
The Sea Lamprey has been struck down.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2009, 02:26:53 am »

Dannielle - Female (Since it looks like most of the males are taken...)

Grower - 5
Appraiser - 5

Criminal Record -
At the age of 5;
     -Failure to meet a Noble's demand of Bismuth Bronze items
          -Punishment 4 Hammerstrikes

At the age of 14;
     -Constant demands of changing monetary system from coins to Plump Helemts Firecaps.
          -Punishment 1 Hammerstrike

Unknown age;
     -Harrasment towards the king
          -Punishment Life in Prison
     -Stalking a Noble
          -Punishment 3 Hammerstrikes (Yet to be given.)

Dannielle loves plump helmets firecaps. Perhaps too much, as she can report the value of almost any item as a number of plump helmets firecaps. Makes constant suggestions to use plump helmets firecaps as currency instead of coins.

Brings along; 40 Plump Helmet firecap seeds, 40 Plump helmets firecaps
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 03:09:29 am by Danneh »
Quote from:  Forumgoer
Out-of-Context Quote


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2009, 02:55:57 am »

Criminal Record -
At the age of 5;
     -Failure to meet a Noble's demand of Bismuth Bronze items
          -Punishment 4 Hammerstrikes
That's awesome. Better than mine. Really though, that's a lot of appraisin'. There's only so much appraising somedwarf can do.

Also, Urgash is a serious badass. A drink poisoning, dog stealing, noble consorting, biscuit making badass. The best kind.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2009, 03:00:16 am »

Broose had been a woodsdwarf, then a soldier, then a bandit, as circumstances had dictated.  Brought up in one of the lowland grottos, he had served to supply the ever-hungry desires of the Mountainhomes' forges up until the day his grotto was sacked by goblin raiders.  As a survivor who knew his way around an axe, he was drafted into the force rallied against the goblin march and struggled against them for half a year before a truce was called.  With no remaining home and little besides his axe to support him, Broose found employment amongst the humans as a woodcutter, who used lumber a great deal in their building.  Eventually he came into contact with a rather amoral representative of one of the human Guilds, who was very willing to purchase goods from looted caravans.  Teaming up with a handful of human mercenaries, Broose began waylaying caravans from his home nation to rival human cities, earning quite a name for himself in the process.  He was eventually caught after a ten mile pursuit in which he seized a wagon, dumped the heavier cargo from it and whipped the horses into a gallop to evade the caravan's guards, at one point jumping a bridge and startling a flock of doves (this always happens).

Frey had met Broose as part of the work crew cleaning out the traps in the Mountainhome's main gulley after the last failed goblin attack.  During the break, Frey and Urgash managed to gain access to the solitary confinement pens and release the prisoners whilst Urgash's dogs distracted the guards.  Broose had snatched up an axe and headed straight into the fray.

Broose nudged Frey in the ribs, growling softly; "Lock's up ahead.  They're waiting for us, by the looks of it."  Frey opened his eyes and peered out over the lip of the boat.  The canal widened up ahead by the lock, where by the dim glowdish light he could make out guards by the lock's mechanisms.  Frey glanced back at Fath, who was holding his crossbow tightly.

"How many bolts you got left in that thing?" he asked.  Fath shook his head and held up two fingers.  Frey nodded.  "Make them count, then."

The dwarves prepared themselves as the boat approached the lock.


As a warning guys, Boksi's plant mod does away with the standard DF plants in favour of a spread of variant fungi and mosses.  The extended version has a -lot- of surface plant variety to make up for it, but alas there are no more plump helmets.  The equivalent at present are firecaps, small ruddy mushrooms that are absurdly spicy and the only underground crop that can be eaten raw (glowcaps make glowing alcohol and browncaps are processed to brown chow).

If this feels like too much of a departure, however, I can rebuild the world with the traditional plants as I have all the seed numbers.

Safe to say all male dwarves taken now.  If there are only 3 males, I'll turn Frey into Freya.  >.>
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 03:08:27 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2009, 03:06:46 am »

Really though, that's a lot of appraisin'. There's only so much appraising somedwarf can do.

Crazy dwarves do crazy things.

And yeah, I'll replace all instances of the word "Plump Helmet" in my post with "Firecap" and we'll go with those instead. I should have took a quick look at the mod before even making my post.
Quote from:  Forumgoer
Out-of-Context Quote


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2009, 03:09:50 am »

Alright, we need two more people? Hopefully we get them soon.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2009, 03:21:57 am »

Yeah, and one of them should probably have the foresight to bring a pick. Probably. That mod looks fun actually. Plump Helmets are getting a tad boring.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2009, 04:17:57 am »

Replacing plump helmets seeds with firecap seeds is absolutely fine.
Yeah, and one of them should probably have the foresight to bring a pick. Probably. That mod looks fun actually. Plump Helmets are getting a tad boring.

I also grabbed those two copper nuggets, just in case. I also just realized that pig tails don't exist in this mod, so any 14-cost cloth is suitable.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 04:48:18 am by [deleted] »
The spinning Sea Lamprey dorsal fin strikes The Sea Lamprey in the head!
It is smashed into the body, an unrecognizable mass!
The Sea Lamprey is propelled away by the force of the blow!
The Sea Lamprey has been struck down.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2009, 04:46:44 am »

The descriptions of the prisoner's escape are so fascinating I feel I must join on. Anyway,

Name: Emerin
Gender: Female
Profession: Diamond Thief

3 Trader
2 Gem Cutter
2 Gem Setter
3 Miner

Crime Committed: Stealing jewels from Count Kogan's treasury and selling them to a rival house. Repeatedly.
Sentence: Five years hard labor. Five additional for selling jewels from the mine on Count Kogan's land.

Equipment: Copper pick, and the few valuable gems she managed to sneak out in her escape. And maybe a bag to hold them. Bags of diamonds are always trouble.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 04:48:46 am by Jim Groovester »
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2009, 05:05:34 am »

Mad, they had called him.  Mad!  Truth be told the description was perfectly accurate, but Fath continued to insist they could have made their criticisms a little more delicately.  Everyone had loved the irrigation system.  The Baron had even granted him an extra supply of crumpets for the work.  Nobody had wanted to even hear about the design for the brass thinking engine!  Time and time again he had attempted to present his plans to the nobility, but all they seemed to want was brass armour stands, and much good he could do there!  Eventually Fath had reached his limit and triggered the flooding mechanism during a routine inspection of the crop fields.  That showed them.  It showed them all.

Unfortunately, it showed them all that he was too dangerous to be left in the outside world and subsequently Fath was carted away in chains to the Mountainhomes.  He eventually met up with Frey while being assigned to the Mountainhomes' sewage works.  Hearing about the rioting within the prison network, Fath was able to engineer a critical pressure buildup within the mountain sewage system, culminating in a violent black line rupture right in the middle of the guards' barracks.  The delay allowed him and the others sufficient time to make their escape.

"Wait for it," growled Broose.  "Get as close as we can without them seeing us, then open up on them."

The boat slunk forward in the shadows of the canal, edging closer and closer to the lock before one of the marksdwarves cried out.  Fath rose, firing a bolt into his chest and knocking him into the water.  As Urgash's dogs leapt from the below-deck hatch over to the soldiers on the left, followed swiftly by Frey and his pick, Broose launched himself onto the right-hand dock, matching the axedwarves there blow for blow.  Fath pulled himself onto the dock and ducked and dodged past the combatants until he reached the mechanisms controlling the canal lock.  Producing his tools he jury-rigged the lock in a matter of moments, leaping back onto the boat as the gates rose to allow it passage.

Driving his pick into the chest of the marksdwarf before him, Frey leapt back onto the boat as it drifted into the lock, followed suit by the hounds, leaving their targets dazed on the jetty tiles.

"Get a move on!" Fath yelled to Broose, who found himself struggling trying to hold off the strokes of the soldiers flanking him.  "These floodgates are about to come right back down!"

Raising his axe, Broose deflected a harsh blow from one of the soldiers, turning and kicking the other in the chest to keep him away.  In the corner of his eye, the boat had nearly passed completely into the lock.  Swearing, Broose brought the hilt of his axe up into the soldier's jaw, then battered his fellow in the chest with the blade, leaping off the jetty and grabbing hold of the tail end of the boat.  Wrenching himself up onto the deck, Broose spared a brief grin to the pair of shouting axedwarves as the floodgate slammed down between them.

Water began to pour into the lock, slowly pushing the boat upwards through the darkness.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2009, 05:08:22 am »

Damn. My character is some kind of badass.
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