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Do you read this story semi-regularly/have read it all the way through?  (This just sates my curiosity on how many people read this thing.)

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Author Topic: Olonkulet - Bloodlines  (Read 62420 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #420 on: November 07, 2009, 02:56:49 pm »

Yay! Mincewind! I'd forgotten about her...
She got relieved of cement mixing duties, right? Maybe get her to work on making Discworld-stlye Dwarf Bread?
but Baron Aqizzar had the firm advantage, battering Cthulhu with his Mighty Chin.
^Totally not out of context, promise.
The Liberal Crime Squad Community game, now with a Liberal Overdose of Liberally aplied Liberalism. -Liberally. (UBER-Hiatus, next update somewhere between now and 2012.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #421 on: November 07, 2009, 03:39:12 pm »

My getting this job is, incidentally, completely fraudulent.  As far as I'm aware, a grep is a kind of beast that likes to bash awks for food.  During lean times, it performs a sort of non-destructive editing of its environment informally known as sed, typically on the back of a GNU living on Solaris.  Its larger and more expansive cousin, egrep, subsists on a diet of korn, but has trouble with escaping certain metacharacters, who feed on it as a standard source of prey.
This makes it sound like we've developed software that feeds upon other software. Is AI already here? Because it certainly sounds like it.
(I have no programming knowledge whatsoever)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #422 on: November 07, 2009, 03:46:30 pm »

I hope you have luck in getting this job Iituem
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #423 on: November 15, 2009, 08:14:59 pm »

Need moar updates. Itieum, where arrreee you?  :'(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #424 on: February 20, 2010, 08:03:17 pm »

Jora's Journal
13th Moonstone, 354

Ragna's alive.

She came at the head of a column of goblins, a couple of dwarves amongst them.  Not Stonebreaker's lot; the dwarves were feral, beardless.  Snatcher-kin.  They used to tell us stories about them in the mines.  All the strength of a dwarf, all the cunning, but the malice of the gobbers, the hatred twisted so bad they call it love.  Onol's tin beard, I hope to never have to face one of those myself.

I watched things from the parapet with the marksdwarves.  We thought she'd pulled a Broose on us, turned to the enemy, until we realised they were chasing her, trying to pincer her between two groups.  Chasing and losing.  She doesn't fight the way I do.  For me, the sabre's a skill, an art-form.  I take pride in a clean arc, a graceful cut.  She's a soldier, like Broose.  Technique isn't important, so long as it gets the job done.

The first of the snatcher-kin was down the moment the pincer closed, both legs cut out in a short half-slash.  She barrelled through the gobber shock troops, grabbed one of them and flung it straight into an archer's chest to stun it before she cut its head off.  Marksgoblin got her in the shoulder - she pulled it out, stabbed him in the eye, kept going.

The whole thing was over by the time Broose and Stug got to the field.  Broose held back and shot at the gobber reserves, Stug got out there with his spear and just started stabbing and stabbing, screaming curses in that foul tongue the gobbers use.

Gods, I'd almost forgot he was one of them.  He speaks so dwarfish now.  You'd almost think he was a real person.

They all dogpiled onto him, so thick I couldn't see him.  Ragna started going for him, but before she got there he just threw them all off, shaking them like a pup after the rain.  After that he jsut started ripping into them, crippling their hands, their feet, making them scream with pain and rolling over.  He didn't even set about to finishing them off until all of them were lying screaming on the field.  When he did, the way he looked... like it was a duty, like he was bored of it.  A clean stab for each one, through the heart then let them bleed out onto the stones.

Everyone crowded around her in the evening, of course.  You could barely move in the hall for dwarves.  Turns out she got trapped under the rubble at Meadowfort, took her a day to dig herself out.  Got lost after that, ended up in the north part of the desert living off prickly pear juice.  That's where she ran into the gobber nation.

They're calling themselves the 'Evil Thief', led by some she-demon.  It's them that Stonebreaker's been slaving gobbers from, and they crushed Milecamps to make room for her.  There's an occupation force at Lanternwebs too, now.  This war just got a lot harder on everyone.

But at least she's back.  That's giving us all a lot of hope.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #425 on: February 20, 2010, 08:29:53 pm »

Me email pestering has worked!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #426 on: February 20, 2010, 09:38:36 pm »

yay Olunkulet is back!!!!


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #427 on: February 21, 2010, 04:20:36 am »

but Baron Aqizzar had the firm advantage, battering Cthulhu with his Mighty Chin.
^Totally not out of context, promise.
The Liberal Crime Squad Community game, now with a Liberal Overdose of Liberally aplied Liberalism. -Liberally. (UBER-Hiatus, next update somewhere between now and 2012.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #428 on: February 21, 2010, 07:34:35 pm »

28th Obsidian, 354

"No denying it now," Emerin sighed glumly.  "We're a town." 

She took a draught from her beer, swinging her legs back and forth from her perch on the town wall.  The walls had been undergoing extension for some months now but the flooring on the southern edge had still not been added in, leaving a thin perch upon which she, Fath and Loksvig were sat, looking over the city.  Well, either the city or one of two massive trenches depending on your angle.

"At least the south side excavation's going well," Loksvig added cheerfully.  "By the end of the year we might even have the housing in there we've been after.  All the magnetite deposits help too, mind.  It would go rather faster if you released Frey from the cells."

"You trust him?" Emerin asked.

"Not a whit," Loksvig replied, "but he's one of our best besides you.  Maybe you could set it as a prison detail."

"Not a bad idea.  How are things on the mechanical side, Fath?"

"Weel, lassie," Fath explained, "as y'know the initial attempts to use the river's force on the north side o' the toon wouldnae have had mooch effect (and didnae, at that) so we've had to abandon those trenches in favour of a more 'direct' approach."

"Which in clear dwarfish means?" Emerin asked.

"We've dammed the river from beneath!" Fath proclaimed cheerfully.  "Tunnelled in while she was frozen, built a solid dam under the surface and laid out designs for a waterfall.  Oh, and you'll be glad to know I finally got Danielle to move on the worst o' her designs for a surface city."

"Oh?" said Loksvig.  Fath nodded furiously.

"She still insists on us livin' aboveground for the most part, maintain the 'natural appeal' o' the mountain, but I reckon we can get away with extending the space in the mountain through natural-looking caverns.  We can set up flowing rivers, water features, the works!  Just like home."

"I have to say, I would look forward to a decent cavern again," Emerin said wistfully.  "There's time I spend down in the Deleran shrine just to remember what it feels like to have a thousand tons of rock over my head.  How are we doing for power on the magma pipe project?"

"Run into a major pitfall, and it's the same as ever," Loksvig admitted with a frown.

"Wood?" Emerin asked.  Loksvig gave a nod.

"Loyaraafe's traders will help, of course, but we're going to have to wait for the human caravan to get enough for our needs.  Metal and stone can't take the forces we need in axles, see?  The metal's not springy enough and the stone's too brittle, not to mention how much metal we'd need."

"We do need to get that magma up topside," Emerin insisted.  "I'm getting a lot of complaints from the Onolites about their forge temple being the last to be finished, if you can call that creepy boneyard of Gigin's a temple.  The Nakasians keep buying up the inner part of the town too, calling for revitalisation and what not.  It's a bloody pain, is what it is.  They've bought up the whole blockworks and are starting to build a temple around it, stocking it with food, booze, who knows what else."

"Surely that's a good thing, stockpiling food for the future?" Loksvig asked.  Emerin shrugged.

"Just seems to me they've got a lot of power if they ever get desperate.  I don't know, maybe it won't be my problem then.  Still hoping for a retirement this year, but frankly with the war scouring the old country I doubt there'd be much point."  She sighed again and pulled Loksvig close to her, staring out at the setting sun.

"I guess this is home now."


I'm trying to get through to the point at which I had played up to (nearly 6-8 months ago now) before I had to freeze and write story, because the inability to actually play the damned fortress was what was killing it for me.  Therefore expect updates to be rather brief until we get to there - fortunately, it's close.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #429 on: February 22, 2010, 12:17:10 am »

Wonderful story I'm reading here. Love the details, love the way you shaped it in the beginning. I'll definitely be reading more of this when I have time.

If you need more characters, how about this one:

Name: Huin
Profession: Peasant
Crime: A useless recruit, he was constantly posted on prison duty and never got around to sparring. One day, while on duty, he felt hungry and decided to head to the foodstores. On that day, a great number of prisoners escaped, some other guards were poisoned or shot and killed and mechanical defects ran amok. Huin never noticed any of this, as he was busy gorging himself in absolutely delicious biscuits that tasted a bit like chicken.

When he came back, he was put under lifetime arrest for treason. Useless as he was, the judges were too busy sentencing other, more useful people to death and hammerstrikes, so Huin was never sentenced to death. One day, seeing his chance, he duck into a barrel of old stale ale, which was promptly thrown out through the sewage system. Surviving his ordeal, he traveled the lands towards the nearest criminal place he knew of. Made up of, amusingly enough, the same criminals he let go so many years ago.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #430 on: February 22, 2010, 02:40:05 pm »

That is going to cause some... interesting reactions from the dwarves of Olonkulet. And Lituem, if you feel you need more comic relief, how about a Mincewind mention for fun and profit?
but Baron Aqizzar had the firm advantage, battering Cthulhu with his Mighty Chin.
^Totally not out of context, promise.
The Liberal Crime Squad Community game, now with a Liberal Overdose of Liberally aplied Liberalism. -Liberally. (UBER-Hiatus, next update somewhere between now and 2012.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #431 on: May 28, 2010, 02:47:20 pm »

20th Granite, 355

The same nightmare.  Always the same nightmare.

A battle.  Bolts, crossfire everywhere.  Struggling through the melee, through the press of shadows, he raised his axe and cut.  Shadowy figures fell apart, but there in the distance he could see one clearly, a shining silver apparition.  He fought towards it, the edge of his blade growing brighter against the shades.  Suddenly they came, the violet figures.  Three of them, from different sides, catching him on the mountain's edge.  The first crumbled into wisps of shadow as his blade passed through it.  Another caught him on the shoulder, but he shrugged through the pain and sliced away the top of its head.  A well-placed kick and the third was down.  He raised his axe to end it-

And then it happened, as it always did.  A bolt of black light, an impossible thing, passing through his chest from behind.  He turned, saw the shimmering silver figure standing above him, glaring brightly even as the darkness grew.  The silvered dwarf seemed to regard him for a moment, then it became liquid and drained into the ground.  He fell, tumbling through the shadows toward the endless sea of blue mist below...

Datan breathed in sharply.  He looked around, blinking, his muscles tense for attack.  He sat up, rubbing his face and moaning softly.  It was clearer now, clearer in his mind than ever before.  He spared a sad glance at the sleeping figure of Jora beside him, then sighed and fell back onto the bed, running his fingers through his hair.

Then the horn sounded and everything went to the underworld.

One of the marksdwarves had seen the first group approach, a dwarf and pikegoblins sneaking up on the lone miner, Ascubis, as he was trying to perform a little late night digging on the foundations for the southern district of the town.  The scout had cried out in time for Ascubis to dodge the arrow the enemy dwarf sent toward him and start running for the town gates.  He almost made it before another cry called him back.  Another dwarf, the mason Eshtan, had also stayed on to work.  The pikegoblins had him cornered, edging toward him with their spears.  Letting out a cry of fury, Ascubis lifted his pick and charged toward him.

Perhaps Eshtan might have lived a few moments longer had he not attacked, had he not scared them into stabbing rashly so they could focus on the mad miner approaching them - but it is unlikely.  The pikegoblins turned Eshtan swiftly into a fresh sieve, then attempted to do the same to their second foe.

Ascubis proved a little harder to manage.  With a mighty swing of his pick, he shattered the shafts of their weapons, then began laying into them afresh with the sharp end of the tool, mining fresh seams - into their skulls and chest cavities.  Oblivious of the bolts from the dwarven defenders around him, even of Jora's arrival and decapitation of the bowdwarf who very nearly shot him in the back, Ascubis dug deeper and deeper into the mounds of grisly flesh around him, immersing himself in an orgy of gore.

Unseen until it was too late was the second squad, an elite pack of bowgoblins sneaking toward the new apartment complex as their pike-wielding brethren served as a distraction.  By the time they were noticed, the first arrow had already planted itself in a dwarven chest.  Terrified citizens began running across the Onolite bridge in an effort to save themselves, but the goblins merely shot them through the gaps in the statues flanking the edifice.  Iden, the captain of the marksdwarf defenders, called for his squad to take cover as they began their own return fire.

Datan rushed toward the goblin archers, axe at the ready to save the day.  His breath felt cold with rage at the attacks, his chest beaded with sweat.  Perhaps, had he not been so intent upon his goal, the axegoblins would not have ambushed him so easily.  As it was three of them sprung up from hiding, each concealed behind rocks on the mountain's steep slope.  They closed in on Datan, hacking savagely as he did his best to try and fend them off with his shield.

The world went grey...

And suddenly they weren't goblins at all, but three violet, shimmering figures, their eyes burning with purple light.  They had not axes, but blades stemming from their very arms, and in Datan's hand his axe had become a thing of bright fire and fury.  He saw them move to attack and then he foresaw where they would move - no, he
remembered where they would move.  And he struck.

The first goblin's scream was cut short as its jaw crumbled away beneath the mad dwarf's swing.  His chest and guts followed suit.  The other two froze momentarily in fear; the dwarf no longer seemed to even notice them, as if he were someplace else, some place in his mind filled with death and horror.  That moment was enough, as the second's arm came away even as he tried to swing.  The third, Olngo, pushed his former companion in front to catch the axe's next blow, but lost his grip on his weapon and cowered before the bloodstained terror before him.

Datan paid the second spirit little heed as it unravelled into the shadows.  He raised his axe to end the cowering third and then-

Then he remembered, and swung around instead.

The marksdwarf sneaking up behind him let out a gasp of anguish and surprise as the blade bit into his hip.  Almost on reflex, the crossbow discharged.

The silvery dwarf extended his hand, and a spear of black light passed through Datan's chest, stealing away his life.  He staggered weakly, brought up the axe, and as it passed through the dwarf the apparition melted into shimmering silver.

Olngo screamed as the halves of the marksdwarf tumbled down the mountain's side, but his scream was cut short when he was, and his head rolled down along with it.  And then, soon after, did the dwarf who had killed him.

The blue shadows swam up to greet him now, promising their cool embrace.  He could feel dirt and rock, his body tumbling over them, but all that felt like a passing dream now.  Here, in this place of shadows, he flowed like crystal water toward the sea below.

Not yet.

He didn't know if he thought it, or if the thought was placed into his mind.  He grabbed with one hand, and his fingers found purchase.  There was no breath in his chest, there never would be again, but somehow he found the will to hold on.  And bit by bit he dragged against the rock, the blue mists coming up and flowing into the holes where his chest had been, giving him strength, spurring him on.

Stug stabbed furiously, trying to fend off the waves of goblins crashing against him.  Where were they all coming from?!  He twisted, shoved, but they just kept piling against him, dragging and clawing with their bare, dirty fingernails, blotting out the light.  He lost grip on his spear, heard it fall to the ground somewhere away from him.  He dived toward it, but the wrestlers piled atop of him, crushing him beneath their weight.  In the moment before he died, he could see nothing but their mud and bloodstained green bodies, smell nothing but their sweat and hear nothing but their curses.

And then instead he heard their screams.  Light flooded back into his world as burly arms pulled them away, freeing Stug's arm so he could reach and grab the spear he had lost.  He wriggled out of the desperate melee, stabbing and punching where he could until he could catch sight of his saviour.  And there he was.

Datan, the bright starlight gleaming against the slick blood on his platemail, cutting away the goblin horde like so much wheat to a farmer's scythe.  He fought as if in a trance, as if in some other place, some other more beautiful world.  And even Stug could see that he would never return.  Two holes had been pierced in his breastplate; one at the front, one at the back.  The path would have passed through both lungs.  There was no way he could have been alive.

Stug drove his spear through the throat of the last greenskin and turned to his companion.  He called out to him, but he did not hear.  Instead Datan trudged across the barren rock toward the tiny brass shrine on the town's outskirts, dragging his axe at his side.

The light shone brightly from the citadel, a gleaming blue edifice of glass and cobalt stone.  Datan could feel it upon his skin, a cool, refreshing sensation like fresh spring water.  He trudged towards it, and some part of him knew it was hard, but he did not feel it.  His axe fell from his fingers and dissolved into light.  He passed through the great archway of the tower and stood before the brilliant light between the brass pillars, basking in its beauty.  And then the story ended.

Stug watched in silence as his friend knelt before circle of rude brass pillars.  Datan seemed to look upward at something in the sky, as if in recognition.  Then he slumped sideways to the ground, and he moved no more.


Far too long coming, this one.  Pretty much accurate, though.  Datan got ambushed during the attacks, held his own easily against the axegoblins but got a bolt through both lungs.  I thought he was done for then, but he followed the marksdwarf that had killed him all the way down the mountainside (with two red lungs, I might add) and killed him, then dragged himself all the way up to the top of the mountain to kill the goblins ambushing Stug.  He lasted about a day longer before finally dying, keeping himself alive through sheer legendary Toughness.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 03:37:39 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #432 on: May 28, 2010, 06:10:39 pm »

Fuck. Yes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #433 on: May 28, 2010, 07:04:14 pm »

Christmas in May.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (No, really.)
« Reply #434 on: May 28, 2010, 08:31:02 pm »

Great! I love this story. I'm glad it has returned.
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