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Author Topic: Olonkulet - Bloodlines  (Read 62424 times)


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #315 on: July 01, 2009, 07:04:28 pm »

so this means that other races might be coming to live in Olonkulet?


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #316 on: July 04, 2009, 04:21:12 am »

A leathered axedwarf stood before the gathered crowds in Holddeep, helm removed and bloodied axe resting casually at one side.  Were it not for the dwarf's stance and expression, he would be undistinguishable from any other.  With the helmet removed, though, he shone like a glowcap in mud.  Stonebreaker - for who could doubt that it was he? - held a continuous pose like a lion about to strike, as if by sheer willpower alone he restrained himself from leaping forward and tearing out your throat.  His eyes continuously scanned the crowd, not darting about furtively but deliberately roving as if to stare down each and every person in turn.

Captain Nirur Torir and Sergeants Brickbeard and Broose approached him, along with a string of other distinguished fighters during the battle.  The remainder of the troops were keeping a cautious eye on the captured citizenry, freshly smoked out of the tunnels.  As expected a few had died trying to escape in the rush before the trap corridor was disengaged, leaving only a charnel slurry on the stones to mark their passing, but the rest had been successfully pressed into service.

"General," said Torir.  "The town is yours.  We can begin stationing troops here immediately and once the smoke clears its resources will be at our disposal."

"Is the smoke going to be an issue?" asked General Stonebreaker.  One of the other dwarves present, an engineer, shook his head.

"We'll have to set up some windmills," he explained, "power a few sets of fans to extract all the bad air out, but after that it should be fine."

"Make it so," ordered the general.  He turned to the dwarves gathered and spoke.

"We have had a fine victory here today, but it will be only one of many!  This success is owed to your training and discipline far more than any mere act of might!  Half of you will thus remain to keep order here at Holddeep, while the other half shall return to Threepools to continue your training under Captain Helmedentranced."

Captain Torir's expression set slightly, but he made no more of it.  The general smirked.

"Commander Torir will remain here to oversee the handover of Holdpass.  You are to obey him as you would me.  Now, certain of you have distinguished yourself by bravery in today's fight."  Stonebreaker turned to the line of dwarves and Brickbeard handed him a small wooden box full of little magnetite stars.  Stonebreaker walked down the line, placing the little metals against each dwarf's chest or helmet and receiving a word of thanks from each one save the last, who kept his head down instead.

"Have you any word to say?" asked Stonebreaker, stepping closer.

"I do," murmured the dwarf without looking up.

"Then go ahead and say it."  The dwarf looked up €and bared his teeth.

"Death to the betrayers!" he shouted.  "For the Queen!"  The dwarf drove the hidden shortsword upward.

Before any other dwarf had time to react, Stonebreaker had already sidestepped the blade, caught it, wrenched it from its wielder and turned it around.  The sharper ones were just focused in time to catch him driving it through the assassin's collarbone.  Everyone else in the crowd just saw the dwarf slump to the ground, bleeding freely over it.

Stonebreaker stood, giving a slow, hard grin to his officers before stepping into the crowds.  The dwarves parted for him like seas for a prophet.  Broose watched him leave, following him with his eyes each step of the way.  He had only ever seen one dwarf move that fast before, and as far as he knew Ragna Stockadebow had never had any apprentices.


Partial update.  Second bit a little later on today, likely.  Why not check out something else while you're waiting?
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #317 on: July 04, 2009, 02:49:47 pm »



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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #318 on: July 04, 2009, 06:27:12 pm »

I'd like to request a dwarf.

Keldor:  Gray-bearded blacksmith, in his mid-60s.  Deeply traditional, and suspiscious of technology.  He was just about ready to retire when (then) Captian Stonebreaker "resupplied" his forces there, stealing everything not nailed to the ground, and burning the rest to "make sure the goblins can't use it against us".  Keldor escaped with the clothes on his back and his grandfather's smithing hammer, and survived by doing odd jobs, mostly making horseshoes, nails, and belt buckles, for a couple years before coming to the small fortress that would one day be known as Olonkulet...

Keldor would love nothing more than to put a spearhead through General Stonebreaker's torso, perferably one still glowing red from the forge.  Or perhaps just pour molten lead down his pants.  But failing that, and realizing that he's probably too old for battle anyway, he'll be content just to forge the axe that some other dwarf will crack Stonebreaker's skull with.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 06:28:54 pm by Keldor »
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?

Nirur Torir

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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #319 on: July 04, 2009, 09:22:40 pm »

Yes, commander! I have a funny feeling that my character will be slain before the story is done though.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #320 on: July 05, 2009, 09:49:29 pm »

Oh snap! Gethro just made it into the story!
I totally did not expect it to happen this way.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #321 on: July 06, 2009, 05:45:35 pm »

2nd Felsite, 354

Fora finished packing the dampened sand over the grains of wild maize, stretching her back and leaning on the old iron hoe.  She peered out over the red sands, studying the desert below.  Taking a swig from a wineskin at her belt she squinted at a little trail on the sand.  Her eyes widened when she recognised it being caused by a group of forty-some dwarves trudging toward the mountain.  Fora dropped the hoe and ran for the town walls to alert the guard.

"Okay, give it a half turn clockwise!" yelled Fath from one end of the gateway.  Ousire wrenched the spanner around the stone mechanisms, the chalk squealing in protest as it tightened.  She gave it a final tug and signalled to Fath.

"Come on, come on!" hurried Danielle, standing by the Giginite shrine with a clipboard and looking over the rather loose militia that had been formed to back up the three dwarf active guard force.  Without time to organise a real militia, it had been a case of every dwarf in the town grabbing a suitably sharp or heavy implement and making their way to the gate.  Even Emerin was there, albeit well toward the back.

"Are those things ready?" Danielle prompted, glaring at Fath.

"Aye, lassie!" cried the engineer, signalling to Ousire to close up the exposed mechanisms and get out of the way.  He pulled a lever embedded into the wall and shouted to a line of four dwarves with small stone balls stood before the gateway.  "Launch the test bowls!"

The four dwarves took a step back and carefully bowled their ammunition forward through the gate.  As they passed through, the seemingly smooth chalk split opened and slid back, dozens of seized goblin weapons snickering out with deadly speed and force, plus a few iron spikes Yngwie had crafted for the purpose before her demise.  Once the balls rolled all the way through, Fath signalled to a pair of dwarves by a small millwheel to begin turning it.  As they did so, a hidden counterweight was cranked back into position and the trapped weapons retreated into the ground and were concealed once again by the smooth chalk paving.

"Alright!" called Ragna, longsword at hand and facing the crowd.  "I want everybody to stay inside the walls.  Do not rush the enemy.  Let them come to you through the traps.  If they start firing arrows, get into the protection of the Giginite shrine or the barracks!  That should force them through the murder hole.  Ascubis, Stug and I will target their archers.  If we have to evacuate, Khain will be waiting at the Onolite spire and you are all to evacuate down the stairwell, where Frey and Emerin will be able to break through the wall at the base with their picks."

Ragna turned to face the open gateway and, after Fath had disengaged the traps, stepped through to meet the mob approaching the town.  The mass of dwarves halted a bowshot away from the walls and two leathered dwarves strode forward.  One of them pulled off her helmet and shook out her distinctive blonde hair.  She grinned and patted the sabre scabbard at her side.


The beerhall was too packed to contain everyone, so the doors had been forced open and building blocks stacked into rough tables and chairs to accomodate the migrants.  Mincewind, Fora and a heavily bruised and battered Kel made their way between the tables with pitchers of alcohol.  Jora, sat with Datan, Khain and Ragna in the beerhall proper, cast an eye at the brewer.

"So he got off with community service?" she asked of Ragna.  "I'm surprised you trust him."

"Emerin's call, and mine," said the captain.  "Stug was very thorough in punishing him for resisting arrest.  So thorough that the ordinary beating or imprisonment was probably covered in the process.  There was execution, of course, you can't execute prisoners of war without orders."

"But?" asked Datan.

"But there aren't all that many of us, and the only other capable brewer is Urgash, who's already overworked.  Emerin made a decision to let him go on that.  After Stug had another 'word' with him."

"I was wondering why those bruises looked so fresh," said Khain.  "So where's Broose?  I thought I'd have seen the old dog in this mess somewhere."

Jora and Datan exchanged looks.

"You're going to want another drink for this..."

"I don't trust it," growled the grey-bearded dwarf at Fath's pitch.  He looked to be of middle age, muscled and with dark tanned skin.  "Doesn't seem right, gears and weights doing the work of a stout dwarven arm."

"It's all perfectly natural, Keldor," explained Fath.  "Think of it!  Dwarven guards can grow tired, hungry.  They need to change shifts.  But wi' these new trap mechanisms and the control systems to guide them, we can have guardians at our doors every day!  Arm or gear, the force and the direction is the same."

"Aye, but can I trust a machine?  Can it give me its word not to betray me?  Will it stand by my side in battle, or uphold its honour?"

"Och, if i's loyalty ye're worried aboot, tha's no problem neither.  A machine cannae think any differently than what ye tell it, so i's the same thing."

"No," said Keldor, shaking his head.  "No, it's not.  But I'll make your parts, engineer, if it'll give me access to the forge to make real weapons as well.  Twice I've had my home taken from me by a mad dwarf.  If some young soldier can stop a third time, I'll go along with this madness for their sake, not yours."

"Bah," snorted Fath, quaffing some ale.  "Here, let me show ye some o' the new thinkin' algorithms..."

"It's a matter of trust," explain the hooded dwarf casually, spreading his hands.

"But still," protested Emerin.  "Your own private apartment, an office - larger than mine, I might add - and a reserved tomb to boot?  Don't you think that's a little excessive?"

"Not at all," said Gethro.  "I think that these small concessions of status will go a long way towards ensuring cohesion amongst my people and yours.  Particularly if you'd care to throw in a new armour and weapon stand as well."

"When you say your people-"

"I of course mean the people," continued Gethro smoothly, "but right now they do look to me for leadership.  Of course, we would prefer you to remain the guiding hand of government here in the town, having done so well previously.  Your common origins are hardly a detriment to you, you have a skill for it."

"Hold on a minute-"

"I see your dwarves have enjoyed a plurocratic existence so far," the noble dwarf pressed on, "but you have to understand that the dwarves under my guidance are very much used to having nobility to guide them, and if it were to come to a popularity contest..."  Gethro smiled serenely and placed his hand on the shoulder of the dwarf sat by him.

"Take Eilam here, for example.  Eilam here was a hunter and is a capable marksdwarf, are you not?"

"I've shot my share of game," conceded the marksdwarf, looking to the decidedly outpaced mayor.  "In fact, you seem to be lacking marksdwarves of your own here.  I can help with that."

"Do you have much experience outside of hunting game?" managed Emerin, trying to steer the conversation away from Gethro.

"I've shot my share of gobbers too, ma'am," said Eilam.  "Grew up in the country, got drafted when the old goblin war happened, received my training there.  Dodged the draft when the Queen made her war, but my mother and father didn't."  He looked away for a moment.  "I hope they realised his skill and put him to work making bolts," he said softly.  "He always was a much better bonecrafter than a fighter."

"What I mean to say," continued Gethro, taking charge again, "is that Eilam here can train up more marksdwarves and help bolster your defence here.  Marksdwarves who will be used to seeking aristocratic leadership."  He locked eyes with the mayor.

"I see," she said sourly.  Gethro smiled.

"I'm glad you do.  I'll be needing chests and cabinets for my belongings as well, by the way."  Emerin balled her fists under the table, but smiled sweetly where it was visible and turned to the new marksdwarf.

"So, Eilam, where were you trained?"

"Actually, I was recruited into a squad under the tutelage of a Sergeant Helmedentranced..."


And so we return to the fortress proper!  Also introducing a couple of new faces and getting back on track with the main story.  Today also harkens an update to that other thing I write, for those who follow it.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #322 on: July 06, 2009, 07:31:20 pm »

Emerin's Log

I suspect that this Gethro character is nothing more than a skilled confidence man, but he wouldn't be the first of his kind to ascend to leadership here. But there is one key difference between him and me. Authority found me; I didn't want to be mayor, but everybody else did. He, on the other hand, is looking for it, and he's using every resource available to him.

If I had known that this was what he was up to, I might've let the traps do their work. But if Ragna's report on behalf of Jora and Datan is accurate, and I have no reason to doubt that it is not, I need his help. We have too few men to defend against Stonebreaker's army, and Broose has betrayed us. Gethro has a firm grip on his people, and I can't ignore his offer to lend us their strength.

Really, though, Gethro is just the middleman between his people and the people currently living here. I'd rather he weren't there. I'd talk to Ragna about it, but she has those staunch morals. Maybe Frey would be more receptive.

Wait a second! I can't get rid of him! This is just the opportunity I've been looking for! I missed robbing the nobility blind of their riches! I can do that again now! This is great!

Calm down, Emerin. You're the mayor of... what the hell is our little town's name? Whatever, you're mayor. You can't be thinking about petty theft when there's an army marching to the walls.

Another entry

I've had an odd dream. I was staring at a building. Parts of it were metal, brass I think, and it was bright and shining. Brass gears turned, and the repeated mechanical sounds were oddly soothing. Then there was another building. Also metal, but some if it had rusted over. There were dirtied brass gears that had broken through the side of the building, and they were shaking awkwardly on their axes. The sounds of machinery were broken up by groaning metal and awkward crunches.

I hope Kel Ragebrew isn't up to his old tricks again.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #323 on: July 07, 2009, 12:43:22 am »

Journal of Keldor:

That dwarf is mad!  I know a wee bit about mechanics, me father taught me a bit when I was a lad, how ye tie a rope off to a stake, then run it through some hooks along the floor and walls, an' hang a heavy rock from the other end.  Then ye take a small blade an' fix it to a stone slab, cut to match the floor, an place the slab over the rope, so's when a goblin steps on it, the blade cuts the rope an' the rock falls on their filthy head.  Simple but deadly.  A lot of forts have gone through years with no defenses much more complicated than that.

But I also be knowin' that these traps be like a double edged sword.  They can be cuttin' ye just as easily as the goblins.  That's how me grammy died, she tripped over a fleeing kobold an' landed straight on top of one of those pressure plates!

Now that crazy dwarf explained how ye could make a simple trap smarter, like if ye wanted to catch a dragon, ye'd support the pressure plate with some goblin skulls, so's a dwarf could walk across it without harm, but the dragon's weight would crush the skulls and set off the trap.

Sure, that works fine in theory, but what if a dwarf happens to be carryin' a heavy stone?  What if one of those goblins was less thick-skulled than the norm?  There be all sorts of ways it can break an' cause death an' misury!  The only way to be really safe is to avoid those machines entirenly.

But this mechanic, he wants to turn the entire fortress into a machine!  Worse, he wants to make it so smart it can tell a friend dwarf from a foe dwarf!  Mark me words, that be sure to fail, an' some poor dwarf will be reduced to minced meat.  I'll just have to see that that dwarf don't be me.  I'll have to be extra careful, an' keep an eye on that elfy mechanic.  An' mayhaps I'll get meself a walkin' stick, so I can test the ground before I step on it.

Perhaps his machine will kill more foes than friends, but I'd still rather have an' axe in me hand an' a helm on me head than trust to that.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 12:47:24 am by Keldor »
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #324 on: July 07, 2009, 08:19:51 am »

Don't worry Keldor, soon everyone will be thinking the same thing about machines.
It'll bee too late then. Ahahahaha.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #325 on: July 07, 2009, 08:49:56 pm »

oh armok


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #326 on: July 08, 2009, 08:10:13 pm »

Emerin's Log
5th Felsite, 354

About half the immigrants opted to stay here in the town, the rest have opted to disperse to the surrounding sietches and make homes there instead, including the pair of humans that made it out of Holddeep with them.  No doubt they'll still want to rely on us for protection if things get tough.  I've asked Frey to go meet with the sietch leaders about that, we need a more concrete grounding of how this is going to work.  I would send Broose, but...

Betrayed?  I find that hard to believe, but Jora and Datan were adamant that he had stayed behind with Stonebreaker's troops.  He had the chance to leave twice before - why didn't he take it then?  Perhaps Stonebreaker made him a better offer.

Broose's replacement, Eilam, started training up a new marksdwarf squad today.  Four youths from amongst the Holddeep refugees, all gangly and thin-bearded but angry at Stonebreaker and willing to fight.  Hopefully they can use the walls to their advantage.

8th Felsite, 354

Threw a party today at the Nishan shrine in honour of our newer members settling in.  Was well-received, although a bit harder to sell the fact many would be spending their leisure time (and a bit of sleeping time) in the shrine as well due to the housing shortage.  The apartments are all full up and we're having to use the shift bunks at all hours, which means dwarves only get to sleep when a slot is free.  Might have gone worse, but was able to lean on Ragebrew to give everyone a free tankard at the party to make them more amenable.  Curious how long I can keep squeezing him like that.


Mini update, for which I apologise.  Ver' tired, spent most of the last two days working on that other thing, which requires a heck of a lot more editing and polish work.  Will add more today/Friday to get up to quote on wordcount.

By the by, love the journal posts from community members.  Really helps develop characters in ways I don't always get time/opportunity to do in the main story.  Much love.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 08:13:02 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #327 on: July 09, 2009, 03:00:07 am »

][Mincewind's log][
Well, I guess I can't run anymore. I've ran away from all danger up to this point, the problem here, though, is that this is pretty much the safest place around, and people still die every so often.
Still, I've sort of settled in, although there's nobody that wants to eat anything I ever make, on the bright side, I found some weird herbs in a jar burried in the sand somewhere, after a few experiments, I think they're pretty good spices, they'll probably work well in combination with dried and ground firecaps and some cooked glow wine...

(Oh, and in case you weren't sure, yes, that's one of Kel's stashes that got revealed by an unfortunately windy night.)
but Baron Aqizzar had the firm advantage, battering Cthulhu with his Mighty Chin.
^Totally not out of context, promise.
The Liberal Crime Squad Community game, now with a Liberal Overdose of Liberally aplied Liberalism. -Liberally. (UBER-Hiatus, next update somewhere between now and 2012.)


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #328 on: July 09, 2009, 06:29:27 am »

Danielle's Inventory
9th Felsite, 354

16 cases of panic, night fevers and hallucinations so far.  Kel Ragebrew is back in gaol until further notice.  Most popular claims are seeing blue mists, a dwarf melting and some sort of purple hippopotamus taking tea with scones.

12th Felsite, 354

Ragebrew released following a bit of research.  Turns out all afflicted parties made the questionable choice of eating one of Mincewind's rock cakes.  Excuses given; not actually made of rocks for once.  Ragna has refused to prosecute on the grounds that at least the kook actually used real ingredients this time.

I've ordered Mincewind off cooking duties for her own and everyone else's protection.  She can mix cement instead.

18th Felsite, 354

Mincewind taken off cement mixing duty; somehow produced cake mix from lime.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:31:30 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - War Machine (Community - T/T/S)
« Reply #329 on: July 09, 2009, 12:02:50 pm »


it has been some time since i last wrote.. ??? but i just found out mincewind made cake badder from lime......HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!!!! i dont know what to beleive anymore. oooh more marksdwarfs...hopefully they are good enough to hold off any siege long enough for the foot patrol to come and deal with the rest.
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