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Do you read this story semi-regularly/have read it all the way through?  (This just sates my curiosity on how many people read this thing.)

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Author Topic: Olonkulet - Bloodlines  (Read 62466 times)


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #195 on: May 26, 2009, 05:30:48 am »

Beautifull, you portrayed Mincewind perfectly, and all the entries including those of other people, fit together nicely.

And of course, it's a great read.
but Baron Aqizzar had the firm advantage, battering Cthulhu with his Mighty Chin.
^Totally not out of context, promise.
The Liberal Crime Squad Community game, now with a Liberal Overdose of Liberally aplied Liberalism. -Liberally. (UBER-Hiatus, next update somewhere between now and 2012.)


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #196 on: May 26, 2009, 10:39:10 am »

18th Moonstone, 353

Yngwie finished turning the coiled iron, dipping it into the bucket of thick lintseed oil to cool.  That was the last of the giant corkscrew orders, so Yngwie rested her tongs over the raging vent and drew her sleeve across her brow, glancing over to Ousire busily skimming slag from the furnace.  She frowned at the sound of one of Ousire's donkeys braying, waving to the smelter to get her attention.  Ousire lifted her work mask and turned around to check on the donkey.

"Vabok," she called to the fretting beast.  "What's the matter, you silly ass?  What's-"

Ousire froze solid when she saw the dwarf standing in the passageway.  Dressed in a mud-stained green uniform, her mind flashed back to the colours worn by the dwarves who had broken her family.  The face of the dwarf before her was amongst them.  When she saw the three pike-wielding goblins sneaking up behind, she screamed.

On cue Vabok kicked the foreign dwarf sharply in the chest and bolted for the entrance whilst the other donkey, Solon, reared at the three pikegoblins.  Yngwie grabbed hold of the alarm cord on the wall and yanked, compressed air escaping through the fluted end and sending a resounding cry throughout the region.  Ousire remained rooted to the spot, petrified as the dwarf grabbed her by the arm and the goblins drove a spear through Solon's leg, then his skull.

No time for the militia to arrive, raced Yngwie's thoughts.  Only time for one of us to get out.  She grabbed the white-hot tongs from the forge.

"Run, Ousie!" she yelled, turning to face the dwarf as Ousire broke his hold and ran for her life.  She pointed at his face with the tongs.  "You know, your chin's a little off," she growled.  "Let me fix that for you."

Yngwie swung the tongs into the dwarf's chin with a heavy crack, setting his beard alight.  As she pulled the tongs back for another swing, one of the pikegoblins stuck his weapon through her arm.  Yngwie cried out in pain, dropping the tongs harmlessly as another spearpoint drove into her thigh.  Ousire turned at the entrance in shock and horror and froze again.  Yngwie stretched out a hand.

"Run!" she cried again, a spear blade slicing off one of her fingers and mangling the outstretched hand.  Ousire broke into a run and Yngwie fell backward as the three goblins stabbed and stabbed until she moved no more.

The donkey Vabok ran in front of her mistress and kicked out at the goblins and the foreign dwarf as they tried to exit the armoury, receiving pikeblades to her flank for her troubles and buying Ousire enough time to reach the safety of the upper slopes.  From there she watched events unfold.

The goblin scout leapt up to ambush the approaching militiadwarves, dagger brandished and ready for the kill.  A flashing sabre took off her leg and a split second later a bolt whizzed through her chest.  She tumbled harmlessly down the rock face as the militia ran for the armoury.

Datan reached the base first, bringing his axe through the guts of one of the three pikegoblins as they rushed across the open sands in pursuit of the fleeing smelter.  One of Broose's bolts arched down from the hillside, throwing the goblin to the ground and snapping his neck with the impact.    Jora broke into a dance as she reached the remaining goblins, spinning in an arc and gracefully decapitating the first speargoblin.  She turned and cleanly sliced off the left arm of the second goblin at the shoulder, prompting a cry of pain.  A second stroke took off the right arm.  A third and fourth robbed the goblin of his limbs.  Jora grinned at the soldier through her bloodied beard.

"Don't worry," she crooned.  "It's only a flesh wound."  A final stroke removed the goblin's eye, ear and throat, and she left him to suffer his final moments in the sand.

The dwarf ran for safety, another of Broose's bolts spearing through his hand as he raised it against the shadow blotting out the sun.  Khain descended from the sky, double-ended spear driving through the dwarf's gut.  Another of Broose's bolts ripped through the dwarf's already cracked face, shattering it.  Khain tore the blade out of the dwarf's gut and he slumped to the ground in unconsciousness.  Jora approached the prone figure.

"Want we should capture him?" she asked.  Broose shook his head.

"Deserter, from the uniform.  Don't recognise the unit.  Not gonna live long anyway.  Finish him, even a traitor deserves a clean death."

"Right you are, sarge."  Jora thrust her sabre through the dwarf's chest, then turned to the smithy.  Her face fell when she saw what lay inside. 

"Sarge," she murmured.  "You're gonna want to see this, but you're not gonna like it."

19th Moonstone, 353

"You sure?" asked Ragna, looking to the two dwarves stood over the body.  Broose took a swig from a hip flask nearby.

"Hard to tell with the damage to the face," said Loksvig, "but I recognise the insignia.  He's from our unit alright.  Corporal, probably fought with him."

"I think that's probably Sigun," added Frey, studying the corpse.  "Sigun Creaturerelic, aye.  Not one of the best examples of a soldier I ever saw, not a big surprise if he defected."

"How'd he come to be leading goblins, then?" asked Ragna.

"Prob'ly just fell into it," grunted Broose.  "War ends, guy has no other skills.  What's a soldier got left?  He can take up as a bandit and good luck with that, or he can find some other army as needs him."

"What are we going to do with the body?" asked Loksvig.

"Burn it," said Broose.  "Deserters don't get burials, they don't get honour, and the filth joined a goblin army at that.  We can't leave him to rot, but we're not soiling the rock here with him either, so set a pyre with some weeds and oil and let that be an end to him.  Gigin can take him for all I care."

20th Moonstone, 353

The service over, the Nishans departed, Fath sat alone by the casket in the silent tomb.  He ran his hand across the stone that a month before it had smoothed.  He had added a few engravings over the previous day, trying to add a little decoration to the otherwise spartan chamber.  It had seemed wrong somehow to consign the girl to a mere servant's chamber.

He traced his fingers over the inscription on the microcline;
Code: [Select]
Yngwie Mirrorcastles
    288 - 353
and glanced to the two coffers containing the remains of Ousire's treasured donkeys.  The smelter had stood through the service, fighting throughout to hold back her tears.  She looked as if Gigin's own wrath burned like magma in her heart.

Fath sighed softly and stood, placing the tiny chalk boat upon the coffin.  He kissed his fingers softly and pressed them to the cold stone, wiping his eyes.  The mechanic did his best to smile and whispered to the coffin not to fear, that everything would turn out alright.

"We'll show them," he promised softly. 

"We'll show them all."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #197 on: May 26, 2009, 10:42:48 am »

An interesting little tidbit about the dwarf leading the ambush there; apparently he was extremely ambivolent on matters of faith.

Another impressive statistic comes from one of the (defeated) demon leaders, Ngoso Sizzleflickered the Sweltering Skull... who had five hundred and forty-one kills to his name before finally being killed and eaten by an elf.  Ngoso personally led a hell of a lot of attacks on other settlements and liked to get stuck in on the action.  Pretty terrifying guy.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 11:49:04 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #198 on: May 26, 2009, 11:12:05 am »

No, not Yngwie!

I'll take comfort in that there was fire and revenge (?) swearing involved, at least.


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #199 on: May 26, 2009, 11:20:27 am » super awsome insane best-friend-for-ever is dead? O_O and so are my donkeys? carp!

maybe now my character becomes the mechanic?.....or now we start construction on the walls of brass/insane traps that make olonkulet what it is?....


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #200 on: May 26, 2009, 01:24:03 pm »

I'm almost tempted to go try to decrypt the messages, but it would be out of character for Jora. Ah well.

Also, hooray for Lanternwebs being in the story!
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #201 on: May 26, 2009, 02:04:20 pm »

wow dwarfs leading goblins

from the jurnle of Khain:
Damn it! again I'm the last into battle and yet again I'm left to mop up what evers left. this hasn't help with the other dwarfs commenting on my undwarfish weapon, some even called it Elvish I gave em a good smack around the chops for there trouble.

I must continue to train using my new weapon and somehow find time to train my agility, I might have to use my remaning free time for train...
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #202 on: May 26, 2009, 04:01:36 pm »

Can I request a second dwarf? My first one got speared to death :(


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #203 on: May 26, 2009, 06:09:01 pm »

Sgt Broose's Diary
23rd Moonstone, 353

Got to talking with that smelter girl, Ousire.  Lot of anger in her, lot of fear.  Seen it before.  Wanted to join the militia, or work on trapbuilding.  Told her that she'll do more good smelting weaponry right now, on account of she's the best we have at it, but she didn't take it well.  Got me to thinking about the attack, though, how we could use all the help we can really get.

Started piling up the skulls littered around the village; goblin, kobold, even the old dog skulls.  Figure it's a start.

24th Moonstone, 353

Put in a chit with Dani for a bit of a wall extension, paid up for a platinum statue too.  Karana let me go into a bit of debt to manage it, but I guess someone has to do all this or it just won't get done.  Gigin's teeth, not as if I was using my pay for anything constructive anyway, pissed most of it up against a wall.

25th Moonstone, 353

Looks like that dwarf deserter wasn't alone.  His commander came after him, steel chainmail and a bloody scourge, towing four goblin slaves and one of the greenskins with a flail at that.  First gobber skids straight into the pit traps (more useful than they look, those) and as usual, bloody pirate lass gets in first.  Takes out the flail swinger with one stroke, bisects another and then does the whole bloody limb amputation thing she does on the dwarf, rendering him completely useless for any sort of questioning.  Shot out a couple of the slaves myself, but all we've got for a prisoner is one of the bloody slaves and he doesn't even speak the damn language.

Got in a spot of good old fashioned looting at the end, nabbed his shirt for myself.  No use wasting a decent bit of steel chain.  Found some identification; Captain Kosoth Webpages, 13th Axe division.  Bastard could've served alongside me at some point.  Decorated and everything, a bloody war hero.  Even had a macaque bone locket with a double engraving of him and some sweetheart he probably left in the Mountainhomes years ago, poor bastard.  What in Gigin's tight leather pants was he doing fighting on the side of bloody goblins?

3rd Opal, 353

Creepy goblin kid (his dwarven's still crap, but I'm starting to understand what he says almost half the time now) has been 'interrogating' the prisoners for a week now.  Pretty rough with them, too, didn't think he'd be so keen on beating up his own kith like that.  Guess goblins are a pretty backstabbing bunch after all.  Didn't do much good, goblins don't say much besides their names and who cares about those?  One of them was from this bunch of travelling raiders, tried to sneak in to kidnap kids, it seems.  The kid went peelifruit on him at that point, Ragna had to pry the iron bar out of his hand.  Imagine that was a bit of a sore spot.  Injuries'll heal, so no permanent damage to the prisoner there.  Other gobber was from raiders too, got captured and enslaved by the mailled dwarf and his henchies.  Didn't know anything about where the rest of them were from.

15th Opal, 353

Took me half a month, but got this little shrine in place.  Kulet carved me up a statue of Gigin from platinum, exceptional piece at that (and he didn't bloody half charge for it, it'll take me six months to work off the debt to Karana on this).  Not a bad sculpture; kitted out in chain and mail, chainmail veil over her face and beard, axe in one hand, set-square and compasses in the other, standing on a mound of skulls.  Got the skulls around the statue to rest up against the base just tight enough you can't see the join, so it looks good.

Creepy goblin kid asked what I was up to.  Sat down and tried to explain the idea behind Gigin to him.  Seemed interested, wanted me to fill him in sometime.  What harm can it do, I guess?

1st Obsidian, 353
(The writing in this entry is especially skewed and illegible.)

Everyone got drunk today!  I got especially drunk and made it all the way to Borax.  Two births on the same day.  Two farmers' wives, Iteb and Stukos, gave birth to a girl and boy, Urist and Sodel.  It's great.  Bloody minstrel came and sang songs at me until I threw enough firecaps at her for her to go away.  Now I'm going to fall up and throw asleep.


Request away, Kanute!  One of the dangers of using fortresses as a story engine is that sometimes things do just cock up and characters die before their story arcs can even be pursued.  Alas.

Redhades:  Gethro will arrive whenever the DM does.  No fear, he/she's reserved now!
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #204 on: May 26, 2009, 06:15:11 pm »


I don't know why I found the last entry so humorous. Maybe it's because Vigdis is in it. Or maybe not. I don't know.



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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #205 on: May 26, 2009, 06:26:51 pm »

i dont know why but ur post mad me laugh boksi


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #206 on: May 26, 2009, 06:56:36 pm »

Redhades:  Gethro will arrive whenever the DM does.  No fear, he/she's reserved now!

I do miss those little series of ascii scenes you where making in the beginning. Those were very nice. Especially the blue night scenes. They made me wish that DF had a day-night cycle.
But I understand if you find them a hassle to make, or not as rewarding as actual writing.
I'd offer myself to do them for you, but I've been playing graphic mode all along and have a very poor idea of what things in the game look in ascii.

Edit: Oh, I forgot you made on on the previous page.   :-X
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 07:30:40 pm by Redhades »


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #207 on: May 26, 2009, 07:31:40 pm »

It has more to do with them being appropriate for the scene.  I happily do ASCII for the Vignettes because they don't happen strictly within the gameworld, but for events that did happen within the gameworld I'd have to take screenshots, which end up being rather messy and don't look that good.  Some Vignettes are also pretty stationary (lots of talking, character development, not that much action or scene changes) and so only a single pic ends up getting made, if at all.  This is why I love Ragna's backstory so much; plenty of scene changes and action.

The exception here is the nightmare sequences.  I am deliberately not drawing those because horror works better the more is left to the imagination.

Not to mention the ASCII in AsciiDraw and in DF don't quite match up, so certain things (like boulders and statues, which Olonkulet is full of) can't be displayed if I try and mock up a scene from ingame.

DF does have a day-night cycle, in Adventure Mode.  That's the colour scheme I use for the night/dark scenes in the ASCII pics.

What I could do is physically draw scenes, but I have neither scanner nor tablet on this computer, not to mention it being ages since I figure sketched enough to get the proportions right.  Perhaps later.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #208 on: May 26, 2009, 07:33:15 pm »

Name Ulvruffeldolf
gender male
proffesion Tradesdwarf

Dolf comes from a human city with a large dwarven population. Like many of the inhabitants, his dwarvish is fairly stilted and has adopted the humans' ways. He became a trader and enjoyed midling success in selling large corkscrews. After amassing a sizable sum of coins, Dolf organized a traditional dwarven settling party in order to search for wealth, power, and an insight into his dwarven heritage. His expedition was successful, but after striking gold it broke up due to greed. He left with only his gold-lined clothes to his name   

EDIT: Made him a tradesdwarf. It makes more sense, I think, with his entrepreneurial outlook.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 08:22:02 pm by Kanute »


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Re: Olonkulet - The Six Shrines (Community/Fugitives)
« Reply #209 on: May 27, 2009, 12:34:54 am »

oh dont worry man, its totaly cool to just totaly ignore my requests about my dwarf's job. >_> and not even give me the requested one as a side task or whatever. i want to be the one who starts olonkulet on its path to batshit engineering! probably would work together with the dude thats making caculators and stuff
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