Finally. We're here.
What? That doesn't look like a plot device. Rictor said there would be a plot device waiting, not a knight in
shining armor! What the crap is this?!?
Well... it's not a plot device but at least its a plot...
Geez. Eleanor REALLY gets around, doesn't she?
Wow, THREE exclamation points. If it's that important to you, why don't you just ignore "that young lass" for a couple minutes and help fight? Idiot.
Shoruke: YO! Stop running away, ya wuss!
Nichart: Oh shut up. I'm off to get laid.
Shoruke: Fair enough. Carry on.
Shoruke: Oh gripe. Now there's more of them, and they even have spellcasters. Not cool... But we have a full complement of 8 troops! (I even gave Glycinia and Ivanna some equipment, and Ivanna her heal spell back)
Shoruke: Dammit. I'm already sick of these fricking 'kill the leader' story battles. Makes it SO much harder to get loot.
Ivanna: Dude. We're still on like, battle number four. What loot do they have they we could need so badly?
Shoruke: There's spellcasters. They've GOTTA have decent loot. But before we actually join in combat...
Glycinia: I HAZ LOOTZ!
Shoruke: Good job. Magic salve. It might be worth something once we have some spellcasters. Anyway, Aqizzar, your job is to get on top of that wall and stand in the very top-lefternmost corner.
Aqizzar: Why?
Shoruke: There's a fancy sword.
Duke: I like swords.
Inaluct: Welcome to Corneria!
Shoruke: DAMN IT ALL no 8-bit theater references, this is the wrong LP game for that!
Inaluct: Hey! Fourth wall!
Shoruke: Right. CHARGE!
*some charging later*
Aqizzar: I FINDED A HAMMER! I like hammers.
Shoruke: Wow. I like, JUST SAID no 8-bit theater references, but aside from that the odds against you finding a halt hammer as a random treasure have got to be pretty stacked. Good stuff.
*more charging*
Shoruke: Fear my ninja-esque heightened walking speed!
*some time later*
Ivanna: Yeesh, what a messy charge.
Duke: Oh shut up you old bag. We can't all be Shorukian ninjas.
Inaluct: Yeah, it's not like one of us is Konohamaru or something...
Shoruke: Yeah I figured there would be a Naruto reference at some point. Don't do it again.
Ivanna: OGODZWAI I'm just the healer!
Grimal: Exactly!
Ivanna: Well then, taste knightly counterattack!
Grimal: Wow. Just, wow. That sucked!
Ivanna: By GOD these shortswords suck.
Grimal: No, I think it's you...
Shoruke: Oh hell with that, Ivanna has heal, she'll be fine for a while. The rest of you, KILL THE MAGES!
Joshua: I am so totally all over that!
Shoruke: Well you didn't quite kill him but that was still pretty damn good.
Joshua: Thanks. *There would be a "you young whippersnapper"-ism here as the wizard countered, but I missed the screenshot opportunity*
Inaluct: Allow me.
Joshua: Geez and you're the one with the weapon. I did like, almost twice as much as you!
Inaluct: Yeah but I got the kill. *Sticks out tongue*
Shoruke: Yeah it's weird, it's not about the fighting in this game it's about the kills... even if the finisher is just a stab in the back when someone's sleeping, it still teaches you more than actually going toe-to-toe with them... Anyway I'm going to go beat the stuffing out of their healer now.
Aqizzar: Good shot Shoruke: Now I'll just pop over there and finisher her off with my bow!
Aqizzar: Oh right. The buried treasure, which I am somehow able to dig out of a solid stone wall in less than the time it takes to draw and fire a bow.
Aqizzar: This treasure?
Shoruke: No, the OTHER dragon gem sword buried in the top-lefternmost corner.
Aqizzar: I only found this one...
Shoruke: *facepalm*
Joshua: Wow. Anyone from our team with Fist Fight could take her out with one more punch.
Duke: Yeah seriously, that was a pretty wussy spell.
Duke: HAH! Just because your class is superior to mine doesn't mean you'll beat me!
Shoruke: Wow, I'm surprised he actually carried through with that taunt. I figured he'd get poetic justiced and Grimal would block him back.
Inaluct: Time to finish off the healer!
Shoruke: HEY! KS much?
Inaluct: You snooze you lose.
Shoruke: Fine. Treasure's mine then.
Shoruke: I just love when treasure and a shot-to-the-back opportunity come to me at the same time. And lo and behold, it's a cleanse spell. I was right about the casters having good loot. Speaking of which, nobody picked up the wizard's loot yet. Someone get that.
Duke: Dibs.
Duke: DAMN but these shortbows suck. At least I got the spellbook (or at least it's CALLED a spellbook but it's really a scroll...)
Shoruke: What spell is it?
Duke: Crag Crush.
Shoruke: SWEET, MINE! Yay for caster loot!
All: Yay.
Strife: Damn it all! I haven't gotten ANY SPEECH TIME YET! DIE!
Strife: So of course for my combat photo he has me hidden behind Inaluct. Dammit person-playing-his-computer, I hate you.
Fourth Wall: OW OW OW STOP!
Shoruke: Sorry Strife, I apologize. Fourth Wall, you deserve to die for comedic purposes.
Inaluct: Well we've killed off all the (noteworthy) enemies except Grimal...
Random Enemy Archer: HEY!
Inaluct: Like I said, noteworthy, so anyway I'm going to just pick up this here Stone of Swiftness and
Inaluct: Hey cool.
Shoruke: Finally, someone picked up five treasures. Congratulations Inaluct; now if you pick up a randomized treasure, it might suck less.
Inaluct: Cool, is there very much randomized treasure in the game?
Shoruke: Very very little.
Inaluct: Aww...
Shoruke: But it gives you a treasure chest-shaped emblem.
Inaluct: Yay! Shinies! I like shinies.
Duke: I like swords.
Shoruke: Don't-
Aqizzar: Welcome to Corneria!
Aqizzar: Heh, sorry. Anyway, time to end this Grimal!!! *notice, three exclamation points*
Shoruke: Huh? Me? What? I didn't even touch you this whole time!
Grimal: Yeah but you're leading.
Shoruke: Oh yeah... Point... Anyway I think I'll go off on my own and look for that plot device.
*non-listed treasures: A Cup of Life, a Healing Leaf, a Crown of Intellect, a Chainmail, and Numida Chronology: A 'quest book'. More on that later*
Shoruke: Gah, there I go again, Captain Obvious during cutscenes... Wait who's that?
Shoruke: Water magic? It's going to take more than one spell to kill me, miss.
Shoruke: Huh? Oh s*** slumber mist, and it's guaranteed to work in a cutscene...
Shoruke: ...KO...
Girl: Heh, gets em every time. Nothing makes men vulnerable to status spells like a gool ol' cutscene.
Shoruke: Oh man. Chains? Cellar? Kinky.
Shoruke: Hey um Nichart, if we're about to do what I think we're about to do, shouldn't the
girl be in chains...?
Nichart: ...Torture for information? Why would I put my helper in chains to torture
you for information?
Shoruke: ...Oh. Okay I had it backwards. Wait, torture? F***!!!
Shoruke: Using a status spell during a cutscene! You whore!
Shoruke: Umm... what? I just beat the stuffing out of Grimal and, since the rest of my squad wasn't there for the cutscene, I still have posession of this fortress. And you said yourself that Formido was vital to movement in the south, using three exclamation points no less. And you still don't know where the Sacred Spear is.
Nichart: ...What?
Shoruke: Oops. Guess I shouldn't tell you about that.
Nichart: Oh right, I guess we aren't. Guess I better get down to the yaoi rape then.
Shoruke: SAY WHAT?!?
Nichart: *whip*
Nichart: Tell me about that spear!
Shoruke: No!
Young Spellcaster: Commander Briffaut, maybe I should take care of this. After all, I'm the devious one.
Briffaut: Okay, how are YOU going to do it?
Shoruke: Oh... crap... now the forced drugs... aah!
Shoruke: Ohhhh maaaaaan I can't even tell if this is real water or not, thoss wuz sum purty srs drugs... yech. *shakes head*
*You might JUST be able to see her shadow in the doorway*
Shoruke: Okay so why didn't they just stab me after they drugged me? I mean, isn't drowning a little... I dunno... isn't it kinda begging for a plot device?
Shoruke: Hellooooooo sexy dress. I'm listening, and hoping this isn't a drug-induced hallucination or something.
Shoruke: Sounds great. I love sexy plot devices.
Mysterious Woman: What was that?
Shoruke: I, uh, I just LOVE getting rescued?
Mysterious Woman: Alright, whatever floats your boat. Anyway, I'm Cybil. And since I just saved your life, you (and your squad) have to do whatever I tell you to.
Shoruke: Sounds fun.
Cybil: We're going to cross the marsh to the west and jump into the sea, looking for murderous mermaids.
Shoruke: Oooookay, umm, for the sake of my squad, I can understand me personally needing to follow your commands, but you didn't save any of my teammates, so why do THEY need to follow you?
Cybil: You paid them didn't you? And you don't want to have to fight your way across the marsh on your own, do you?
Shoruke: Wait, you aren't going to fight? You don't have a team?
Cybil: Nope.
Shoruke: Wow. Glad I paid them.
*Some time later*
Okay. We're going to need to replace Ivanna and Glycinia because Ivanna sucks and fairies suck worse.
*Hires ArcAngel and Okenido*