I recruited some more froobs from the grocery store. We only had about 550 goth though, and soldiers are 1,000 goth each, so I sold our greatbow and one of our Alters of Resurrection to get the funds to hire them.
Shoruke: Okay. Duke, here's some equipment.
Duke: Thanks.
Strife: None for me?
Shoruke: Nope, not just now. Both of you set up training. Ivanna, take your clothes off and go with them.
Ivanna: oh crap.
Strife: So what are we doing?
Shoruke: Duke is going to repeatedly shoot at Ivanna, attempting to get the sniper emblem. Strife will then finish Ivanna off to get fist fight. You'll get sniper later.
Ivanna: And me? Don't I get anything?
Shoruke: You get pwned. Have fun guys.
*Duke gets sniper emblem*
Shoruke: Hey wait a sec! You'll both want knight's certificate. So unfortunately Strife, your Fist Fight emblem will have to wait.
Strife: Why?
Shoruke: You'll see. Duke, take all your clothes off and give Strife the shortbow.
*sets up training again, Strife shoots Duke in the back 5 times*
Shoruke: Okay. Now you both have the sniper emblem, and you're both level 2 from beating on Ivanna. Now you're both going to go at it, completely naked, until you both have knight's certificate. *Strife ditches the shortbow* Alright guys have at it.
Strife: Die!
Duke: No you die!
Shoruke: Omigodz can't watch this.
*some time later*
Strife: Book of Initiation?
Shoruke: Yeah, Duke is in water so he's taking some penalties... you got it because he missed you three times in a row. It doesn't do anything for you except allow you to become a swordsmaster.
Strife: Ah okay. *levels up*
Duke: This is unfair. I'm taking penalties because I'm standing in water. Isn't this just a little biased? Even though neither of us are getting elemental bonuses?
Shoruke: Good point. Strife, you can stand on the grass and get a small elemental bonus, Duke you stand on the cobblestones and get a twice-as-large elemental bonus.
Duke: I got it first! Hah hah!
Strife: Oh yeah?!? *whack*
Shoruke: Finally. Now I'll just soften Duke up a little bit... ACID VAPOR!
Duke: Ow! *punches Strife*
Strife: *punches back*
Duke: *bleh*
Strife: Yay! Self Preservation and Fist Fight!
Shoruke: I guess we should get Duke Self Preservation as well... but he can have his sword this time.
Shoruke: I'll just weaken Strife a bit... *shurikens*
Strife: Owz. So, ignoring the pain for a sec here, all I do is punch him?
Shoruke: And killed when he counterattacks you. Yes.
Strife: Okay here goes!
Shoruke: Interesting. Fist Fight is worth precisely as much power as a long sword.