For the Spore Spreader, I'm thinking something like this:
The actual Spore Spreader is a Jester. They need to get lynched to activate their spores. (Night kills no longer trigger it) Two random players of any race are then converted into Spore Carriers. The carriers are Survivors who win if either of them makes it to the end. Carriers are not far enough along in the spore process yet to trigger the spores and need to survive to get to that point. Not sure if the carriers would keep their roles or not.
I actually like the spore spreaders as they are now. Maybe at most change their wincon to be a general survivor (only one SS alive needed for all to win), not winning just with a town victory (it doesn't make much sense for them winning with all humans dead, but flavour could be that they remain dormant in the town waiting for the next batch of settlers or something).
I also like that the dopps and aliens are immune; people seem to think this needs to be toned down; but say we had about a 50% chance of infection success if dopp. A dopp kills the SS and if infected, they turn SS immediately: the dopps lose a team member, who could even out them to the thread! They need to kill him at once... but if they do, they have a 50% chance of being infected themselves! Troublesome. I don't like
at all the idea of a modkill clause for revealing knowledge though; it seems unfair and contrary to the spirit of the game, plus risks creative players finding ways to do it discreetly. Maybe make only aliens susceptible to SS infection? The SSs are aliens anyway...
I feel we haven't given the SS a fair shake yet. Sure, Dariush didn't do a stellar job of it this game, but hey... (no offence) don't write them out just yet. I'd very much like to play as one in their current incarnation.
I'm also thinking of adding in another dopp killing role. Less powerful than the Vig and it would use the regular dopp kill flavor. Something to make the Exterminator's camo useful for actually doing a dopp-style kill. Right now that screams Exterminator just as much as a plasma kill does. Might be a one-shot kill or something like that.
I'm very much in favour. Flavour for it could be fun... like a dopp-equivalent of a pet dog, who is unleashed and goes to kill on his own, then dies or wanders off...
Can the script simply give the dopps one less teammate if they get a vig, or is the dopp count fairly static?
I don't think that'd work. You could make a guess then if the dopps have a vig based on the number of pods in the opening flavour.
Meph: I'd like to also address the balance of the kooks. At the risk of
proving Wuba right, I think it is broken to have a
guaranteed at least one kook in a 13 people game. In my opinion, in a game of that size it should be about equally probable to have zero, one or two actual kooks. There is too much danger of kooks becoming confirmed townies just by virtue of claiming, which is not fun at all, and makes the dopp fakeclaim option a more dangerous gambit than it needs to be.