does this game have its own forum and/or wiki or anything? there are about a million questions i am looking for answers to, and i cant find anywhere better to ask then in this thread:
i've found refueling platforms in almost every game, but am having trouble figuring out what to do there (besides refuel from the O's). Ive tried:
shooting through the walls and doors with weapons that can easily penetrate ship bulkheads. cant knock them down. tried picking the locks with a rank 3 science officer, which is the best i've been able to get. he cant do it. tried shooting at it with my ship's particle gun, and while i managed to kill my away team with the blast once, the doors held.
are those buildings just inaccessable? do i need to find something somewhere else in the game to get through? do i need to level my science officer more?
also, whats up with the ASCS? it's not hard to find them floating in space waiting to be boarded (find them in almost every game) but can you activate them and board them? They have their own entery in the ships.csv, including text that suggests they can be taken over. but so far the only thing i've been able to do is:
blow up the computer consoles to take the nifty alien technology from them. to explore the entire ship, it required multiple visits so that i could continue to replenish my away teams.
also, is there any way to sell stuff you dont need anymore? i often find myself with piles of obsolete weapons and equipment, that my away team carries but does not eqiup.
last thing i can think of at the moment, i've had problems with away tems not equipping jetpacks, even when i have enough for everyone. this does not happen all the time, but when it does happen in a game, it seems to be consistant. similarly, i dont notice any particular benefit from headlamps. are they not being used?