15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn
Self-professed disliker of conversations, Morul finally got enough time with his peeps to improve his social skills, becoming legendary consoler, negotiator, indimidator, persuader, judge of intent, pacifier, comedian, conversationalist, flatterer.
That makes 67 legendary stats in 41 years. Not too shabby.
A little closer examination has revealed the pattern which is slowing down sparring. Morul will head down to spar with another champion and usually on the first blow stun the other guy, which usually breaks off the sparring. Fortunately, there are still no serious injuries.
--- Labor (52)
18th Moonstone, 202, Early Winter - Miner
19th Limestone, 206, Early Autumn - Woodcutter
27th Granite, 207, Early Spring - Appraiser
9th Sandstone, 207, Mid-Autumn - Bone Carver
11th Granite, 208, Early Spring - Furnace Operator
27th Opal, 208, Mid Winter - Engraver
5th Granite, 209, Early Spring - Carpenter
24th Timber, 209, Late Autumn - Mason
13th Opal, 209, Mid-Winter - Weaver
14th Obsidian, 209, Late Winter - Dyer
12th Granite, 210, Early Spring - Clothier
2nd Hematite, 211, Early Summer - Miller
10th Sandstone, 211, Mid-Autumn - Bowyer
26th Sandstone, 211, Mid-Autumn - Cook
20th Felsite, 212, Late Spring - Brewer
12th Limestone, 214, Early Autumn - Milker
12th Limestone, 214, Early Autumn - Cheese Maker
13th Timber, 214, Late Autumn - Thresher
13th Obsidian, 214, Late Winter - Trapper
23rd Felsite, 215, Late Spring - Metalsmith
6th Opal, 215, Mid-Winter - Glassmaker
5th Sandstone, 216, Mid-Autumn - Wood Burning
12th Timber, 216, Late Autumn - Animal Dissector
13th Granite, 217, Early Spring - Lye Maker
25th Malachite, 217, Mid-Summer - Potash Maker
8th Sandstone, 217, Mid-Autumn - Siege Operator
27th Timber, 217, Late Autumn - Leatherworker
25th Hematite, 218, Early Summer - Animal Training
21st Sandstone, 218, Mid-Autumn - Tanning
27th Sandstone, 218, Mid-Autumn - Butcher
18th Granite, 219, Early Spring - Gem Cutter
23rd Felsite, 219, Late Spring - Mechanic
4th Limestone, 219, Early Autumn - Stonecrafter
26th Hematite, 221, Early Summer - Siege Engineer
24th Slate, 222, Mid-Spring - Ambusher
19th Limestone, 222, Early Autumn - Herbalist
26th Sandstone, 222, Mid-Autumn - Gem Setter
14th Galena, 225, Late Summer - Fishing
14th Sandstone, 225, Mid-Autumn - Fish Cleaning
12th Malachite, 226, Mid-Summer - Grower
21st Hematite, 227, Early Summer - Architect
3rd Malachite, 227, Mid-Summer - Soap Making
15th Limestone, 227, Early Autumn - Organizer
14th Felsite, 228, Late Spring - Fish Dissector
5th Hematite, 228, Early Summer - Animal Care
26th Hematite, 228, Early Summer - Pump Operating
6th Galena, 228, Late Summer - Armorsmith
1st Moonstone, 228, Early Winter - Weaponsmith
1st Hematite, 229, Early Summer - Woodcrafter
27th Galena, 229, Late Summer - Metalcrafter
2nd Galena, 230, Late Summer - Strand Extracting
9th Malachite, 231, Mid-Summer - Record Keeper
--- Social (9)
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Consoler
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Negotiator
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Intimidator
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Persuader
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Judge of Intent
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Pacifier
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Comedian
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Conversationalist
15th Limestone, 241, Early Autumn - Flatterer
--- Military (6)
11th Hematite, 234, Early Summer - Swimmer
26th Moonstone, 235, Early Winter - Marksdwarf
15th Limestone, 235, Early Autumn - Wrestler
1st Limestone, 236, Early Autumn - Shield User
28th Sandstone, 238, Late Autumn - Armor User
7th Felsite, 241, Late Spring - Macedwarf