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Author Topic: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride  (Read 3243 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2009, 10:18:13 pm »

Oh my god I'm a woman.

No, you're a dwarf  :D


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2009, 10:19:33 pm »

True, gender should be considered optional for dwarves


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2009, 08:57:49 am »

lol alright we do need barrels :P and jackrabbit :P that would be a good idea but all might want to be males ;)


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2009, 06:40:20 pm »

With dwarves, its always hard to tell. If I get married, then I'll worry. It's happen about three times before


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2009, 05:34:47 pm »

lol then i feel sry for u :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2009, 08:08:07 pm »

Once I was a robot, so it was a bit better then


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2009, 08:45:27 pm »

lol. right now i am trying the zombie mod and so far i am suviving. already have 3 zombies on the map but r across the river. i have one marksmen standing guard. am going to start fortifications as soon as i get my guys settled in :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2009, 11:36:47 pm »

Big update:

28th Malachite, 302
Our first child was born today! Cattan Ramdatan, one of the fortress's soldiers gave birth to a little boy today. In honor of our leader, she named him after him. Young Kib Ardeszas clings to his mother while she spars in the barracks. I went down to see the child, quite a cute little lad, up until he threw up all over me...

1st Galena, 302
With our population now an even 50, Kib declared that we should hold elections and elect a mayor. We were all a bit puzzled by this, but he said a legitimate government must be run by somebody who has the duly elected authority of the people. There was really nobody other than Kib we wished to lead us, and his election as Mayor was unanimous. As mayor he decided to enact a few new changes. First and foremost, a re-designation of all dwarf titles. His first rule was that no dwarf should ever be called a peasant again, deeming it a derogatory title. All unskilled dwarfs shall be known as laborers, assigning several other dwarves to the group. Their primary tasks will be hauling, but he believed they all should be trained in engineering, and stoneworking. He assigned more than just former peasants the new job title also. Many of the craftsdwarves and the old stoneworkers were given the title also. He also laid out designs for a new grand dining hall, and workshop space as well. His last order was to give me a promotion to fortress manager. I'm not quite sure about that last order, but I hope I will do well with the new duties responsible of me.

2nd Galena, 302
Kib and I had a private meeting today. We went over future projects for the lads to work on, as manager of course, it would be my responsibility to keep track of them, issue orders, and make sure all work gets done. Kib laid out three major projects that he has in mind. First was to properly furnish our dining room with a grand set of statues and a long spanning table and seats. Second, equipping the living quarters with a bed, cabinet, chest, weapon rack, and armor stand for every dwarf. Third was to equip our soldiers who have all become quite adept at wrestling, with proper iron armor, and weapons befitting our glorious fortress. I nodded and agreed to his requests, however I added a fourth one to the front of the que: Barrels. Our food industry is desperately lacking in them, and we need many barrels to have a properly functioning alcohol and food industry to keep us fed, and have plenty of alcohol to go around.

10th Galena, 302
The miners have been moving quickly! More than half of Kib's newly ordered crafting area has been dug out, and the new laborers have begun setting up their workshops in the space. I ordered the deconstruction of all craft shops on the surface, so all non-military dwarves can start to move downstairs on a more permanent basis where they will be safer from any enemies out there. Who Kib seems to think are quite a few...

15th Galena, 302
The miners have finished digging out the crafting areas, and have now started digging out our dining hall. I've ordered up I ordered up 60 rock tables, chairs, and statues for the laborers to make, in anticipation of the soon to be dug out hall.

19th Galena, 302
We've ran into a bit of an alcohol shortage I'm afraid. Mainly spurred by the lack of barrels to properly store up a decent stockpile. While Asmel was sleeping, many of the new lads quickly swallowed up the last of our alcohol supplies. I'm going to talk to her today about the possibility of her taking on an apprentice brewer, so we can increase production, and not run out of alcohol if she has any problems preventing her from performing her duties.

24th Galena, 302
After a three-way meeting with Kib, Asmel, and I. We decided from now on Asmel shall be known as the brewmaster, and it will be her responsibility to keep our thirsts quenched with a steady supply of alcohol. She took on an apprentice as well, Thikut Lorbamakgos, who was a laborer. I noticed Asmel and Kib seem to be quite close, I've even spotted her sneaking into Kib's office sometimes when she is done with her duties. I think there might be a bit of romance there.

1st Limestone, 302
Everybody is a bit thirsty as we all wait for Asmel to brew more alcohol. As soon as a barrel comes out of the still there's a small que waiting to get a drink out of it. Luckily work on getting plump helmets acclimated tot he cold environment seems to be working well, as they're starting to grow a little larger. Some good news to note, the dining hall is coming along nicely, along with space set up for stills down near our area as well. This means the brewing can be done down by our stockpiles, and less distance for the brewers to walk back and forth. Also with space for two stills, we can now double our alcohol production!

15th Limestone, 302
The dwarven traders have appeared on the horizon, braving the cold and bitter ice. I'm afraid we don't have a whole lot in terms of trade goods... but I'll see what I can get from them. Hopefully they brought our shipment of wood and barrels like we requested.

17th  Limestone, 302
As I was waiting for the traders to get set up, a goblin attemtping to kidnap our children was caught in one of my cages! The idiot! Kib looked over our captor, with hatred in his eyes. I'm not sure what he plans to do with him, but I know it won't be pretty.

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18th Limestone, 302
A fairly good haul off the traders. Not nearly as many barrels as I would have liked, but a good supply of wood. Also got some more meat, some big fat juicy plump helmets, and a few hunks of cheese. Could be worse, could be better. Had to give some more of our roast to get it though... we need to start producing some trade goods if we're ever going to start getting proper supplies.

25th Limestone, 302
Kib sat down with our liaison to talk over trade goods today. Kib seems a bit perturbed about how few barrels the traders brought with them. Especially a number of which they tried to charge several thousand dwarf bucks for just because they had a bit of gems encrusted in them.

27th Limestone, 302
I heard shouting come from Kib's office today, I don't think the talks are going very well.

28th Limestone, 302
The liaison stormed off in a huff of anger and made a beeline for the icy planes. Kib talked to me, something along the lines of us not meeting our production quotas set by the mountainhome. What a bunch of rubbish. I told Kib that I doubted we'll get much supplies next year, and he seemed to be happy about the idea.

3rd Sandstone, 302
The laborers finished making enough chairs and tables to put together a decent dining room. I ordered the construction, now to start ordering up furniture for the housing. On the barrel front, we're up to 47, 13 iron ones we manufactured ourselves, the rest have been imports. Still, we need a lot more, but I think it will get us by for now. I talked to one of the metal workers, a dwarf calling themselves 'Rugged' seems to be a bit of a self-centered dwarf, about practicing his armor craft making some bucklers. And we can sell the crappy ones off for profit while he hones his craft. I'm not sure if he liked the way I suggested he needed to get better at making armor, but rushed off to prove how well he can armor our dwarves. We have 52 iron bars at the moment, and 23 units of fuel. Need to see what we can do about expanding our furnace operating dwarves in the future.

10th Sandstone, 302
I think Rugged is pouting, hasn't started working on the bucklers, and instead says he is 'on break'. What a silly dwarf, I'm thinking about assigning a more willing spirit to be our official armorsmith instead...

12th Sandstone, 302
Rugged still claims to be 'on break' I decide to have a talk with Kib about it. While he thinks that every dwarf should have a day off every now and then, 2 days sulking because you're offended that you need to practice making armor is a bit much!

15th Sandstone, 302
I threaten to assign Rugged to the military if he doesn't get into shape. He thought I was bluffing, but when I showed up with Ineth at my side, him holding his ax and grinning his twisted little grin, Rugged backed down, and ran off to work.

22nd Sandstone, 302
The whole metal working industry has ground to a halt today due to a coal shortage. We DO have coal, but it's all in the smelters. And the furnace operators say they can't use it until a laborer moves it out of the smelter and into the coal stockpile. I asked them who setup such an insane rule, and they said it was by the order of Kib. I groaned loudly, and see what I can do about it. Rugged, who was taking the shutdown in the line for an opportunity to smoke a pipe while leaning against the wall outside the forge gave me such a pompous look. I growled so loudly once I was safely locked up inside my office where nobody could hear me... I hope.

23rd Sandstone, 302
Okay, I got this whole damn thing situated. Against their protests, I ordered the furnace operators to do their own damn hauling. They can carry the refined coal the whole 5 feet needed to clear it of the furnace, where it can then be used to make more coal. I assured them it was a temporary measure until we get more dwarves. Then I can assign a few lads to do it full time. They seemed to accept this, and went to work. What I wouldn't give to have access to magma... but alas, no such luck.

10th Timber, 302
Well things are running smoothly again. Kib seemed to not have taken any interest in my recent intervening, and hasn't mentioned it to me. If ind it's best not to raise any issued with Kib that I don't need to. He seems to be spending a lot of time in his office lately, says he's trying to come up with adequate fortifications. He still thinks we will be attacked soon, by what, I don't know, but he is always worried about our defenses. With his absence, a lot of the dwarves have turned to me for guidance and I often find myself the mediator of differences, or fixer of problems. I took the liberty of ordering the miners to dig out another block of living quarters, as we'll need the space to expand soon, I'm sure.

11th Timber, 302
Tekkud, one of the metalsmiths that migrated to our fortress recently stopped smelting magnetite, taken by some sort of strange mood, kicked Rugged off of the forge while he was making a buckler, and set off collecting supplies. The other metal workers are watching her carefully, Rugged seems especially angry about the upstart taking control of the forge while he was busy making very important bucklers. Apparently she is shouting for rock blocks, so I ordered some to be made right away.

18th Timber, 302
Blocks made, Tekkud seems to have gathered all the materials she needs, and has started to work on some sort of project. There is hopes it will be good, or at least made of iron, which is always good!

22nd Timber, 302
Well Tekkud finished her project, a wonderful iron short sword! She named it'Domainbraved' a really nasty looking Iron Short Sword, that should make fast work of any poor goblin unfortunate enough to be caught in its path. Here's a sketch of the nasty thing:

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27th Timber, 302
Rugged seems a bit upset about getting kicked off his forge, but is back to work. I figured it's probably a good idea to have a couple more forges, so I ordered Rugged to make two new anvils before setting back to work on bucklers. This way we can produce more than just one metal item at a time.

1st Moonstone, 302
Winter has arrived, and with the bitter cold, we all are huddling inside the warmth of our deep home. Kib came out of his office today and had a word with me. He said he wished me to conduct an inspection of the fortress and make a report of how we were developing. I should also see how we can improve our efficiency as much as possible. I nod and set off to work on my project.

6th Moonstone, 302
Inspection part one: Miners
Our mining outfit consists of 3 miners, Iton and Olin who founded this fortress, and one newcomer, Humaan (don't ask about the name) The 3 have been working hard carving out our home. They are also assisting with stone hauling, as we attempt to make an attempt at clearing up all this stone cluttering our halls. Attached is a sketch of Humaan as he works on expanding our housing.

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14th Moonstone, 302
Inspection part two: Metalworkers
Our metalworking outfit consists of 4 dwarves. Most concentrate on refining coal and smelting magnetite, while one concentrates on a specific project. We just finished expanding our forges with two new anvils. Rugged has been working rather hard on making bucklers to practice his armor making skills. Rock still litters most of the metalworking area, although the laborers have made good progress on getting most of it hauled away. Laborers also haul in raw ore for the furnace operators to smelt, hopefully limiting the time they need to wander around the mines to a minimum. Attached is a sketh of Rugged toiling away on some bucklers.

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22nd Moonstone, 302
Inspection part three: Laborers
Our laborers are the backbone of the fortress. 20 strong, there are lots of them, and they are all over the place. They do the various hauling jobs that need to be done, as well as stoneworking and mechanic jobs. They have taken over a large number of spaces in our crafting hall for their masonry workshops, where they work to build enough furniture to properly furnish living quarters worthy of a free dwarf. Their hauling tasks are quite numerous, especially with our attempts to clear out so much stone that is literally everywhere. I'm starting to think we're going to need to figure out some sort of method for destroying all this stone, or putting it to some sort of use. Here is a sketch of the craft halls, and you can see many laborers running around on their many tasks. This is one of the few places where stone is starting to clear noticeably, as the laborers suck it up to convert it into furniture.

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26th Moonstone, 302
Inspection part four: Dining Hall Project
I am glad to report the Dining Hall is coming along quite nicely. We have constructed two long rows of tables and chairs, with plenty of space for everybody, and then some. Lots of elbow space to go around. The only downside I'm afraid is the place is covered in rubble. Rocks everywhere left over from when it was excavated. There's a large area for food storage on the north and south sides of the hall, as well as two stills, and two kitchens. Attached is a sketch of the dining hall, as some dwarves relax in the large spacious hall and enjoy their dinner.

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6th Opal, 302
Inspection part five: Living Quarters Project
Unfortunately the living quarters project has not progressed very well. It is of course second in priority to the dining hall, which we have just completed... for the most part. A lot of furniture needs to be made for the living quarters, but on a positive note, we have acquired a decent amount of lumber, and as such, a good number of beds have been made, and more are on their way. Kol our Carpenter works day and night to make as many beds as he can, and has gotten quite good at it over the last few seasons too. We have 65 beds at the moment, which is one for every dwarven head, although many need to be set up. Also need to manufacture a lot of doors so we can start assigning rooms, even if unfurnished. Here's a sketch of the living quarters as they are now. I currently estimate it will probably be about a year before they are all fully furnished and up to our standards.

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10th Opal, 302
Inspection part six: Food production
Farming seems to be well established, and plump helmets are coming at a steady pace now. Our small patch of dirt is doing well at feeding us, along with what supplies we get from traders, we are doing quite well. Animal population is also starting to boom, and the need for a coral is quite evident. I've given a design to the miners to dig out, and they are off to work on it, but we'll need a lot of rope or chain to keep all the cattle tied up, and stop them from wondering all over the fortress, and leaving their little 'cow traps' as the lads like to call them, lying around. Attached is a sketch of some of the farmers working our field. As you can see, the plump helmets are still rather poor, but several years of selective fertilization has managed to make some that are starting to get good at growing in the cold.

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14th Opal, 302
Inspection part seven: Military
Our ten military dwarves have been progressing quite well. They are still practicing wrestling, as I do not think they should start sparring with weapons until all have been equipped with excellent armor worthy of our fighting force. They have picked up the bucklers that Rugged has been producing, and practicing shield use with them. Under the excellent training of Ineth, all have become legendary wrestlers in their own right, and our all in peak condition. They are still novices with shields, but are learning quickly. Ineth has promoted one of the new recruits, Octavio, to be his second in command. The two run a very tight squad, and are all eager to show their might for our glory. Attached is a sketch of Octavio sparring in the barracks.

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22nd Opal, 302
Inspection Conclusion:
Work is progressing well on our fortress, but we still have much to do. We need more labor if we are to speed up the progress of any large projects. Preferably more labor for increasing our metal production, and stone hauling tasks. Other than that, things seem to be progressing quite well. Food shortages are not likely, but we're still having a hard time keeping alcohol supplies up.

24th Opal, 302
Kib made a decree today, no exports of balista parts. I'm starting to get worried about him. He's spending too much time cooped up in his office, I'm starting to think he's lost touch with the rest of us. We don't even have a siege engine workshop, let alone a balista to export!

5th Obsidian, 302
Rugged decided he was tired of making bucklers today, and started producing chainmail. I figured it's for the good, if anything, it'll get the lads used to wearing armor while he improves his armor making skill. Then once he becomes really good at making armor, they can all upgrade to plate armor.

13th Obsidian, 302
Rugged has now stopped making armor altogether, I think he's been affected by some sort of strange mood, and has started hoarding metal bars into one of the forges, in an attempt to make some sort of project! The other metalworkers are keeping a close eye on him, but he works secretly, and snaps at anybody who tries to take a peak at what he's gathering.

17th Obsidian, 302
After scowering the fortress for a long list of items, Rugged seems to have gotten all he needs, and has begun working on a mysterious project. We all wait with anticipation for word from the metalworkers what his project will be.

21st Obsidian, 302
Rugged has finished his project. Apparently he is rebelling from all the armor he has been forced to make, and put together an iron bracelet. It is rather nice, and worth a decent bit. Lots of spikes, and bands on the thing, not sure if it's a bracelet, or a wrist mounted weapon. Here's a sketch of it, for your viewing pleasure. Finished with his project, Rugged has gone back to work on armorsmithing with little complaint.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2009, 01:04:48 pm »

nice. i would say make some stone crafts or wood but i am just a soldier. soon our entire military will be set for battle and wil do good.


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2009, 06:03:14 pm »

1st Granite, 303
A new year is upon us, marking two full years we've survived in this icy hell hole. Things are really starting to look up, as everything is beginning to come into focus. Doors are being set up in the living halls, and rooms are starting to be claimed by many of the dwarves. More furnishings to come soon I hope. I really hope the elves don't attempt to come again this spring, I hope they got the message last year that we don't want their pointy ears here.

3rd Granite, 303
Great news to report today! Our second little guy has joined our ranks. Mebzuth Gomathkulet gave birth to a little girl today. She named her Atis Atoloddom. A cute little thing, and this time she didn't throw up on me when I gave her an inspection.

10th Granite, 303
As if they heard my dread, the elves have arrived. I grumbled to myself when I heard, and made my way up to the trade depot again. Damn it's cold up there! This time I have the whole squad of dwarves stand behind me, see if I can give them a real show today!

The lads put up a good show, struck some real fear into the three elves this time. I decided to seize their entire inventory. Lots of cloth, not really useful, but I think we could make some rope out of it for use in the corals. The three elves stormed off, with nothing but their clothes on their backs, and their empty donkeys. A great victory for Laborpride!

11th Granite, 303
As the elves were still packing up, a goblin snatcher was spotted trying to sneak into our fortress. Unfortunately for him our squad of soldiers where still outside. Sibrek, one of the recruits, claimed the kill as he sent the bloody corpse flying across the ice.

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16th Granite, 303
Another snatcher today, this one spooked the hell out of the elves as they were making their trek across the ice. I think they spooked each other actually, as the goblin was then reported to have made a beeline straight into my cage traps. Now we have two goblins locked up nice and tight in cages for our pleasure.

1st Felsite, 303
Things have sort of been running on automatic lately. Everybody has a long list of things to do, and we're all doing our best to do it. Lots of things need to be hauled, lots of furniture needs to be made, and lots of ore to be smelted. We're also going to start setting up a proper coral for the animals soon. And hopefully we'll get meat production working smoothly.

8th Felsite, 303
A large wave of immigrants joined us today!
-1 Blacksmith
-6 Laborers
-1 Craftsdwarf
-1 Glassmaker
-2 Weavers
-1 Siege Engineer
-1 Herbalist
-1 Tanner
-1 Metalsmith
-1 Fish Dissector
-1 Leatherworker
-1 Woodworker
-1 Woodburner
-1 Butcher
-1 Planter
Most have been recruited to be laborers. This brings our total number of dwarves up to 72. That's quite a lot of mouths to feed, I hope our farms can keep up with this many dwarves!

14th Felsite, 303
I've been informed that all of the coal veins that have been unearthed so far have been used up and converted to refined coal. We did unearth one vein of lignite, which isn't quite as rich as coal, but can still be used as a fuel source, and ordered the metalworkers to start refining that as well. I then ordered the miners to start doing more exploratory shafts to see if we can find more veins of coal in the rock.

19th Felsite, 303
One of the laborers seem to be possessed by some sort of strange mood. He quickly ran off and claimed a clothing shop, which had been making ropes for our coral, and is now running around gather materials.

20th Felsite, 303
Didn't take him long, he's fathered up all he needs, and started working on a mysterious creation!

21st Felsite, 303
The fast worker that he is, he has constructed a rather nice Rope Read head veil, calling it “The Submerged Ivy”. Very finely made, with some nice jewels on it, and an image of a dwarf named Urist. Here's a sketch:

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22nd Felsite, 303
Kib made another proclamation today. The export of adamantine items are prohibited. Which is good I suppose... if we had some. I'm starting to get worried about our leader, he spends too much time in his room, and I think he's starting to lose touch. I asked him about it, and he said he could feel it close by, and he couldn't bare to see any lost... right...

25th Felsite, 303
Rugged completed his task, and we now have 10 shiny suits of armor for the military lads! Now to get them some weapons. Ineth thinks we should diversify our soldiers, with two soldiers each using an axe, hammer, mace, spear, and sword. I ordered up 5 of each kind of weapon, should be enough for them to train and wield in combat. And with their fine armor, hopefully none of them will kill each other while practicing.

27th Felsite, 303
Kib finally came out of the solitude of his office today, with fresh new plans for our defenses. We are to build a large fortress out of bauxite, to create a series of long narrow passages that all enemies will have to travel through, there shall be nooks to set up for siege weapons... should we get enough wood to make some, and an even impressive drawbridge system that can send all our enemies crashing down to their deaths. I am really quite impressed, and the lads seem quite excited about it as well, and are eager to get to work on it's construction.

14th Hematite, 303
Humans arrived! Looks like they've brought lots of wood too! Unfortunately because our new construction of fortifications is blocking the approach to the trade depot, they weren't able to get their wagons in, and only a couple horses made it through. But here's hoping they have lots of wood!

14th Hematite, 303
I traded one iron buckler for 18 logs of wood, not too shabby. Wish they had brought more, and I'm grumbling about the lack of any alcohol, but there's only so much you can hope for when carried in by horseback. Now I'm off to have a meeting with their trade representative. Which should take all of five minutes for me to tell him MORE WOOD!

11th Malachite, 303
Pleasant news today! Catten Ramdatan, one of our soldiers gave birth to a young boy today! It's her fourth child, the young lad is named Ilral Cattenzaneg. A bit of a tongue twister that one. After making a quick inspection of the lad, I wished her luck, and hoped the poor thing doesn't get in the way during her sparring sessions...

15th Malachite, 303
After having a meeting with Kib today, he asked me to issue orders to convert all our newly acquired wood logs into catapult parts. He seems to think the best defense we can have it to launch lots and lots of stone at our enemies. Well we do have stone all over the place... but I was a bit wary about using precious wood for catapults when we need more beds. But Kib is the boss, and I don't dare question his orders out loud. I did however order only our carpenter should make siege parts, hoping he will become quite good at it over time, and make us some excellent siege weapons.

24th Malachite, 303
Tekkud finished equipping our soldiers with weapons, now they are all fully equipped, and looking quite impressive!

28th Malachite, 303
The lads finished up the base of our fortress. Still much more work to go. According to the plans we need to build up three levels, and dig down one level. Should be an impressive sight once it's done. Here's a little sketch of the base:

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5th Limestone, 303
Work has been steadily progressing on our fortress. The lads put together the bridge works now, so wagons can make the journey to our trade depot now. Still much work to do.

21st Limestone, 303
Traders from the mountainhome have arrived! I've started getting together all those bucklers we have lieing around, should make for some decent trading this time around. The liaison is off to talk to Kib, but Kib is refusing to speak to him. I think Kib is still upset about last year. I don't think this will end well...

22nd Limestone, 303
A really nice haul! Lots and lots and lots of wood! Also got us a lot of meat, fish, plump helmets, and even some cheese!

23rd Limestone, 303
With all this food around, I decided to order one of the lads to take up a full time position in the kitchens. Hopefully we can get some good grub for once! I'm sick of eating raw plump helmets all the time...

2nd Sandstone, 303
Ingish Nekolzom, one of the laborers has withdrawn from society with some secritive strange mood, and has taken over a Leather Works, and has started running around the fortress gathering stuff. Need to keep an eye on him...

12th Sandstone, 303
After gathering several bits of leather, bones, cloth, rubies, ans even a couple logs Ingish has finally set to work on his project. I am curious as to what it could be, though I'm a bit angry at the number of logs he's decided to suck up for his project...

16th Sandstone, 303
Well it didn't take very long, Ingish completed his project, and it's quite a project at that! A cat leather headscarf, with a really pretty rope reed stitching of a kobold being mortally wounded. It's worth a decent bit too, I put it's value at around 57,600 dwarf bucks. Here's a sketch of it:

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21st Sandstone, 303
While we had been distracted working on other things, I hadn't noticed, but the laborers have finished making furnishings for all of the living quarters. I ordered them to go ahead and move it all into place. Will probably be a while before every room is properly furnished though... seeing as there is so much furniture to haul, on top of the fortress construction project, and everything else, the laborers are often quite busy.

24th Sandstone, 303
A fresh new wave of exiles have come to join us today! 7 Dwarves managed to brave the icy planes and joined us today.
-Siege Operator
-Fish dissector
-Potash Maker
The wrestler was absorbed into the military, the cook started brewing up us some nice grub, and the rest were recruited as laborers, who never seem to run out of things to do.

19th Timber, 303
After chasing Kib down all over the fortress, the liaison finally pinned him down, and worked out some sort of trade agreement. Kib seemed angry again. He did seem to mumble something about them going to send us more wood again next year, I hope so, because we can use more. Progress on the fortress is coming along nicely, the miners just got done digging out a big long trench under the bridges, now anything caught on them when we pull the right lever will have a bit of a fall to look forward to.

25th Timber, 303
The miners have completed their more indepth survey of our layers of mudstone. They have found quite a treasure trove of minerals, including several large deposits of magnetite, veins of coal and lignite, several clusters of precious gems, and a few veins of other metals, of note two nice veins of platinum. I've instructed the miners to start work on digging out everything that they can.

6th Moonstone, 303
With a now rather healthy stock of cattle, I decided to order the slaughtering of 7 cows, a horse and mule, and a couple goats today. With the large quantity of cows we have now, we should have a steady stream of new calves coming to keep us supplies with a nice amount of beef for quite some time.

9th Moonstone, 303
To arms! A force of goblins has come to crush us! I don't know how they found us, but they're here! A small force of goblin wrestlers and crossbowers have rushed towards us from the icy planes to the northeast. Ineth summoned the forces, and every dwarf is running for cover. If only we had managed to get the fortress finished earlier, it could have been of some use during this siege.

19th Moonstone, 303
The horror! Ineth, who we thought was a brave dwarf who only wanted to kill goblins abandoned his post just as the goblins were making their to fortress's entrance. Leaving the doors wide open for the goblins to storm right in. He claimed that he was thirsty, and left his post to get a quick drink, not realizing how close the goblins were. The goblin crossbowers made quick work of a few civilians that were unfortanetely in the wrong place at the wrong time, then charged down our long ramp, picking off laborers as they were working to move ore. The goblins chased a group down one of the long exploratory shafts, were they got bogged down. The brave miner Humaan, seeing goblins, rather then turning and fleeing, wielded his pick like a deadly weapon and charged at a couple of goblins as they were chasing fleeing laborers down the narrow shafts. Ripping one of the goblins to shreds, and wounding another.

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Meanwhile, Kib was shouting orders at the military, demoting Ineth on the spot, and promoting Mebzuth, a hammerdwarf to take charge of the military. She led a charge back against the goblins, and slaughtered them in the narrow tunnels. Still haven't performed a head count, don't know how many dwarfs we lost, although two from the military are confirmed dead. Kib is coordinating with the miners now to create a worthy tomb and memorial for those lost during the first siege of Laborpride. We are all saddened by the loss, but have vowed to endeavor on. I should have never doubted Kib on the need for proper fortifications, and have made it my personal goal to see that we are the most secure fortress in all the land.

3rd Opal, 303
After a proper headcount, all dwarves are accounted for. I am sad to say report there were 5 deaths. Athel Koloshur, Obok Rutodustuth, Ingish Nekolzon, Lolor Dodokarban, and Atir Kegethrimtar. There is also one injury, Rugged, our armorsmith took a bolt to the upper left leg, and is resting in bed at the moment. I also can report there are 16 goblin corpses currently rotting away in our refuse pile, hopefully their bones will be useful in the future.

After an investigation led by Kib and three laborers, they determined that the main cause of this travesty was Ineth leaving his post. Witnesses were able to verify his story that he had only left the post to grab a quick bite to eat, and would be there in a moment to kill any goblins in sight, but he just happened to pick a bad moment to do so. While we all know how important eating is, he still left his post, so Kib gave him an official reprimand, and forbade Ineth from ever holding a senior military position again. However no further actions would be taken against Ineth seeing as he wasn't properly equipped with rations so that he wouldn't have to leave his post to eat. Kib ordered that all military personnel should be equipped with proper backpacks and water skins, so that when on duty they will not have to leave their post. Also from a recommendation from the committee, our military should be double with two squads of 5 marksdwarves, to provide covering fire for our army. Once the fortress is complete, said dwarves will have plenty of places to rain death down upon our enemies.

I took a sketch of the mineshaft of death, where so many of our brave dwarves perished. It's still covered in blood, and tattered bits of clothing are all over the place. It's a terrible terrible sight.

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« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 06:06:30 pm by Marko »


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2009, 06:07:51 pm »

my leg! My beautiful, handsome, better-than-anyone-else leg! Why?!


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2009, 11:28:12 pm »

(two updates in one day? Why the hell not!)

15th Opal, 303
Miners have completed clearing out the tombs, and the five dwarves have been laid to rest. May they have a long and safe journey in the next life.

6th Obsidian, 303
Inod Zefonnish has been taken possessed by unkown forces, and as such has taken over a Clothier's Shop.

15th Obsidian, 303
After running around the fortress gathering random tidbits, Inod has started work on a construction... Well not really Inod, but whatever thingy in his head that's telling him what to make has enough materials to start... I think. This whole possession thing is really weird.

19th Obsidian, 303
Inod has finished his construction, with a rope reed robe. I put it's value at 63,000 dwarf bucks, not too shabby. And it looks like Inod put an image of Chrysoberyl, the headscarf on there too! Here's a sketch:

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The spirit seems to have left Inod, and he is looking around puzzled, with no memory of the last few days.

1st Granite, 304
A new year has come upon us, and I can almost say we are thriving in this cold place. I decided to assign 10 lads to full time siege practice. We set up a bunch of catapults along the left wall of the bottom of the fortress where they can practice loading and firing catapults with stone while not being able to do any harm to anything. Hopefully once the fortress is complete the catapult operators will perform a vital role in keeping attacking enemies at bay.

15th Granite, 304
Elves. Elves! ELVES! Gah! The damn pointy eared bastards! They come bringing their useless crap as usual. And look so down upon us. Arg! I'm tempted to order the military to use them as sparring dummies. Instead, I will just 'acquire' their goods, and put it to better use. I wish they would figure out that we want them to leave us alone!

17th Granite, 304
I think the elves had a latch on, a kobold was spotted trying to sneak into our fortress, the grubby bastard got scared away by one of the laborers though and made a break for it before even getting close to our entrance.

19th Granite, 304
Useless elves, they aren't even worth stealing from. All they brought all this way was a big giant pile of cloth. What the hell are we going to do with so much cloth? Ah well, I took it anyway, and told the elves to get out of our sight. We have much more important work to do anyway. I must get the fort finished before the end of spring. Who knows when the next attack will come?

24th Slate, 304
A crazy event today! As the lads were working on the outer fortress, out in the distance one spotted a Titan! The giant beast was incredibly fast, moving at us with blazing speed, and his intent was not pleasant! Oddom, one of the laborers was working on placing a stone floor, when the titan rushed up the walls of the glacier, and struck him. Luckily for all of us, Iteb, Datan, and Octavio were sparring nearby, and reacting fast sprang up to the top of the fort to challenge the titan. After taking a swipe at Oddom, the Titan turned to see three very angry and well equipped dwarves rushing at him. Octavio, who was exceptionally angry took a running swipe with his hammer, and with a great cleave sent the titan flying across the fort where it crumpled into a dead heap on the far glacier, a good 30 paces away! Oddom is in rough shape, with his upper body hurt, and his left upper arm severely mangled. We also think there may be some internal damage to one of his vital organs too. After hearing everybody's account of the victorious endeavor, I made several sketches of the events:

The Titan charging onto the fort:
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Our 3 brave heroes rush to the rescue:
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The Titan's landing spot!
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1st Felsite, 304
Cattan Ramdatan gave birth to girl today! Little Catten Kastaban is such a wee lass in her mother's arms. After an inspection, I'm starting to wonder what those dwarves in the army are doing with all their time... seeing as they are the most -ahem- productive members of the fortress...

11th Felsite, 304
The bastards. Nobles. The mountainhome, seeing our success has sent Baron Erith Kibgim to claim our fortress  as a royal outpost. Everybody is watching the newcomers with suspicion and is not sure what to do. We are all in shock really as to why he would come here, and I'm not sure what we're going to do about this situation. A Baron... that goes against everything all of us believe in. I can't believe that royal bitch would try to do this!

14th Felsite, 304
Kib, Me, as well as Mebzuth and Octavio of the military had a meeting in Kib's room. It is clear none of us want the royal bastards here. We agreed the whole royal contingency must be dealt with, including the tax collector and most importantly the hammerer that they brought with them. However after interviewing some of the other dwarves who came along with them, they seem to be of no harm to us, and could even be useful. The snobs have already claimed bedrooms for themselves, kicking out a couple of poor dwarves in the process. As soon as they make themselves comfortable, we shall place each one under house arrest, until we decide what to do with them...

22nd Felsite, 304
One-by-one the arrogant dwarves went into their rooms not suspecting a thing, and one-by-one somebody rushed up behind them and locked the door. Now what to do with them... nobody is really sure. Kib seems to be quite eager to let them wither away without any food or water, and I'm thinking along a similar line myself. Though I'm afraid if they die, the mountainhome might just send another, this time with an armed guard... I just don't know...

Here's a sketch of the idiots locked up in their rooms:

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24th Felsite, 304
One of the newcomers, Zaneg Mineslings seems to be possesed, by some sort of strange force, and has taken over a crafting station. However she just sits there muttering to herself for trees. I think we're going to have a hard time with trees in this environment...

1st Hematite, 304
Fortress still not done, but we're making rapid progress, thanks to the help from the new arrivals, and more focusing on our task, I think we will have it finished soon. Walls are flying up very fast, and we will definitely be done soon.

4th Hematite, 304
The nobles have been hammering on the doors lately, not asking to be let out, but yelling that they need us to make stuff... apparently the baron is screaming for amulets to be made, and the tax collector wants us to make war hammers. Kib announced that any dwarf caught making any of those will be flogged.

15th Hematite, 304
Humans have arrived, with a large caravan of several wagons. Looks like a good haul they've brought. They also have a diplomat with them who is looking for the baron. When he asks where the baron is, we all say we haven't seen him, but we're sure he's around somewhere...

17th Hematite, 304
Curses! The fortifications aren't quite done yet, but they'll have to do anyway. Another siege of goblins have arrived! The battle was tough, but thankfully the humans lent a hand. A group of archers and spear goblins charged at the fortress first, coming from the north. They picked off a ranger that was out hunting, and then charged up the elevated bridge, picking off a human crossbowman that was tailing the trader convoy. As they ran across the bridge, one of the dwarves down below pulled a lever that retracted the bridge, and sent the archers falling 2 z-levels down to a rocky pit below. While they were stunned from the fall, our soldiers charged in from a locked door and slaughtered them. One of the archers got a lucky shot in on Mebzuth, and brought her, and her child she was carrying with her down. Another squad of goblins was still out there though, so the bridge was put back, and with the human caravan guards lending a hand, our forces charged out and slaughtered the rest of the goblins. The need for a group of archers was quite evident now, and now we are seeking recruits to join the marksdwarf division of our military.

Goblins massing outside our fort:
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The mess that is the cut out channel:
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23rd Hematite, 304
I made purchases from the traders, got a lot of wood, some food and drink, and a lot of meat! As soon as I shook hands with the caravan leader, Zaneg was there, grabbing wood and healing it back to his crafting station

3rd Malachite, 304
Finished with it's task, the spirit that was taking over Zaneg's body left him, blinking, stupified, and holding one hell of a drum! Worth over 100k dwarf bucks, this thing is a bute, with lots and lots of sapphires on it. Attached is a picture of it:

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4th Malachite, 304
Busy times around here! A wave of immigrants have arrived. It seems everybody is coming to our fortress, humans, goblins, and more dwarves! 16 dwarves, including a hammerdwarf, who was quickly absorbed into the military, the rest have been put to work on the fortifications.

18th Malachite, 304
The nobles have all withered away in the rooms, dieing from thirst. Good riddance to them all!

20th Malachite, 304
We decided we would let the nobles at least have the dignity of being buried in our mausoleum, although I think that is too good of a fate for them. Ah well.

8th Galena, 304
Significant progress has been made on the fortress. All that's left to do is complete the roof, carve out some fortifications, and then it will be all set! Tekkud our excellent weaponsmith has been churning out lots of iron bolts to supply the top floor with, and the marksdwarves have been practicing with bolts carved out of the bones of our dead animals, as well as fallen enemies. The glory of Laborpride shall be unstoppable!

1st Limestone, 304
I'm glad to report that our armorsmith, Rugged, has finally made a full recovery, and after getting half a year's worth of rest, he's ready to get back to work and start cranking out the goods!

16th Limestone, 304
As if to prove me wrong, yet another contingent of goblins have laid siege to our fortress! However good news to report, there was only one loss. A poor ranger who was caught out in the wrong place at the wrong time. The miners were out building a long narrow ditch to make a narrow approach to the fortress. Goblins came out right on top of them, catching them completely off guard. Luckily none of the goblins were equipped with ranged weaponry, and the miners were really really REALLY fast at getting the hell out of there! With no concern for personal safety, only thinking of saving the miners, our whole military rushed out of the fortress into a chaotic melee with goblins coming at us in all directions, our brave lads charged into the fray, and completely shattered the goblin ranks. After seeing their eminent defeat, the goblins broke rank and scattered at the might of our soldiers. Attached is a sketch of the fight as our soldiers charged into the goblin ranks:

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« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 11:32:01 pm by Marko »


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2009, 04:41:21 pm »

Are you going to turn any of the wrestlers into marksdwarfs? if you are can you name one Militia?
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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2009, 07:10:25 pm »

wow i took out that titan with one hit :o

it's going going GONE!!! :P


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #29 on: May 17, 2009, 04:50:53 am »

Who did I kill? I'm guessing a few, but how much?
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.
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