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Author Topic: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride  (Read 3244 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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[story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« on: April 28, 2009, 02:43:42 am »

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Mistem kicked the door in while his partner, Zuglar watched, her crossbow at the ready, turning her head back and forth to peak down each direction of the long narrow hall. The door gave way to the stout dwarf's foot, and flew inward.

"Hazah!" Mistem shouted in victory as he conquered the rock door.

The room was lined with shelves, all covered with books. Papers where littered everywhere. A dwarf skeleton, wrapped tattered clothing was sitting in a chair at the desk, it's body hunched over a stack of papers. A bottle of ink was open, and a pen was close to it's hand. On the paper was written in large uneven writing, 'HunGrY... hUNgRy... hUngRy...'

"Well..." Zuglar piped up attempting to break the hollow silence that had flooded into the room like the bitter cold outside, "we found the bookkeeper's room." She tried in vein to hold in her lunch. The whole thing was a bloody mess. Nobody had heard from Laborpride for about five years now. Any trade caravans that had been sent never came back. For some strange reason the idiots kept coming hoping to make a profit, and none returned. Then one did come back from that icy hell hole, to report there was nobody there... not alive anyway. The mountainhome decided it was finally time to intervene, and after finally pushing back the tide in the goblin war, there was enough dwarf power available to properly investigate the fortress that Queen Urist used to exile those who spoke against her.

when their troop arrived, they found all sorts of death on the icy glacier surface, goblins, humans, elves, and dwarfs. The dwarfs where the worst, their frozen corpses huddled close together in large iron chambers, let to freeze to death. But all signs showed no enemy had been able to conquer the fortress, as the front doors were sealed tight, and the only way in was to dig their way in by pick. Whatever killed the fortress came from within... not from without.

Mistem had pushed the skeletal dwarf over and was now rummaging through the books and papers. Zuglar looked shocked at her partner. "What are you doing!?" she hissed as she rushed over to stop him.

"Did I tell you before I signed up I was a scribe for a trading caravan? I know my way around a bookkeeper's office," he replied without even looking at her. He was clearly searching for something in particular, and found it soon after in a far corner of the office. He pulled out a large, heavy, tightly bound tome that was almost as big as he was, and dropped it onto the stone desk with a loud thud. The rock almost buckled from the weight of it.

With Zuglar peering over his shoulder, Mistem flipped through the tome. "This history of the fortress," Mistem said to his quizzical partner, "most of the paper is blank of course, this fortress hasn't been around long enough to fill even a quarter of this tome." Nestled between the cover and the first pages was several pieces of scrap papers, some where tissue scrawled on with what looked like charcoal, many were stained and messy, but if one tried hard they could follow the script and read the writing within.

23rd Hematite, 300
Hello, I am Morul Likotlogem. If you are reading this I am probably dead, most likely by order of the queen. Please give word to my parents that I did not wish to end like this, and I truly attest to my innocence the date I have for this entry is only an estimate, as I am currently within the hospitality of her majesty's god forsaken dungeons. I was arrested on 14th Hematite, 300 under charges of conspiracy to commit treason, according to the marks on the wall I think 9 days have passed, although I am not completely confident upon this. One of the guards, whom I think has taken a liking to me, slipped me this bit of charcoal, and as you can clearly see, I'm scribbling this on a piece of tissue paper that was used to wrap my plump helmet biscuits.

I must now state my case for innocence, although I doubt that will matter should anybody read this paper, as I will most likely have rotted away by then. On the 14th of Hematite, 300 I having just returned from a rather successful trading trip with one of the forward fortresses, I had decided to enjoy the evening with my riches in a quiet tavern within the mountain home, tucked away from the bustle of the main caverns. As fate would have it, a young dwarf adult named Kib Oltaramith was there, and rabble rousing. His silver tongue really seemed to make sense to me at the time. It is true the young Queen has been handling the war with the gobbos quite poorly, with several fortresses being overrun by those green bastards, but worst of all was her recent alliance with elves in return for us never to cut down a tree for 5 years. The royal pain in the ass was really pushing the patience of the entire dwarven world with that decision.

Kib made his point, he seemed to know his stuff, and I started to agree with him, raising my mug of beer to the lad. But it seemed it was all a trap, as we spouted our feelings of the royal pain in the rump, the royal guards came running into the tavern, and well now, here I am, locked up in a cell for god knows how long, and I have no clue when I will ever get out.

10th Malachite, 300
Food has been coming regularly at least. I think the dungeon master is a bit sympathetic to me, he snuck in a mug of dwarven wine for me today, the kind bastard. It feels like ages since I last had a drop of alcohol, the stuff is bliss. He also slipped me some parchment, although it's a bit wrinkled, and a chunk of graphite I can chip away at to use to mark the stuff.

13th Malachite, 300
Her royal rump has finally decided to put us on trial. The whole thing is a sham. Convicting us of conspiracy to overthrow the throne? Right... I haven't seen these other five souls in my life before! Not exactly much of a conspiracy there... though I think Kib seems to know the other four fairly well. We didn't even have a chance to talk to each other, before a series of witnesses were brought forth, all seeing our many acts of depravity and how we all plan to overthrow the royal family. We were found guilty without a doubt by the royal court, and we shall be sentenced tomorrow by the queen herself. I am sure we will be executed by tomorrow evening. I hope somebody of importance gets these bits of paper and can right the wrongs of injustice brought down upon us by the queen.

14th Malachite, 300
The sentencing is in an hour. I know I am digging my own grave with this writing, but I have to now believe that this royal system is a complete sham. What right does somebody have to lead us just because they popped out from between the legs of another royal dwarf? This is completely ridiculous! With so many insane mandates, and demands, I hope that royal hag meets a lynch mob once our fellow dwarfs rise up against these injustices. I think back to Kib's speech often now. I remember it vividly, his proposals all make such perfect sense. A glorious new civilization lead by the people, for the people. The dwarf laborer should be of the utmost importance, not these over glorified lazy slobs known as nobles. Not to mention the backwards economy that seems to work about as well as a frozen river. We get meaningless gold coins for doing benign jobs, that get quickly snatched away if we want a decent place to rest our head, or if we want to eat something other than plump helmet, or drink something other than cloudy water that carp has been pissing in. We the dwarf people need to rise up and fight this tyrannical monstrosity, and clean ourselves of these wicked 'nobles' once and for all! Alas, I am helpless to do anything, already within the tight grips of the ruling class, and I go to my fate with my head held high, hoping that these papers will inspire others to do what I could not, and bring back justice for our people! I can hear the dungeon master coming, my fate awaits me. If these are my last written words, I wish all to hear them, and everybody to remember us as the martyrs we are. Me, Morul Likotlogem, the trader in the wrong place at the wrong time, Zib Oltaramith, our glorious speaker, and the fellows that were arrested with us: Iton Dumatkokeb and Olin Mengabir, miners. Kogan Usantosid, a stoneworker, and Asmel Oslanotsus, a farmer. Never let our names disappear into the night!

15th Malachite, 300
The spineless royal bitch couldn't do it. She couldn't bring herself to order the outright killing of another dwarf, although she pretty much gave us a near death sentence. Exile, we've been ordered to march North from the mountainhome, and not stop until the First of Granite in 301. A sixth month march... that will bring us close to the edge of the world, most likely reaching the northern glaciers... if we're lucky not to be killed by a goblin horde first...

This marks the end of what was written on random bits of paper, the rest is now written on the paper of the large Tome.

18th Malachite, 300
Well they clearly wanted to get rid of us quickly, before word could get around. A wagon was loaded full of drinks and food, a few bits of supplies, and we were rushed off. An axedwarf from the military was assigned to us as our 'protection' although it is quite certain he is to make sure we don't attempt to stray from our exile. Kib seems to be in highs spirits as if he's won or something, and has declared that the 18th of Malachite should always be remembered as exile day. Even if we have to go to the coldest place on earth, we shall be free there. I am trying to share his optimism, but I know what lies ahead for us. A long slow trek through mountains, goblin keeps, and then the never ending sheets of ice. I shiver just at the thought. As you can see now I'm sure, tucked within the supplies was several books for record keeping, as is normal for a newly founded fortress. Since I'm the only person in this lot that knows his way around a book, I took them into my possession, and offered my services to Kib to be our record keeper. He seemed to be glad to have somebody like me around. He told me to record our journey for posterity, and to inspire those to come of our greatness.

28th Malachite, 300
The trek has progressed quite well, we have made our way out of the mountains and into the human inhabited planes. I rather like humans, they are pretty much like dwarves, only taller, and like to live outside. But mostly we share the same interests, we all like good booze, good food, and shiny toys. However no greetings from any humans we pass, all are quite scared, seeing as goblins have been attacking them as well as us. If it wasn't for our inept and dangerous hag of a queen, we would be pushing the goblins back to the icy hells they came from, and we would all have a wonderful peaceful world to live in. It is such a shame to see a fellow upright civilization cower in fear as they do.

2nd Galena, 300
We came across a half mutilated flock of cattle today. A human was found ripped to shreds amongst the poor creatures. A goblin made sword was half buried in it's back. Six of the beasts were not butchered on the spot by the green bastards. Kib decided to "claim them in the name of the people" and tied them to the wagon. Might as well, since the only person to miss them is in several pieces, spread around the grass. It is fortunate for us, as I know where we are going... food will be hard to come by.

18th Galena, 300
We are about half-way through the human lands now. This deep in human territory we are at least rather safe from any goblin attacks. Kib has been talking with our 'guard' a lot lately. Ineth is his name. I think he's trying to sway Ineth to our side, but Ineth is that right kind of stupid that is stubbornly loyal, and doesn't care about things like injustice or the right of the people, he just wants an ax, good armor, and something to attack.

20th Limestone, 300
Our journey continues to progress uneventful. Thank the gods. We are now exiting human territory, and are in the open wilds. The temperature is slowly getting colder as we make our way further north. I am starting to realize just how il-prepared we are for a cold climate. Most of us are just wearing thing cloth outfits.

14th Sandstone, 300
A goblin scout spotted us, but luckily for us, Ineth spotted him too, and quite happily tore the goblin into pieces. However this has proved how careful we need to be and to make sure we watch where we go from now on. Kib has ordered the miners to scout ahead and warn us if there are any threats on the horizon from now on.

21st Sandstone, 300
We narrowly avoided a large goblin patrol today. Olin spotted them heading our way, and quickly came to give us a warning. Thinking fast, the miners dug a small hole into a nearby hill. After moving the cart into the hole, we covered with with bushes and hid ourselves inside as well. The green idiots just walked by without even giving us a glance. The idiots. Kib did have to keep ineth from charging out to his death, the idiot would have gotten us all killed in some stupid glorious death.

1st Timber, 300
The days are starting to get short, and it's getting cold. It's late autumn and up north you can feel winter coming like a fierce hurricane. We are now dangerously close to a goblin tower. You can see it's black obsidian towering over the snow covered hills. Progress is slow as we often have to hide from goblin patrols.

4th Timber, 300
A strange sight to report today. Elves, fighting. I never thought I would see the day. Those tree hugging hippies ambushed a goblin patrol right in front of us. They seemed to spring out of nowhere, their bows launching a torrent of arrows at the enemy. Sure it was wood arrows... and most bounced right off the goblin armor, but still a few managed to hit their mark. The goblins and elves clashed, and both sides took heavy casualties. Ineth ran off to help, and Kib let him go. He racked up two kills as he met up with the goblins who were attempting to chase the fleeing elves. We didn't see the elves again, I assume the pansies decided to run home to their woods where they belong.

18th Timber, 300
The goblin tower is now safely in our rear. We haven't had to hide from a goblin patrol for several days now. Thank the gods, I think we might at least make it safely to our destination.

1st Moonstone, 300
Winter is here, and in all it fury, it unleashed a blizzard upon us on the first day. We are all huddling close together inside the wagon, hoping to the gods we don't freeze to death.

15th Moonstone, 300
Ice everywhere. It is all a giant world of ice, for as long as the eye can see. Frozen planes behind us is slowly getting smaller and smaller and being replaced with endless ice.

20th Moonstone, 300
More ice. One bit sticking up looked like a humorously shaped carrot.

1st Opal, 300
Ice. Ice. Cold. Cold. Ice. Ice. Cold. Cold. Ice. Ice. Cold. Cold.

17th Opal, 300
Can barely feel my toes. So very cold. Food is starting to get low. I fear we may have to slaughter one of the cows before our journey will finish.

28th Opal, 300
Per Kib's orders, we are rationing food until we make it to our settlement location. While Kib seemed to be unable to crack Ineth, it seems Olin the Miner somehow found a way to crack the dwarf's defenses. The two are often seen talking together. Maybe Ineth has a soft space for lady dwarves armed with picks...

18th Opal, 300
Something other than ice! Way off on the edge of the horizon, a tiny bit of rock has poked out of the glacier. Kib has announced that shall be our new home, and we are making are way towards it.

1st Granite, 300
We arrived at this tiny little outcropping of rock. Ice stretches in all directions, here we stand on a tiny island of rock amongst a sea of frozen ice. I fear for our future. Our food supplies are low, There is nothing here that can be used for sustainable farms... the only somewhat renewable source of food is hoping those cows and bulls all start getting really friendly with each other really soon... But we are here, we are free, and our glorious leader will keep us safe.

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« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 11:49:11 pm by Marko »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 03:37:58 am »

Hey, this looks pretty awesome. If you do decide to make is a CF, I will defiantly request a guy


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 02:21:09 pm »

2nd Granite, 301
The miners have taken a brief survey of our rocky little island and are preparing to begin digging in. It's hard to tell under that thick layer of snow, but it's Mudstone, which they say is good news, as Mudstone usually rich in magnetite and coal, making the thoughts of our personal wealth increasing quite possible. After looking over the area Kib ordered the miners to dig out an entrance in a small little nook that rises above in all 3 directions from the ice. The two miners were quite eager to begin digging in and have started carving away at the rock and ice mixture. They began carving an entrance way into a bit of exposed bauxite. Kib seems to like the color red, and seems to be happy this is where we are digging into.

4th Granite, 301
Somehow there is life out here. A couple mountain goats call this patch of rock their home. Their thick furry coats protect them from the harsh elements, and somehow they find something to survive on out here. I'm not entirely sure how, but there they are. I drew a small picture of them on the snow covered ice, looking at us rather oddly as we dig into their rocky home.

7th of Granite, 301
As the miners toil away at the rock, Kib orders the wagon dismantled, and everything to be moved to the small bit of rock. It is hard work, made worse by the cold wind whipping around, chilling you to the core. Thankfully, with walls on three sides, this small icy inlet offers some good protection from the elements. Kogan, the stoneworker, although has no experience with carpentry set up a carpentry shop anyway, and is converting some bits of our precious wood into beds so we can have somewhere to sleep. The beds look... well kind of bed shaped. I suppose it will be better than sleeping on the ice.

13th Granite, 301
The lads unearthed some sapphires from the bauxite today. The blue gems are quite beautiful. 3 rough sapphires were buried in the stone. Kib looked at them long and hard, and asked me if trade caravans would reach us all the way out here. I assured him that they would be here come autumn, no matter where we were, you could count on dwarven traders to find some way to reach you. Kib smiled, and declared these bits of blue gem would feed our people.

18th Granite, 301
It's a good thing we have moved the supplies, as a large snowstorm has hit us hard. We are all cowering in the tiny crop of rock we now call home. Outside is nothing but swirling white, certain death awaits anybody who would have to venture out there. I am looking around our setting now, Asmel the farmer set up a still and a kitchen, and Kogan the stoneworker has set up a mason's shop. He's started making some doors, and furniture for us. I think Kib told Asmel to start making roasts out of our alcohol... Not sure why, but something about long term food survival goals.

22nd Granite, 301
More amazing luck! Two more sapphires buried in the bauxite today, as the miners begin carving out a small barracks for us to sleep in. Kib says this will house our mighty military once more exiles come to join us. I try hard not to laugh at the thought of any other idiots coming this far to join us, right or wrong, I don't think anybody could really truly want to come all this way just for a slice of freedom.

24th Granite, 301
Kib set up a jeweler's shop today. I didn't even know we had the equipment needed for gem cutting, but Kib seemed to have some small cutting tools on him. He claimed to have been an apprentice for a Jeweler, and knew what he was doing, but just looking at the sweat on his face as he tried to carve up the first sapphire I could tell he had never done this thing before. However no matter how bad quality, a cut sapphire is worth more than a raw sapphire. And with nobody else knowing how to cut the things, I figured there was no point in telling Kib otherwise.

26th Granite, 301
The miners have finished mining out a small room for our barracks, and now I have been given the task of moving the beds inside. I was never built for all this heavy lifting, and my back is aching from moving stuff all over the place, but it needs to be done, and everybody else seems to be busy doing other important things, so I just have to make my best and move what I can, one thing at a time.

4th Slate, 301
We've managed to survive our first month here, thank the gods. Kib finished cutting the sapphires, and asked me if they would be enough to buy our supplies when the traders came. After a quick examination of them, I think the 5 sapphires would be worth about a thousand dwarfbucks. Not bad, but not enough to supply us for a year. I tell him it is a step in the right direction, but not nearly enough trade goods. After looking at our inventory, he announce we will sell them rock then, and began setting up a craftsdwarve's shop.

Meanwhile, the miners have began digging away at our small inlet of rock to “make it more defendable” as Olin puts it. Somebody has some grand scheme about a large walled in approach that crossbow armed dwarves could rain death upon our enemies. I'm not sure who's dream that is, although I suspect it's Kib's. I also am not sure who our enemies are, or where we are going to get all these archers...

12th Slate, 301
Exhausted, after a month and a half's worth of constant work, we have all decided to take a much needed rest. I had a nice drink before laying down for sleep. And after doing a few bits of calculation in my head, made the sad realization that even if we brew every plump helmet we brought with us, we are going to run out of alcohol sooner rather than later. I try to bring my concerns to Kib about this, but he waved me off. Some sort of plan brewing in his head. Something about crashing ice has to melt and make mud. I'm not sure what to make of this madness, but instead just concentrate on my tasks of moving junk around the fortress. Here is a small sketch of our dug out barracks.

I am worried as always, but Kib has unshakable optimism, and I wish it could comfort me, but his optimism seems to make me even more worried.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 05:37:25 pm »

Looks rough. Where are you planting crops?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [story]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 03:04:18 am »

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3rd Felsite, 301
We are in the last month of spring, things are moving along well I have to say. We've finished putting together a small dining room in the entrance way, and the miners have toiled away at one of Kib's projects. A big chunk of ice is hanging precariously from a small sliver of rock. To be crashed down on the floor below. According to Jib's theory this will cause the chunk of ice to shatter into tiny pieces, and melt from the impact. I am highly doubtful, as even the rock below the frozen glacial ice is cold as can be, and highly unlikely to melt anything... But there's no arguing with Kib about this, the others seem to follow him almost religiously. I just pray they do it safely...

With the tables set up, I at least have some kind of workspace to update our records on. I grab one of the large books that was issued to us, and I am now trying to get a good grasp of our supplies. It's hard to tell how much food we have left, and keeping track of what we have will be vitally important for our survival...

7th Felsite, 301
Success! That damn bloody genius, how could I have ever doubted him? Olin channeled out the small bit of stone, and the large hunk of ice fell down a good ten feet. The explosion was immense, cracking the usual silence of this barren place like a large bomb. The exposed bits did freeze quickly, but underneath, water, precious water is flowing! Now what to do with it? Kib is busy scribbling plans in the other room. Not a drop of the water is to be wasted, the miners need to dig out a deep well that can keep the water warm enough to not freeze again. Here's a picture of the cold water sloshing around:

2nd Hematite, 301
I am rather impressed now. Kib's plan lined up beautifully. A sloping shaft has been dug deep into the depths of the rock, and a vertical shaft of stairs was dug next to the liquid water. A well deep under the earth has been created, and with the vertical shaft dug, a small bit of rock keeping the water in was channeled away, and now the water is falling freely to the warmer stone down below. Now we just need to wait for the water to clear from where it landed, and hopefully the muddy rock can be farmed. Hopefully.

Here's a sketch of our little cistern:

With a welcome to 'summer' at least according to the calendar... a light snow storm has greeted us. The miners are toiling away at the entrance way, and look kind of silly covered with bits of white fluff as they work.

19th Hematite, 301
As if a prayer was answered, the water has cleared, and Asmel the Farmer now has a patch of muddy rock to farm. She quickly set off to work planting plump helmet spawn. And not a moment too soon either... After finally getting our records updated, our food situation is... rough, at best. We're completely out of alcohol, and would probably die of thirst if it wasn't for our newly acquired pool of liquid water. We luckily do have 163 dishes of roast made up, but I doubt that will last very long.

28th Hematite, 301
Everybody is a bit thirsty, we're all holding out for alcohol, but I know none of the plump helmets will be matured enough in time to brew any. I had a drink of the water down in our small well, it tasted amazing! So crisp, clear, and cold. I've never drank anything like it. While it will never replace alcohol, this water is almost acceptable to my taste buds! Kib has been at work drawing up plans again. He has been saying glorious a lot, and the miners are all nodding with him quite a bit. Some kind of plans to have a large sprawling metropolis at the bottom of the sloping ramp, with a large overhang. I'm not quite sold on the idea, but a proper office would definitely be appreciative to me. Trying to keep records on the dining table while others are eating around me, isn't exactly my idea of a pleasant time.

4th Malachite, 301
Kib made a formal proposal to us today, but in an unexpected twist, Iton and Olin the miners refused his plans outright. He had drawn up a large ominous cavern with a large complex of buildings below. Iton said it would be too dangerous, impractical, and too time consuming for two dwarves to carve out so much stone. Ineth, the axedwarf took sides with his friend Olin, and I had to agree that Kib's plans were far too grand for our meager staff of 7 dwarves to even begin to undertake. Kib seemed to take this setback with grace, and he said he would 'revise his plans with the thoughtful input of our expert miners'.

10th Malachite, 301
Kib and Iton continue to argue over the plans, sometimes resulting in shouting, and two angry dwarves huffing at each other on opposite sides of our small rocky alcove. Luckily nothing more than loud words has been used in this argument, but I wish for the sake of all of us that the two would come up with a compromise soon. I seem to have become the middle man in the argument, as I have become good friends with Kib, while at the same time Olin, who is Iton's mining partner and best friend, is friendly with me as well. The both are contently trying to get me to side with them, and sway me to their side. While in practicality I side with Iton, I have to save face with my friend, and try to calm Kib down and in a reasonable manner make him compromise with the damn miners.

18th Malachite, 301
Today is the first annual Exile day, and in celebration of the holiday, we all took a day off and enjoyed a feast. Although the offering were a bit slim... and we dare not slaughter any of our cattle until they have started to reproduce, but we made the best with an impromptu feast.

In the spirit of the holiday, it seems Jib and Iton have finally settled their differences and compromised on thee plans. Jib seemed a bit perturbed by the stubbornness of the miners and I think he is holding a quiet grudge against Iton. They compromised on the thought that in the future when there is more abundant labor, we could look into the possibility of a large open cavern. But for now, he seemed happy with the final designs. It seems a bit large and sprawled out, and seemed to ignore the third dimension quite a bit. However there will soon be plenty of room for my office, which makes me a happy record keeper. I took a scribble of the plans, and have it included here for you to see. Even if we are in the ass end of the world, I hope we will one day be the envy of the entire dwarven kingdom!

Here's the current plans for our living quarters, int he upper right corner of this large tunnel system they planned out:

19th Malachite, 301
While we were all bickering over the plans for our new home, Asmel has been making good use of her time, and the first plump helmet has matured, and is ready to be harvested. I can't wait for a taste of dwarven wine! The water tastes wonderful... but my parched lips are begging for alcohol. Sadly the plump helmets are rather meager things, barely big enough to make one meal all by themselves. The cold environment is no good for them. Asmel says she hopes to be able to breed better ones over time that can resist the cold better. I hope so, as this meager offering will not keep us going very long.

25th Malachite, 301
Asmel finished the first barrel of Dwarven wine. She was only able to make five pints out of the meager plants, but it was still good enough for me. As soon as she poured it into the barrel, I ran over to the still, popped open the top, and chugged down a big giant gulp, while the other dwarves lined up behind me for their share. I admit I was a bit of a pig about it, but sweet sweet alcohol, it had been too long since the last drop I had.

2nd Galena, 301
Spirits are very high at the moment. With wine flowing, we sang songs in our meager little dining hall and had ourselves a small party. It seems that all animosity between Kib and Iton has been forgotten, and I personally blame the whole issue on alcohol deprivation. The two seemed to be quite friendly with each other again, and I am quite glad of the fact.

14th Galena, 301
I am glad happy to report that our records have now been completely updated to the highest possible level of precision. Even working on this cluttered little table, I was able to get all the records updated. With my work accomplished, I took a small break and went up to the top of our little peak of rock and looked out over the endless sheets of ice. I saw our local mountain goats wandering around, and thought to myself we should make an effort to capture them. If we could domesticate them, we could have another source of reliable meat. Of course capturing them would not be easy, but I thought up a rather handy idea. We dig out two large perpendicular channels on the ice that the goats often wander through, with a small gap in the middle they can cross at. Then we place a cage trap in that narrow little passage way, so we can trap any animal that passes through. With a bit of luck, we could have ourselves our own flock of goats! I proposed my plan to Kib, who immediately took heart to it, and ordered the miners to begin work on carving the ice. He put me in charge of making mechanisms for the trap... which... I have no idea how to. I have a small book with me on how to make them... I'm hoping I can figure it out.

20th Galena, 301
I've managed to figure my way around a mechanic's shop and put together a couple mechanisms. The miners managed to dig the channels faster than I was expecting. I also pieced together a couple wood traps that we can use to capture the goats. Now I just need to get these things setup... and hope.

4th Limestone, 301
Autumn has arrived on the calendar. The nights are getting longer, and it is starting to get dangerously cold outside. I'm still working on setting up my traps. Of note, Asmel has finished brewing up our harvest, and has now set to work on planting the next batch of plump helmets. I hope she figures out a good good formula to get more with the next harvest, as this meager bunch only produced 37 pints of wine, not nearly enough to last a fortress of thirsty dwarves very long.

6th Limesone, 301
Some good news, the first birthing of calves, three in fact! The little buggers are cute in their own bovine way. Exhausted from working so hard on these traps, and I'm going to take a nice long sleep.

9th Limestone, 301
Curses! After I finally get the cage trap properly set, I noticed fresh hoof paths have just passed through here recently. While it is good news that the mountain goats do pass along my little spot, it is sad that I didn't have the trap set in time to catch the bugger that passed right through here. Here's hoping for a bit better luck soon. With the traps now set, and me ready to set up an animal training pen to tame any that come along, I look out on the horizon and spot wagons! The dwarven merchants have arrived! Hopefully full of supplies and food. If we're lucky they'll have also brought an anvil, as we didn't have room in our wagon to bring one with us, and some metal would be quite handy around here.

Here's a sketch of my trap design, that has already caught us a bit of meat:

24th Limestone, 301
It took quite a long while to scrounge together all the little crafts that Kib had made for us to trade to with the merchants, and even then it wasn't enough. Yes they had brought anvils, but only super high quality steel ones, instead of cheap affordable, reliable iron ones. I suspect they did so on purpose. The only way to convince them to part with it was to grudgingly offer them a large hunk of our precious roast. Something I did not want to do. I didn't tell Kib, or anybody else, that I had to give them the roast in order to get the anvil. Also purchased a few cages, for more trapping, and a few bags of flour. The offerings of the traders was really quite meager. I'm sure with them having to travel so far, for a 7 dwarf large fortress, they figured they didn't need to bring much. A shame, I was really hoping to get some meat, but alas, there was none to be had. Well, we will make due with what we have. The liaison has been chasing Kib around the fortress to have a meeting with him, but I think Kib is avoiding him on purpose. That dwarf better swallow his pride for a moment, and request a large order of wood from the mountainhome or we will be in sad shape very soon.

1st Sandstone, 301
Wooo! I am quite ecstatic today! I've caught and tamed my very first mountain goat. I think I'll call him William. Damn thing nearly bit my hand off when I first tried to tame him, but a piece of our roast, and he warmed right up to me. If we can catch a female, hopefully we'll have goat babies coming at us like crazy! Another batch of calves was born recently too, and now the little things are scampering all over the dining hall. Mmmmmm meat.....

2nd Sandstone, 301
Kib finally broke down and had a meeting with our liaison. He reported to me that he made a formal request for wood, and barrels. And in return we are to supply them with more crafts. A decent exchange I think, although Kib is not happy about having to rely on the mountainhome. I have to agree with him, we should be self sufficient, but our lack of lumber makes that idea rather impossible. At least for the time being anyway. Kib seems to agree with me, that these trade agreements are only temporary, until we can get ourselves properly situated.

13th Sandstone, 301
I am a happy clerk today. The miners have finished digging out the living quarters, and the first thing I did was claimed a room and set up my books. Going to need some cabinets to store everything in, but this is a much better start. It's so nice and quiet down here. Can concentrate on the record keeping. Kib also seems to be glad of the quiet down here, as he set up an office right next to mine. Although he seems to spend more time in my office, chatting with me, then in his own. He seems to be spending a lot of time confiding with me, although I'm not sure why, I do enjoy his company, and am glad to be friends with our leader, but sometimes I think he asks too much of me. Alas, the cost of being important I suppose. We really need more dwarves to fill this massive chamber that the miners cut out for us, but I have wondered out loud to Kib that any poor soul who braves all this way would have to be incredibly desperate. Kib seems to think these are desperate times though, and seems to expect many new dwarves this spring. I wish I could share his constant optimism, but the pessimist in me cannot believe him. Either way he says he's going to order some more beds just in case. I let him know we only have 10 logs left... so at best, all we'll have is 10 more beds. We might be sharing beds for a while if all these people he thinks are coming show up...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 03:07:04 am by Marko »


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Re: [story]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 03:11:31 am »

This is very well written. I like the trap design and the water idea was genius!


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Re: [story]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2009, 03:25:33 am »

glad you are enjoying it :D I remember reading on the wiki that falling ice sheets make water on impact, but never tried it before, this is my very first attempt. If that hand't worked, the dwarves very probably would have starved.  (of course if a bunch of migrants come, they will most likely have food issues for certain, as there is rather limited farming space)


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2009, 11:24:37 am »

Migrants arrived, and I'm going to open them up for people to take. Migrants that have arrived:
-Rith Idenrilem, Miner
-Bomrek Oddomiton, Stoneworker
-Rovod Udibromek, Metalcrafter
-Kubuk Egastsazier, Leatherworker
-Edem Matulzulban, Fishery worker
-Domas Tunbecor, Soap Maker
-Rith Lanlargeshud, Peasant
-Catten Ramdatan, Peasant
-Bomrek Nethathel, Peasant
-Iteb Unibkubuk, Child
-Kulet Melbilcerol, Child

There is one family in this group, Catten Ramdatan & Kubuk Egastsazier are married with the two children being theirs.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 12:06:57 pm by Marko »


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2009, 05:56:32 pm »

Oh! Metalworker, "rugged" Udibromek

Extremely vain, people must love him or be shunned


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2009, 07:17:37 pm »

i will take the a male peasant named octavio can he be trained into the army? as a wrestler then a hammerdwarf :D please :D


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2009, 01:51:14 am »

I want that Miner, but his actual name must be changed to Humaan

you may include a joke on why he calls himself Humaan, I don't care.
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2009, 12:06:20 pm »

Rugged the metalworker:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Huuman the Miner:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Octavio the Wrestler:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1st Timber, 301
I am pleased to report today that our numbers have swelled! Shortly after the trade wagons rolled out of sight, a group of exiles stumbled across the icy planes and made their way into our fortress. Their numbers were ragged, cold, and scared. But they made it safely. Word is the Queen is exiling large numbers now. In the group there is one Miner, one Stoneworker, one Metalcrafter, one Leatherworker, one Fishery worker, one Soapmaker, three peasants, and two children. The children belong to a married couple that were exiled together. I feel sorry for the young children to have to come all this way to such a dangerous and precarious location. These 11 souls brings our total number now to 18. Kib seems to be quite happy, and has been talking with all of them, and making plans on how to put them to work for the betterment of us all.

9th Timber, 301
Great news! Two more mountain goats have been caught in my traps! I've taken a break from working on the books to try and tame them. Hoping we can have ourselves a decent stockpile of meat soon! Kib has put most of the newcomers to work hauling stone up out of the mined out areas and out onto the surface. Seeing as we have lots of the stuff piled up all over the place underground, there's a rather good reason to do so. He's also been putting together plans for a metal industry, that he has been telling me will provide much needed satisfying work for many of our proud citizens.

14th Timber, 301
More progress has been made on the goat front! 2 more have been tamed, and I've captured another one that needs taming. We have our first breeding pair, and hopefully once I get the fourth tamed we'll have two breeding pairs.

1st Moonstone, 301
Winter has arrived, our first winter here in the bitter cold. The days are so short now, you can measure them in the time it takes to drain a wine cask.

17th Moonstone, 301
A shame today, there's not enough beds to go around, and many of the new arrivals have had to sleep on the floor as a result. They grumble slightly at it, but overall moral still seems to be high. Kib however is quite unhappy that everybody doesn't have their own room yet. He is ranting quite a bit about the mountainhome not sending us any wood with the traders, as they knew full well we wouldn't have any to cut down for ourselves in this barren waste. I have to agree with him, any trader that was worth his salt should no that there's easy profit to be made to take wood from a well wooded area and sell it to place with none at all.

1st Opal, 301
All these new mouths to feed have been going through our food and alcohol stocks amazingly fast. After showing the alarming numbers to Kib, he assigned two of the peasants to help the farmers in the fields. Even with constant farming, I fear our small farm plot won't be able to produce much food with such pitiful crops. We need much larger plump helmets coming out of the ground if we're not going to starve here.

13th Opal, 301
Things seem to be moving slowly lately. I think we really have no certain goals to strive for, Kib seems to know this, but he seems to be ignoring us lately. The miners unearthed some more gemstones while digging deep below. This time some topazs and goshenites. Kib has set to work on cutting them again. Hoping to improve his gem cutting skills I suppose. The other lads who aren't working on farming are busy hauling endless amounts of stone to the surface. I don't know what we're going to do with so much rock, maybe construct a tower or something. Who knows?.

19th Opal, 301
Miners are continuing to dig out new and fresh rock deep below the surface. Every now and then they shout at the top of their lungs so they can be heard throughout the whole fortress when they strike a new and exciting type of stone. It's a strange custom, something I'm not very used to. Sure it's nice when they let us know if they've found some new valuable gems or gold or something, but hearing them shout at the top of their lungs that we've unearthed say... a deposit of Mica stone, which is only slightly darker then the layers of granite that make up our subterranean world, I start to wonder if the miners need a little more excitement in their lives...

5th Obsidian, 301
Getting very cold out, even our small little rocky alcove is bitter cold when one has to go outside. We've been storing food and such out in the snow covered rock because we figured the cold would preserve the food quite well, but we didn't take into account the fact that if your stomach starts to rumble when it's colder than hell outside, that means you either freeze to death or starve to death. Kib seems to be ignoring this for now, and I wish he would figure out what we're going to do next.

15th Obsidian, 301
With the year nearly over, the farmers have decided to give our little patch of dirt a rest until the new year, and have not planted any new plump helmets. I'm really starting to get tired of drinking dwarven wine all the time, my stomach aches for something different and exciting. Kib seems to be having the same thought. I think some kind of crop rotation is in order before we all go insane from drinking wine for the rest of our lives.

19th Obsidian, 301
Kib has locked himself up in his room all day, he is planning something again. I think some kind of intricate defense system. He seems to always be paranoid of some sort of attack, and I don't know what from or by who. Although being able to defend ourselves is pretty high on my priorities as well, I don't know who would want to come all this way to fight over a worthless hunk of ice...

1st Granite, 302
Happy new year! Today marks the first anniversary from whence we arrived upon this chunk of rock. In celebration of the new year, we opened up several casks of wine, and drank ourselves silly last night. My heart wasn't quite in it, seeing as I've drank so much wine lately, I would almost prefer water. We need to incorporate a second crop into the farms I think. I'm going to have a discussion with Kib about it today.

4th Granite, 302
Kib is still busy locked up in his office planning, and was rather upset at me for disturbing him. I sighed and had a talk with the farmers. They seemed to think crop rotation was a good idea too, but what would we rotate with? All we had with us is a tiny bag of pig tail seeds, well I suppose some dwarven ale wouldn't be too bad, and perhaps making some cloth might be a good idea down the road. I tell them to plant the pig tails instead of plump helmets during the summer and autumn, and then get back to work on updating the books.

6th Granite, 302
Well I can't beat around the bush any longer, no matter how much harder I try, I can't add anything more to the books. Well I suppose I better make myself useful rather than sitting around the office all day. I'm off to help the lads haul stone out from our home within the depths. So much stone to move, it's crazy!

10th Granite, 302
How is this for unexpected? A pair of elves with a couple donkeys covered in goods are here. Those damn tree hugging hippies expect to trade with US!?!?

Everybody is eying them suspiciously as they set up in the trade depot. Kib ran up to the depot to yell at them, but I calmed him down and told him to wait inside. I knew how to handle this.

Everybody knows that Ineth wouldn't hurt a fly, (unless it was a goblin fly) but I tell him to stand at attention just behind the trade depot. Luckily for me, his idea of attention is to menace with his steel ax held out, and to grin with a deadly gleam in his eye. I looked over the elven goods, mostly junk, a couple bins of cloth, but four very precious logs, which meant four very precious beds. I pointed at the wood, and a single bunch of Fisher berries they brought with them, and said “Give us that, and my friend behind me will continue to stand there at attention. Don't give us that, and he won't.”

The two elves crowded into a huddle, and discussed it with themselves a bit. One took a moment to take a peak at Ineth, who at that moment had taken the opportunity to use his ax blade to remove a hunk of plump helmet stuck in his teeth, then began whispering even more urgently with his partner. Finally the nodded, handed over the goods, packed up their useless cloth, then headed off for the icy horizon.

23rd Granite, 302
Had a meal of the fisher berry today, was pretty good. Better than plain old plump helmets we've been eating lately. Starting to wish for some meat, and I've been eying our cattle hungrily. But we need to make sure the little calves grow up first before we start slaughtering for meat.

23rd Slate, 302
It has been a rather uneventful month. Miners continue to toil away at digging, and the rest of us are constantly breaking our backs hauling all the stone up to the surface. Kib declared today that now after we haul stone up to the surface, we need to haul food and furniture from our makeshift pile down to it's proper place deep below. We are all rather sick of moving stuff around all day, but it needs to be done, as we don't want to live our lives in a giant mess filled fortress. Just wish there was something more substantial to show for all our work then a giant pile of rock.

27th Slate, 302
The miners have finished digging out the main hallways of our new home. They are so long and wide, and look quite nice. Kib had a small inner debate that he let me in on about if he should have the miners help haul stone, or start exploratory digging to see if we can find some coal in the mudstone to start smelting metal with. I suggested coal, as we could all very much use a metal industry to get us moving in a more productive direction. He agreed with me, and so now the three miners are digging exploratory shafts through the layers of mudstone in an attempt to find us a good fuel source.

5h Felsite, 302
What great luck! We struck coal already! It seems the mudstone is packed full of precious minerals, the miners report already striking a large deposit of magnetite, several pockets of gems, and several other odd types of stone. I am starting to feel quite optimistic about our future!

8th Felsite, 302
I have great news to report! Another large wave of our comrades who have shunned the Queen have arrived to take refuge in our glorious fortress! A total of 22 dwarves have arrived! So many dwarves lining our halls now! The new arrivals:
-1 Stoneworker
-1 Engraver
-1 Metalsmith
-1 Furnace Operator
-1 Jewler
-1 woodcrafter
-1 Stonecrafter
-2 Leatherworkers
-1 Weaver
-1 Clothier
-1 Fisher Worker
-2 Fish Cleaners
-1 Soeap Maker
-7 Peasants

So many new dwarfs, it is now very crowded here! Kib placed our now 9 total peasants into the army under command of Ineth who he instructed to teach them all how to wrestle. They call themselves 'The Wealthy Flags' and have started sparring in our entry way.

1st Hematite, 302
This many mouths to feed... we're running out of alcohol, fast. Food is also dropping quickly too. I think we are il-prepared to for this many dwarves. I'm starting to worry again. Some good news though, our furnace operator that arrived has set up shop in our metal working area and has began refining coal into charcoal. The other metal workers have joined him, and we now have a good reliable fuel source brewing.

11th Hematite, 302
Humans? What? Does everybody know we're here? Today a Human Guild representative appeared all alone on the bleak ice. I think he is ahead of a group of human traders. I'm wondering if somebody put out an advertisement that dwarves have set up shop here and are willing to trade. Well I hope they bring some wood...

17th Hematite, 302
I'm rather enjoying a party today. The Human Guild Rep has been fallowing me around looking at me funny, I think he wants to talk. No point really though, not until the lads get all those crappy bauxite crafts Kib made last year moved to the trade depot.

18th Hematite, 302
In the middle of our fine party, Kubuk the leatherworker that had recently migrated to our fortress withdrew from society. I think he wants to make something out of leather, but we don't have any leather... or a leatherworking shop. I order one made anyway, and I'll see if the humans happen to have any for trade.

27th Hematite, 302
Well after a nice party, and a good rest, I finally got around to trading with the traders. Humans really know how to put together a decent trading caravan! We got ourselves a good amount of drink, lots of meat, and 40 wooden logs! Also a few bits of leather in case Kubuk could use some for his strage mood. Kib quickly ordered all the wood to be made into beds, as we need to make room for all these dwarves who keep showing up.

1st Malachite, 302
Yeah... more dwarves? 9 more just showed up today. I'm starting to wonder if the Queen has exiled the whole kingdom.

Today we received:
-1 woodworker
-1 Bowyer
-1 Weaponsmith
-1 Stonecrafter
-1 Butcher
-1 Herbalist
-3 Peasants

That brings our total number to 49. That's a lot of mouths to feed, and beds to fill.

5th Malachite, 302
A Leather Works was finally built, and Kubuk quickly claimed it and is now working secretly on some project. Our first artifact? Here's hoping!

9th Malachite, 302
I finally sat down and had a meeting with that Human that had been following me around all over the place. I told him rather bluntly, 'one word, WOOD!' He nodded, scribbled a few notes, hinted at a couple items they would find valuable, then ran off with our order. I'm sure the human caravan will be following him shortly.

11th Malachite, 302
Kubuk finished his project. A Leather shield. Not too shabby, and could be useful too. Nothing fancy really, but who needs a fancy shield? It's just gotta keep things from hitting you! Here's a sketch of it:

20th Malachite, 302
The humans have set off on their journey. Some good news to report, my traps have managed to catch a few Hoary Marmots. Those should be some good eatin!

25th Malachite, 302
The culmination of our new metal industry, the first metal product has rolled out of the forge. A brand new iron barrel! Which should quickly be put to use to hold some alcohol!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 02:24:23 pm by Marko »


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2009, 05:59:31 pm »

u better save some of that iron for armor <_< :P dam immigrants they need to stop coming so soon!. they need to wait for wood. if only we could grow trees in our farms. now wouldn't that be a sight :D


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2009, 06:33:18 pm »

we have a terrible barrel shortage atm, which bogs down alcohol and food production terribly. And every log we get is a precious bed much needed bed, so iron barrels are at the top of the list (and don't worry too much, theres tons of magnetite around)


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Re: [story/community fort]The Exiles of Laborpride
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2009, 10:11:08 pm »

Oh my god I'm a woman.
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