MrWiggles almost has it right, except that most people don't choose to hurt themselves.
No. Would you respect a creation that simply followed a pre-programmed course of actions? No. You might be proud of it, but you know it's only doing it because you told it to. You can't respect something unless it can make it's own decisions. People who do as they are told all the time simply because they were told to receive no respect. People who do things based on their own thoughts and decisions receive much more respect.
It would be like making an old final fantasy game and being proud of it even though you know all that's ever going to happen when you talk to Mr. Guard is a response "Welcome to [town]". What would be the point if he controlled us? "Welcome to heaven, my little automaton robots!" "hello, God . . .". And then there is forever just bland conversation with things that he know the response patterns of all too well.
Maybe he wanted something to respect? The opportunity to see something other than his own will do as he would in its situation?
You can't say. People have come up with valid scientific explanations for omnipotent beings, and each is just as likely as any atheist explanation that can be thought up.
The difference between religion and atheism is that one goes with one explanation, and the other just doesn't bother guessing.