I think you really need to provide counterproofs to each variety of god individually.
Creator gods, while they could create evidence of any history they want, are completely unnecessary and any given version of createor god is pretty much just a guess with sufficiently poor odds to be more trouble than they could possibly be worth.
Absolute gods fail the all-powerful, all-knowing, and actually like us test, so you have to pick one that, at best, just doesn't care about you. And once again it is a completely unnecessary guess.
Patron gods seem to be absent, but don't let me stop you for dividing the world's shipping into 3 equal groups, having one do nothing, one always make a sacrifice to Poseidon, and one always ask for help from 'the god of the sea' before every trip and then look for significant variation in their experiences of weather, accidents, spontaneous insanity, and being sucked down to the depths by malevolent forces then you might have an argument for or against...
Ancestor spirits is an interesting one, a serious study into past life phenomena might lend some credibility. On the other hand, what makes a dead person any better than a live person... For the moment it seems pretty unlikely regardless.
Afterlives are pretty easily explainable by wishful thinking, and familiarity effects with mundane mental causes... Actually doing anything to stop wishful thinking is an entirely different leviathan...
Fairies(mythic creatures and superstitions) are, well, getting steadily less likely as more physiological and mental conditions are explained and as more of the world is explored, and it is past the point to take them seriously...
Mind over matter is some great wishful thinking, but has yet to have any public proof, which by now would seem to confirm that there is no such thing...