This tread is interesting.
But because you don't understand each other you're questioning each other integrity.
While this is of course a possibility, I don't think that anyone is being dishonest about their toughs and belief.
The problem here is that the atheists are doing a conceptual mistake : you cannot have faith in something scientific.
Actually, science is the way of understanding the universe without faith. No dogma.
In a religion, first you assume some dogma are true, then you understand the world according to them.
If you change the dogma, then you have a schism.
In science, you should not have any dogma : if tomorrow someone present a self heating box, he'll disprove energy conservation. And thus disproved, without hopes of remission most physical theory.
There will be new ones, old ones will still work, but just as newton law they will only be utilitarian.
No one should believe in a theory, or in a science fact. They are guess. Good guess. The best we can make, but guess none the less.
Thus trying to convince a religious man with science fact, is like trying to move a rock with a lullaby : you prove that there is no angels in the sky? "God is trying my faith" "they are there but cannot be seen" or they just ignore that the catholics took this very seriously and try to rely on the tough that it was all a metaphor.
Which is the logical thing to do is you're trying to please a lunatic deity who will make literally a hell of your alter-life if you don't believe in it.
I am afraid that the reason we don't believe is god is that we don't see the world as you do.
Now if you want reason not to believe, I can give some.
Edit : Neruz, you're confused : you are the one saying anything is possible while theist rely on one interpretation of the world. Note that theism is vague enough o mean anything but is only one point of view none the less.
edit : Is this better?