Only to the initiated. Andir is right when he sais that a lot of people actually believe the Big-Bang-creationist thing. And that it's just a belief, no more or less nonsensical than God-based creationism. As to "what is beyond the edge of the universe", God is as sensical an answer as "here be dragons" or "vacuum" or "more universe. Right now we're only able to see a small part of the universe, beyond that is more universe, and beyond that is the "edge", if there even is one.
On Michelson-Morley, it just proved that ether as a light-propagating agent does not exist, or if it does you might as well ignore it because light behaves as if it doesn't exist. It really has nothing to do with hypothetical Dark Energy or the expansion of the universe.
Dreiche: Using zero as a number didn't make sense to a lot of people at first, either. They reasoned in "amounts", and zero was to them not an amount. Yet those crazy arabs treated it as if it were an amount!
Areyar, the "visible universe" is just that part from which we receive light. Light is pretty slow, compared to intergalaxy-distances. If we get light from beyond our observation sphere, that observation sphere has just expanded so it's no longer from "outside". That virtual barrier is expanding at (how logical) the speed of light. Beyond that is very probably a lot more universe-as-we-know-it but that we just can't see yet, and beyond that... Dragons.