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Author Topic: Atheists  (Read 392559 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #495 on: May 12, 2009, 10:31:36 pm »

You guys view scientific theory like most religious nuts view God.  Modern Day Science IS your religion.  You have blind faith in published works ignoring margins of error and accepting it as truth.  It exists because someone told you it does, and it's in some book.  Therefore it's true and there's no other reason for it to have happened.  Period.  Then if someone comes along and proves that it's wrong, you change your story to fit the new formula.  You'll explain it like the religious folks explain the great flood.  They'll attempt to say it was a flooding of some valley region in the Middle East, so therefore we weren't wrong, but we just change beliefs a little and still hold that this it is the absolute and they just couldn't describe it well enough.

No speculation, no postulates... just blind faith that one theory supported by several people MUST be infallible.  I told you I'm not getting into an argument again over observatory science.  The aspects I'm interested in are apparently too big and/or too small for you to even comprehend.  (and no, I'm not talking about objects so far away that they we see the light as they existed in the past.  You are trying to read into what I said.  I'm talking the properties of light as it travels in space... distorted by space dust or not...)  I'm theorizing, based on the information I was given, alternatives to popular theory.

You assume popular theory must be right because it's popular.  This gets back to my argument about the flat world.  At one point it was popular.  If you lived then, you would assume that the world was flat because that's what the evidence points to, but I digress.  You thrive on regurgitating published data in some effort to boost your ego or some other reason that confounds me.  I'm reminded of the snobby blonde guy in the bar in "Good Will Hunting" who is trying to prove he's smarter by repeating what he's read without even thinking about the material.
"Having faith" that the bridge will not fall, implies that the bridge itself isn't that trustworthy. It's not that different from "I pray that the bridge will hold my weight."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #496 on: May 12, 2009, 11:31:59 pm »

Omnipotence is paralogical.
Is logic omnipotent? Is omnipotence above logic? I think it technically is as it's supposed to be above everything.

Will this topic ever die? Really. I was hoping people could finally realize their time is better spent discussing things with real answers or more concrete meaning.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #497 on: May 13, 2009, 12:09:20 am »

Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

These two are flawed, there doesn't seem to be any reason to call anything god, it is better to think of god as a name than a title, as it simply isn't well defined...

Malevolence is not the only possibility for able but unwilling to remove opposition. The likelihood of a being capable of removing all the elements of existence that humans would choose to remove actually respecting humans sufficiently that doing so would even be a consideration are quite remote...

No, read it again.  Carefully.  Very carefully.  I think you're just glancing at it and seeing what you want to.

Well yes, I do admit to having had to do a bit of guesswork on account of the rather poor grammar and structure, so if you'd be so kind as to provide your interpretation...?

Woohoo! I have created a work of zen-like mystery, gaze into its depths as long as you like, you shall never grasp its hidden truths...

If something has the power to fix all your problems then it probably doesn't respect you. There are probably things that you do not respect that you treat in ways that you would consider malevolent were the roles reversed, sandwiches for example, which are mutilated to suit your tastes and then destroyed for your own mysterious whims...

 Malevolence really doesn't exist, it is all just a matter of perspective. If the victims of the Nazi holocaust were evil, then the Nazis were justified, if you take evil out of the equation then suddenly you need more justification then just, "they're bad"...
 Religion has a greater capacity than the absence of religion to alleviate the consequences of someone's actions, and a greater capacity to motivate people towards destruction and hostility...

Assuming that god is capable and willing to banish evil...
God might be curious about what existence would be like with limitations, you are just a thought experiment. Why would some imaginary thing be capable of experiencing evil?
God might be ignorant of humanity, they might be too insignificant to pay attention to.
Maybe god just can't think of a better way of doing things, all powerful and all knowing(which are not assumed here anyway) does not imply creativity...
If a parent denies treats to a their child, because they believe the treats to be harmful, does that make them malevolent?
If a child does not tell their parent about some property they damaged, because the child believes that it is better if nobody finds out, does that make them malevolent?
There are many scenarios in which an entity may be capable of doing something that would be perceived as good, but chooses not to. To assume that this implies malevolence is a massive oversimplification...

To sweep away suffering, a human creation, one would have to either wipe out the human race or free will.
Turn off suffering, if good things happen, then it is fun, if bad things happen, then you don't care, or if you are really ambitious then bad things will be naturally reversed so people don't have any reason to worry, and don't...
Suffering is a component of the human mind, unless humans created or altered the human mind to include suffering, then it is not something they made. Creation is, after all, foremost the domain of any gods of creation that exist...

  If you have a bunch of creatures that can choose what they do, and have desires as well as instincts, there is no way you can prevent one of them from doing something mean to another short of killing the offender or directly controlling its actions.
Nope, you can change the desires and instincts, which were supposedly created by god in the first place, so it is controlling them, but doesn't impede their free will any more than it already is impeded... There are a vast array of means that humans possess to control people's action indirectly, which do prevent people from acting in undesired ways. Are we assuming here that god is more capable than humans?

an infinitely wiser mind than yours or mine.
Now this is interesting, there hasn't really been much discussion on wisdom, there is much debate concerning power and knowledge but not really wisdom. It is difficult to justify your own wisdom, but it seems to me that there are some flaws in christian belief, such as an implication that god desires worship, yet there are many parts of the world which have no knowledge of christianity, or why create something that you want to worship you if it is willing to worship scientology? Why create a world in which you have little influence, and allow many varied religions and beliefs to emerge, simply to have your followers brutally destroy everything they encounter in the name of god, greed, and gratification?

And tell me how not presuming something is different from not bothering to guess at it?

Because not presuming something is a much wider category than not bothering to guess at it.

If I was God and wanted good company in heaven, I wouldn't tell humans that heaven existed, and I sure wouldn't tell them the rules of how to get in!

I like that.

Beside that, our senses were not as favored as our brian. Human don't rely out sense. We rely on out hugely over developed brian to protect us. We think our way out we don't sense our way out.

The senses use a great deal of the brain separating them isn't really appropriate. Humans really don't think much, success may be more a matter of how sensory data is interpreted than humans thinking more than other entities, more than anything else humans are probably adapted to tools...

You have blind faith in published works ignoring margins of error and accepting it as truth.

As I understand it, science is about creating a set of assumptions that can be used to extrapolate the state of the world. It doesn't need to be true, it just needs to be accurate. Debating truth in science is kind of irrelevant.

Yeah, meaning would be nice, I feel a lack of definitions from time to time. But how can you know that there are no real answers without pursuing them?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #498 on: May 13, 2009, 01:04:55 am »

Omnipotence is paralogical.
Is logic omnipotent? Is omnipotence above logic? I think it technically is as it's supposed to be above everything.

The phrase "Omnipotence is paralogical" means that actual omnipotence requires that paralogic be the correct way of describing the universe. If you accept that even a single truly omnipotent being exists, you have to allow that a proposition and it's negation could both be true at the same time.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doubt Everything
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #499 on: May 13, 2009, 02:26:54 am »

You guys view scientific theory like most religious nuts view God.  Modern Day Science IS your religion.  You have blind faith in published works ignoring margins of error and accepting it as truth.  It exists because someone told you it does, and it's in some book.  Therefore it's true and there's no other reason for it to have happened.  Period.  Then if someone comes along and proves that it's wrong, you change your story to fit the new formula.  You'll explain it like the religious folks explain the great flood.  They'll attempt to say it was a flooding of some valley region in the Middle East, so therefore we weren't wrong, but we just change beliefs a little and still hold that this it is the absolute and they just couldn't describe it well enough.

No speculation, no postulates... just blind faith that one theory supported by several people MUST be infallible.  I told you I'm not getting into an argument again over observatory science.  The aspects I'm interested in are apparently too big and/or too small for you to even comprehend.  (and no, I'm not talking about objects so far away that they we see the light as they existed in the past.  You are trying to read into what I said.  I'm talking the properties of light as it travels in space... distorted by space dust or not...)  I'm theorizing, based on the information I was given, alternatives to popular theory.

You assume popular theory must be right because it's popular.  This gets back to my argument about the flat world.  At one point it was popular.  If you lived then, you would assume that the world was flat because that's what the evidence points to, but I digress.  You thrive on regurgitating published data in some effort to boost your ego or some other reason that confounds me.  I'm reminded of the snobby blonde guy in the bar in "Good Will Hunting" who is trying to prove he's smarter by repeating what he's read without even thinking about the material.

There a few ways to tackle it, unlike ampersand whose response was taken down, I didnt laugh. I sighed.

In science, there is nothing holy. Everything can be overturn and replace. Its a requirement of its self correcting nature. If Math were proven to be wrong, and something cam that was better, then math wouldn't be used as much. Eventually dropped all together. If the assumption about the universe proved false, then they would be dropped and replaced with news one that work better.

In demonstrating that science has no dogma, or tenets. If a better method for understanding the universe comes along, the scientific method would eventually no longer be used.

Science can't rely on faith. It doesn't ask for you. It just ask for your eyes. No one is stating these theories, these working tried and true models of the universe are without flaw.

Weakness in a theory doesn't mean that its worthless, or that it should question in its entirety. It should be recognized as such. Andir, doubt is a great thing. However, you need to learn on how to apply it. You need to learn what would be reasonable doubt.

What you have been doing, is nearly an embodiment of argument from ignorance. 'They simply can't know enough to judge anything' or 'how could they possibly know that'. There is no objective means to know when you know enough. The sci. method takes this into account by being internally self correcting.

Science goes 'With what we know, what conclusions may be draw.', bulking at every possible chance to be wrong would lead to no where.

Science never ask you to take anything as granted. It all there waiting for you to go look for yourself. What you haven't been doing is presenting anything counter evidence. You haven't been showing examples of why this may be. You've been asserting that since we can't possibly know enough or everything that it is wrong, or probably wrong. 

If you want to discuss the demerits of a theory, that fine. I would find that entertaining. And it would expand my knowledge base of the subject matter. Can you describe with what at fault of how they draw these conclusions? Other then 'There no possible way for them to know for certain'. There isn't. It doesn't matter. We act as we do, and we move forward to see if it make sense with everything else.

If this red shift means that these celestial objects are moving further away what does this mean? What do we expect to see if we apply this to something else?

Empirical testing. A conversation on Doppler shift would be neat, a nice catalyst to learn more on the subject, which I admit I have a loose grasp on.

For Einstein theory to hold true then c must be constant. Even though its impossible to examine c at everywhere everytime through time, we can infer this must be the case. It an assumption. However its an assumption that has so far held up. The gravitational lensing affect, was used with pulsar, at 145 light years out for a galaxy cluster that something like 1m light years away. So it seems like c is constant for at least a million light years.

Though there are some holes in general and special relativity, it holds up remarkably well. Making it not unreasonable for its postulation of c to be true. Hell, I'll throw you a bone. It known that c may in fact vary by as much as .4%, though from my understanding this margin affects the formula very little. There odd things about satellite positions, not being where they should be with gen. relativity. That paper is currently highly contested and is going through the bloody arena of which peer review is.

If you have doubts in a theory, then kudos. Please present why, and citation on current understanding doesn't explain observed phenomena, or please explain a tool of science which you find lacking and why. I haven't checked in a bit, by Dr. Phil Plait used to do a live Q&A, if he still does so we can get him to answer why light being adsorbed by dust isn't that much of a factor, or how do you compensate for it and why?

Doubt nice. An awesome thing. It needs to be tempered to be reasonable. Just doubting there ability, that been cultivated for astronomy, a few centuries seems silly without example of why.

And how could it be blind fait if I went, look into the understanding, observed myself and deem their conclusion reasonable.

And lets look at this thing trying to say that science is a popularity contest like high school. It backward.

The concession is gained from the evidence. The evidence is tested and debated. It eventually reaches a point where it deem to hold up reasonably well and deem acceptable. This isn't an easy task. And hell, the sci. method can even have bullshit studies get deem acceptable. But those studies are ignored if it no longer complies with future findings.

When speaking to a theory that has the concession of the community. Then what that says, it has been rigorously tested, examined and debated. It does the best job at explaining the current phomena.

Could you explain why science being amendable is somehow a weakness? That what I from your rant. 

Also, which theories demerits and which of them would you like to talk about? Can you link to these other theories you spoke of? Or provide name for their authors so I and other can go look them up. As an open minded person, I'm all for entertaining new ideas.
Doesn't like running from bears = clearly isn't an Eastern European
I'm Making a Mush! Navitas: City Limits ~ Inspired by Dresden Files and SCP.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #500 on: May 13, 2009, 02:39:09 am »

I am unsuited for the argument I was a part of earlier, because I don't bother to much with belief. Go to church, believe in God, get on with my life. Therefor, I drop out. Not that I did much anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #501 on: May 14, 2009, 08:51:42 am »

Lol, religous threads are all about stamina.

To toss more feul into the fire..
..what I frown upon is when an atheist takes a very weak scientific method and use it as a base for all their arguments. The theory about time being limited within the universe. Occam's Razor. Natural Selection.

All of them weak theories, because there's no evidence to prove them false. Evolution is real, but that does not disprove creationism in the least. Unless you have proper evidence, it's still blind faith in a method.

Scientific method found the Doppler Theory. It works. Can't disprove that.
God created water. Water exists. Can't disprove that either.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #502 on: May 14, 2009, 09:45:52 am »

God created water. Water exists. Can't disprove that either.
I have a problem with this because you can't prove it either.  Science has proven that humans can create water by combining hydrogen and oxygen.  So either your god created water, or he created the elements and the laws that form water and nature took over.  I'd argue that you can't have both.  This is a very hot item with me and the religious community.  Let's say there is a god.  Did it create humans, or the material that makes them up and they simply formed because of random events?  If humans are created from this matter, then so is everything else.  That means we are no more important or different than a sheet of paper or fungus in the eyes of that god.

This is part of the reason I can't believe that the Big Bang was the beginning of it all.  That would mean something had to create it instead of it always being there.  I fall in line with the idea that it's always been there, infinitely, but a tremendous event could have happened in our visible space that looks like a "big bang."
"Having faith" that the bridge will not fall, implies that the bridge itself isn't that trustworthy. It's not that different from "I pray that the bridge will hold my weight."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #503 on: May 14, 2009, 10:18:23 am »

You guys view scientific theory like most religious nuts view God.  Modern Day Science IS your religion.

Nonsense. Religion is not supported by any evidence whatsoever. Need evidence that science works? Look around. Literally everything man-made you see around you is the result of the scientific process at work. Religion, on the other hand, doesn't do zilch.

You have blind faith in published works ignoring margins of error and accepting it as truth.

That's because as far as we know it is the truth. It might not be, but we've got nothing better.

It exists because someone told you it does, and it's in some book.  Therefore it's true and there's no other reason for it to have happened.  Period.  Then if someone comes along and proves that it's wrong, you change your story to fit the new formula.

Yes, that's called basing your beliefs on the best evidence available. Somehow I don't have a problem with that.

You'll explain it like the religious folks explain the great flood.  They'll attempt to say it was a flooding of some valley region in the Middle East, so therefore we weren't wrong, but we just change beliefs a little and still hold that this it is the absolute and they just couldn't describe it well enough.

Except that it's not like that at all, since if you explain a miracle then it's no longer a miracle. Personally I don't see why fundies try to show that alleged miracles could really be perfectly plausible natural phenomena. If it wasn't a miracle, then where does God enter into it? They're undermining their own position.

You assume popular theory must be right because it's popular.  This gets back to my argument about the flat world.  At one point it was popular.  If you lived then, you would assume that the world was flat because that's what the evidence points to.

Yes, and there would be nothing wrong with that. There is a difference between whether or not a belief is correct and whether or not it's justified.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #504 on: May 14, 2009, 01:37:32 pm »

Lol, religous threads are all about stamina.

To toss more feul into the fire..
..what I frown upon is when an atheist takes a very weak scientific method and use it as a base for all their arguments. The theory about time being limited within the universe. Occam's Razor. Natural Selection.

All of them weak theories, because there's no evidence to prove them false.

First off, if you think Occam's Razor is a scientific theory, you are so far off base I don't even know where to start, except to say that it isn't, and was never intended to be.

Natural selection isn't a "weak theory"; it's observed constantly.

If you're going to call it weak because there's no evidence to prove it wrong, I think you're getting very confused. You're probably thinking of falsifiability. In other words, in order for a concept to be scientific, you must be able to at least come up with some sort of hypothetical situation which would provide evidence against the theory, since obviously, if the theory is "valid" no matter WHAT evidence comes up, it can't really be based on scientific empiricism.

Natural selection, however, is completely falsifiable. The only reason you don't hear much about its falsifiability is that natural selection is honestly such an established and obvious (if you've read or learned anything at all about it) thing that hypotheticals disproving it wind up being sort of weird, kind of like trying to think of how cell theory for biological organisms could be disproven. That doesn't mean you can't think of any, though; cell theory could be proven wrong if we someday find out that organisms aren't made of cells at all and we were somehow mistaken for some absurd reason, and natural selection could be disproven if we came upon evidence suggesting that it never actually happens that way, which would be QUITE tricky, but still theoretically possible, which is the whole point.

A theory isn't "weak" because it's hard to disprove. That's kind of what makes it strong. A theory is weak (or should I say, not a theory at all) if it's IMPOSSIBLE to disprove.

For instance, the big bang theory is probably offered as an example of something that's not falsifiable, but it is. It relies on evidence we've observed, and we could observe evidence contrary to it, such as large chunks of the universe expanding in completely different directions, or something else that contradicts the evidence for the theory itself.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #505 on: May 14, 2009, 01:53:22 pm »

Tons of textwalls here.

I mistakenly posted here and it keeps popping up on my "new replies to posts" shit.

Anyways. The entire argument here is invalid.

Atheists cannot prove "god" exisits, and theists cannot prove "god" exisits.

You are basically arguing about nothing.

There are parts of physics and qualities of the universe science cannot measure or understand. If you cannot measure it, it is NOT science. Quantum physics is like that. You have particles that EXIST and DO NOT EXIST all at the SAME TIME.

If you cannot even measure and define your own universe, how could you possibly understand or measure an intelligence that not only understands everything you know, and do not know, but actually created that?

If there is a "god" it is something immeasurably vast and its nature is unknowable to humans. Maybe "god" is just beyond mankind's abililty to measure or comprehend.

You can buy a hardwood table, and know everything about it. The material it is made from, the dimensions of it, the plastic coating over it, the tarnish on the wood's surface, but you will never really know WHO make it.

Thats beyond our grasp.

I guess. Believe whatever you want, it will not matter in the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #506 on: May 14, 2009, 02:00:36 pm »

There are parts of physics and qualities of the universe science cannot measure or understand. If you cannot measure it, it is NOT science. Quantum physics is like that. You have particles that EXIST and DO NOT EXIST all at the SAME TIME.

I stopped reading right there, because you obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about. Seriously, read up. You're only embarrassing yourself.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doubt Everything
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #507 on: May 14, 2009, 02:13:45 pm »

Tons of textwalls here.

I mistakenly posted here and it keeps popping up on my "new replies to posts" shit.

Anyways. The entire argument here is invalid.

Atheists cannot prove "god" exisits, and theists cannot prove "god" exisits.
Exactly why you must defer to the default position.

You are basically arguing about nothing.

There are parts of physics and qualities of the universe science cannot measure or understand. If you cannot measure it, it is NOT science. Quantum physics is like that. You have particles that EXIST and DO NOT EXIST all at the SAME TIME.
Thats not true. Citation? If it true, should be fun to read.

If you cannot even measure and define your own universe, how could you possibly understand or measure an intelligence that not only understands everything you know, and do not know, but actually created that?

If there is a "god" it is something immeasurably vast and its nature is unknowable to humans. Maybe "god" is just beyond mankind's abililty to measure or comprehend.
Human have design lots of method to look into arena which our senses are to limited. Though this god may beyond us now, it doesn't matter. Science doesn't look into what we may know, but what we know now.

If God is unknowable then all preceding actions & experiences regarded with any gods is false.
You can buy a hardwood table, and know everything about it. The material it is made from, the dimensions of it, the plastic coating over it, the tarnish on the wood's surface, but you will never really know WHO make it.

Thats beyond our grasp.
Poor analogy. I can totally figure out where that table from. First step would be to look and research in the manufacturer watermark. You could also get the wood examine to figure out where it was likly the tree would have grown. 

I guess. Believe whatever you want, it will not matter in the end.
Apathy is dangerous. I don't think there is anything when I die. However, having false belief now are bad. Leads to and allows other false belief to fester. It provides the grounds for various crap to exist, like homeopathy, crystal therapy, iridology, flat earth society, 411 scam, numerology so forth.

Believe what you want with no qualms or challenge gives rise to those which kill their followers with exorcism. Or those that prevent blood transfusion. Or the belief that vaccines are bad, or that GM food is some how evil.

Wrong belief come in variety of severity levels, but all need the same elements to exist.
Doesn't like running from bears = clearly isn't an Eastern European
I'm Making a Mush! Navitas: City Limits ~ Inspired by Dresden Files and SCP.

Guy Montag

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #508 on: May 14, 2009, 02:44:08 pm »

Vaccines and GM food is awesome, productive stuff that enhances the benefits of the well-being of humanity.

They have absolutely nothing to do with with the reasoning of deism or theism the logic that a higher intelligence exisits or the lack there of.

If I have to dig up web links to scientific journals to verify my statement about quantum physics, you obviously are not following the progress of the study enough for me to even attempt to educate you on it. Its common knowledge that quantum physics has alot to do with particles that exist and DO NOT exist all in the same measuring. The reason is there is so much theory in the matter is because we cannot measure it. Its why quantum theory is theory.

What I do not get is why Atheists and Agnostics and their ilk are so goddamn focused on "proving theists wrong".

I'm an atheist in all honesty, I do not see why other people are so militant about trying to prove OTHER PEOPLE'S STUPID IDEAS to be stupid. Especially since you cannot prove "god" doesn't exisit anymore then a Baptist can prove angels exisit.

Shit, keep your religious ideas to yourself and keep this awful shitposting thread out of my "New replies" list.

You cannot change anybody's mind, or influence anybody or do anything to effect anybody's ideas about religion or theism or atheism or anything. These are set values nobody will never change their minds about. You cannot make a Atheist into a Catholic, you cannot turn a Baptist into an Agnostic and no other arrangement of any theological ideas can be converted.

Its a waste of time and effort. You will change nobody's mind, all you can do is have an enternal, pointless discussion and acheive nothing.

Discuss more important things, like the 3.94 release of Liberal Crime Squad. Shit is on-point.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Atheists
« Reply #509 on: May 14, 2009, 03:24:16 pm »

What I do not get is why Atheists and Agnostics and their ilk are so goddamn focused on "proving theists wrong".

I'm an atheist in all honesty, I do not see why other people are so militant about trying to prove OTHER PEOPLE'S STUPID IDEAS to be stupid. Especially since you cannot prove "god" doesn't exisit anymore then a Baptist can prove angels exisit.
  I have no problem with religion until religion tries to control my life in one way or another.  There are laws in place based on popular belief and moral standings.  These are heavily rooted in religion and teaching.  This is why it's so important for our government to take an objective approach to society and laws.  IMHO, abortion would not be such a big huge debate without religion.  Gay marriage as well.  Heck, even though it's an unenforceable law, it's illegal for me to hold office in many states because I don't hold the belief of a higher power of some kind.  "Under God" was ADDED to the pledge of allegiance over 50 years ago.  Look what that "God" has done to our country!  It's a nightmare.  I'm starting to lean on the belief that "big brother" laws are religion doing it's part to prove that man cannot be free and must be monitored like sheep in a heard.  Essentially, it's a power play.  If more people dis-believe "God", more atheist/agnostic people will be considered sane and will be voted into office, then laws can be overturned, corrected, or created to abolish religious influence in government.  Too many people base their vote on religion.  I'd like to hear what chance you think an Atheist has at becoming President.  All through the debates, we found out what religion every one of the candidates were.  Why?
"Having faith" that the bridge will not fall, implies that the bridge itself isn't that trustworthy. It's not that different from "I pray that the bridge will hold my weight."
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