Announcement will be made when new spots are available! anyone be interested in this?
It would 2-4 empire (depending on amount of interest) hotseat game run by me. There would be multiple players in each empire who manage different aspects determined by their role. Another (possible) mechanic I would like to add in is salaries which are basically interplayer currency, more on that later
Primary Rolesx3 Territorial Magistrates/Governors -
Salary = Total colonial production ouput OR food output + 1/2 colonial monetary output + 2bc
Own and run colonies. Uses their salary to pay maintenance, rush build, and hire assistants(colony leaders). They have 1 vote in issues dealing with tax rates, diplomacy, and research.
x3 Fleet admirals -
Salary = 1bc per crew level per ship + 2
Direct fleets and engage in combat. Fleet size is limited to 1/4 of total command points available. Once all command points are consumed, additional ships may be added into their fleet so long as the upkeep cost is paid. Aside from upkeep, salaries are used to pay for building contracts with colony leaders, hire ship officers, and purchase ships from other admirals. They have 1 vote in issues dealing with diplomacy and research.
Additionally players (except for the Emperor) may be impeached from their roles by unanimous vote.
Secondary RolesThe Emperor-
Has +1 (+2 in dictatorships) votes in all issues. Does not have to pay building maintenance or ship upkeep.
Intelligence Director-
Dictates placement of spies as defensive agents or tech stealers/saboteurs.
Diplomatic Ambassador-
Sends diplomatic proposals to other empires via PM to me.
Head of Research Dept.-
Has +1 vote on research issues.
The game will be run on a message board I set up for this specific game and each empire will have exclusive access to one board/topic. One update will be 10 turns (1 game year) so players should give multiple orders.
I will give more specifics on stuff like race selection and ship customization if there is enough interest.