I love what this game can do sometimes.
I screwed up reading a spellbook once and got stunned for a very, very long time. Cue a wood nymph. It promptly stole everything I owned and repeatedly zapped me with a wand. My HP held out enough for the wand to wear out, so she proceeded to go through my potions and scrolls.
She found a scroll of earth. A boulder promptly crushed her into a pancake. I managed to survive the boulder that landed on me, only barely. Finally could move again after all that.
Unfortunately, while trying to recover my stuff, I broke her looking glass, earning myself bad luck.
Next thing I knew, bees. A massive, massive swarm of bees. I did not survive. The game does not mess around when you have bad luck.
Then in the very next game, I find that as a bones level. I should note this game has been awesome too.
Ice box next to aligned altar in Minetown. Promptly got myself Magicbane and two other artifact swords I will probably not use. I'm now roaming the depths with a dog, a seriously powerful pit fiend like 10 levels above me that used to be a dog, and a queen bee that also used to be a dog. Somehow the pit fiend happened when he ate a chameleon corpse, and I have honestly no clue how the latter dog turned into a bee. Coincidentally, I was fighting a queen bee of a hive when he came in like that.