The Incas are an even more advanced civilization compared to the Aztecs. Huayna Capak has the Financial and Aggressive traits, and starts with Agriculture and Mysticism. Their special unit is the Quecha, a Warrior with Move 2. Not a bad civ for power players, except for the useless special unit.
I pledge peace for now, because my soldiers are on the other side of the continent.
Most of the Inca lands. As you can see, Huayna has researched Gunpowder, but not Horseback Riding.
Loads of clickthrough as I acknowledge all the placeholder crap I set to build.
Damn you and so forth.
Marvelous. I leave the Dutch to their own devices for a couple decades, and they start a pointless war with the only other extant colonial power. Even as I'm preying on both of them.
A few turns go by slaughtering random Incas and dancing with Dutch and English ships.
Delicious screenshot. You know what, I'm bored and curious, so I'm gonna do it.
I'm desperate for things to use tools on anyway, so this is absolutely no loss.
Rob Zombie has joined the Continental Congress. His special bonus is keeping me the fuck awake.
Well that was pointless. The Dutch can't do anything right.
Hey, look who's back! I capture their soldier and send the boat scurrying back to France.
It's not even about the money anymore. I just like killing people.
What the crap? Eh, I'm not one to turn down an offer for soldiers. Even better, they arrive instantly.
As requested, Nist Akath, neighboring the last three Aztec cities on the far side of the hemisphere. It's even built in the tundra. An incongruous single tile of tundra under a forest, but tundra nonetheless. I won't worry about a trading industry here, because after I dump all the treasure in this picture, I'll have about 80000 pesos. Nist Akath will be a self-sufficient last redoubt during the Revolution.
After a particularly long turn of shuffling crap around, then backtracking because of forgetting to save before a freeze, I'm calling it a day. I got through six years, but I whipped butt on the Aztecs and Europeans. I also founded another town, named Tinbolt after a long dead Succession Game from the PennyArcade forums.
See the Incas at the top? They have enough guns to outfit 14 Warriors, and enough horses to mount three of them. I don't know when I'll get that far north, but it'll be a hard fight.