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Author Topic: To venture north, into Hell: Othtar Noloc, world at war  (Read 106408 times)


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To venture north, into Hell: Othtar Noloc, world at war
« on: April 24, 2009, 10:31:46 pm »

My first attempt at serious (ha! Serious... Well, it's a serious attempt at writing a story, so I guess that counts) writing. Was originally meant to be a short story thread, but I realized I really liked the characters. Thus, the current story was born.

The interesting thing about this story is the participation that occurs, although it admittedly doesn't help keep things simple. Those with characters can, if they wish, provide 'journals' that provide backstory to the character and advance the story. Don't make the same mistake I did and disregard these journals, as they add to the story and should be taken as canon. If you read something in my updates that conflicts with the journals then my word is fact (I'm the law round these here parts) but I try to prevent this and journals are, by and large, actual things that happen with the story. If you're reading this thread for the first time, slots are full. More to the point this story, due to my foolish and constant extension of it, has ground to a halt and only time will tell if it starts up again. Sorry.

Drawn using this, because DF is too restrictive in that respect. Pictures will be used whenever I feel they are appropriate, which will hopefully be a whole lot more from now on.

The dwarf called for everyone in the tavern to come to him. They did so eagerly, aware of what was happening. The man was a bard and tonight was the night of stories, tall tales, or historical sagas. The dwarf spoke, his voice carrying over the crowd.
"Come one, come all, gather round the fire, feel its warmth! Sit back and relax, get comfortable. I understand you came for a story and this tale's a long one. But I assure you, this one won't disappoint and better yet, it actually happened. Gather round, gather round! For whilst the wind bites outside, we are safe and warm. and tonight, I shall tell of one of the greatest stories of our time! Prepare-"

To venture north, into Hell

The mountainhome’s main barracks

7 dwarves had left, to start an outpost on the edge of the world. Madness? Perhaps. The very first letter, delivered via pigeon, was a hastily scribbled note. They had discovered something wonderful beneath the mountain, better even than magma, something a dwarf only dreamed of and were preparing to mine it out. 3 months on and no more letters had arrived. The king feared the worst, and  ordered an expedition to be sent north, to see what had become of them, and to bolster there defences and resolve if need be. Kib Olonlegon looked out at his most trusted men. He was the only axe lord among them, a testimony to the king’s unwillingness to waste money on a standing army, but they all knew how to take orders and they could be relied on to do the right thing, and wouldn’t abandon there posts if they were tired, thirsty, hungry or had a broken toe. All were experience miners, with the exception of the two marksdwarves, who were hunters. In total, they number, him, 3 axedwarves and 2 marksdwarves. And together, after gathering the necessary supplies, they left.

The outpost

Kib looked out at the desolate rocky wasteland and shivered. They had past the last trees miles ago and the only water came from a small brook, a far distance away. Hell, there weren’t even any boulders! He had seen a few animals and noticed his sharpshooters looking on in eager anticipation, but with the current development, that’d have to wait.

Kib checked the corpse in front of him, trying hard not to vomit. The poor dwarf had been ripped to shreds. He was almost unrecognisable but Kib could just make out an expression of abject terror on his face. Checking the two other corpses, he noted that they had the same expression. Both were in better shape, but both sported enormous burn marks on there backs and they looked as if they had been burned nearly in half. He sighed, and shivered. Already the men around him were looking worried. He turned towards the small entrance in the mountain, and noted the lack of a trade depot.  These dwarves must have been killed around the time the outpost was started. Surely no dwarf would neglect to build a trade depot, especially in a barren land such as this? It did not bode well. He knelt to get a better look at the entrance
“Hello down there!” He called down the ramp, into the gloom. No answer. He sighed and stood up.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going in. Keep alert.”
He hunched his shoulders and walked forward, axe in hand. What he saw next shocked him to the core. 
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 04:08:23 am by Jackrabbit »


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Re: To venture north, into Hell. A collection of short stories
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 10:48:17 pm »

Ominous deaths, mutilated corpses, ignoring the previous things and walking with uncertainly into a deep dark tunnel. Urist approves!

I'd like to have one of the axedwarves named after me: 'Bloodbeard'

I have a feeling i'll be living up to my name, aswell as Bloodhead, Bloodlimb, Bloodtorso, etc.


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Re: To venture north, into Hell. A collection of short stories
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 11:12:38 pm »

You're in, Lt Bloodbeard.

If you die, you can request another dwarf by the way. That wasn't ominous, no sir.  ::)

Inside the outpost

One of the axedwarves vomited. The two dead dwarves had been gutted and then rammed against the wall, their corpses burnt horribly. But the burning had occurred after death, which was due to severe bleeding or shock, if Kib was any judge. Kib tried to form a mental picture of there deaths, but couldn’t imagine any living thing with the power and brutality to do this. The dwarves looked as terrified as the two corpses outside. He really, really didn’t want to go through those doors, but he knew his duty. Besides, he knew what was ahead. There was a map enclosed with the letter sent 3 months ago and the corpses were in a state of decay normal after about 3 months since death. Whatever had killed these dwarves must have surely fled or moved on in search for new prey. He moved forward.
“Okay lads” He said, praying his voice didn’t shake “When I open this door, I’m gonna rush in. I need you to follow right behind me. Shooters, don’t be afraid to loose a bolt at anything that seems threatening, okay?” They all nodded, nervous. He opened the door.
“Okay, go!’

The main hall of the outpost

Kib ran grimly into the hall, looking around for any sign of trouble. A figure loomed out of the darkness. It had too many limbs to be a dwarf. Kib reacted without thinking. He swung his axe towards it, catching the thing in the chest and hurtling it backwards into the wall. It slumped to the ground. what the hell?

“Bloodbeard, come over here.” Ordered Kib “Marksdwarves, keep an eye open, okay?”
His second in command, lieutenant Bloodbeard, came over and knelt beside the corpse.
“Whatever this is, Cap’n, it ain’t a natural creature. This thing looks like the hound of Armok himself” Both Bloodbeard and Kib made a sign of protection at the mention of his name
“What do we do Cap’n?” Asked Bloodbeard, hopeful the captain would order a retreat. Retirement was number one on his things to do list.
The captain sighed.
“We have our orders. See that door over there?” Kib pointed to the far end of the hall
”That wasn’t featured on the map of the place. We look through there”
Bloodbeard nodded grimly. He stood up an gestured for the dwarves to gather round him.
“Right, ladies and gentlemen, we be going through that door. We have established that there are hostiles, and shall proceed with due caution. You, and you” He said, pointing at the companies 2 scouts, a sniper and axedwarf respectively. “you go through, and report what’s in there. Try not to engage anything and keep a sharp eye, got it?” they both nodded grimly.
“okay, go. Everyone else, form an assault formation around the door”
The dwarves moved into position
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 04:37:02 am by Jackrabbit »

Heron TSG

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Re: To venture north, into Hell. A collection of short stories
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 11:19:59 pm »

can I take a sniper?

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: To venture north, into Hell. A collection of short stories
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 11:27:33 pm »

Yep. You want the scout or the other one?


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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 11:53:37 pm »

Too late!  ;D

New corridor

The two scouts ventured forward cautiously, the sniper, Barbarossa, keeping his crossbow up the whole time. Moving into the small area beyond the door, they immediately noticed a blackened corpse, burnt to death and an eerie blue and red glow, directly in front of them.

The axedwarf bent down and sniffed at a pebble he had picked up, which was a light blue colour. His jaw dropped. He tapped his friend on the shoulder
“This… This is adamantine!” he hissed, excitedly “we could be rich!”
“What?” replied Barbarossa, keeping his crossbow aimed forward into the cave.
“It’s everywhere! Loo-” He stopped. “Magma?” Before them lay a pool full of the bubbling, deadly stuff, the lifeblood of dwarf kind. Looking around, the axedwarf started to become nervous, noticing something in the corner.
“What are these corpses doing here?” He looked down at the bloodless, charred corpses of a human and elf, lying next to a glowing pit. He moved to look into the pit. Bending over, he-
“No!” Screamed a voice. Both scouts spun round, shocked. In the corner was a cage, and pressed against the bars, the horrible, disfigured face of a dwarf
“Visitors! Do not anger the Gods! Look not unto your doom for it will envelope you! Lo, the wrath of the evil! Ah!” The dwarf’s voice was high pitched and frantic. His eyes… his eyes were mad, bloodshot and glancing about frantically
“Who are you?” asked Babarossa, pointing his crossbow at him. He was close to breaking.
“No, the goats of hell, the beasts with a thousand arms, no!” screamed the dwarf
“Quiet!” Said axedwarf, worried about who this mad dwarf would alarm “we’ll get you out of there, don’t worry” He turned Barbarossa. “I think the coast is clear, alert the captain.”
The dwarf nodded and moved out of the adamantine cavern and towards the door. He could hear the mad dwarf going on and on
“No! It comes! Ha! Ha! See! Your doom shall be its supper, a thousand arms, burning flesh, no! NO!
The dwarf opened the door
“sir, the are no hos-” He was cut short by a scream. He spun round and saw the axedwarf tossed against the wall, his very flesh on fire. The dwarf screamed briefly before he died, burning to a blackened corpse against the wall. Barbarossa could hear the mad dwarf screaming
Again! Again! They come to feast! La! La! NO!” He turned to the captain
“Sir! Run!” Kib nodded, and ordered a retreat.
“Fall back boys!” They started to run. It was too late.


Heron TSG

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Re: To venture north, into Hell. A collection of short stories
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2009, 11:58:01 pm »

a sniper and axedwarf respectively.

that one =p

EDIT: Oh dang, did you turn goats hostile and give them 996 more legs?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 12:01:01 am by Barbarossa the Seal God »

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: To venture north, into Hell. A collection of short stories
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2009, 12:04:06 am »

a sniper and axedwarf respectively.

that one =p

EDIT: Oh dang, did you turn goats hostile and give them 996 more legs?

Nope, I just wanted to make the dwarf sound really really deranged. Also, I was copying H.P Lovecraft. Anyway, I was gonna kill the sniper, but I want people who claim dwarves have more of a chance than your average dwarf.

Heron TSG

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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2009, 12:09:08 am »

I think we need a base of operations and some work needs to begin on the hell-destroying magma-based cruise missile.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2009, 12:19:34 am »

That first demon didn't put up much of a fight  :'(

I love how you were one of the first dwarves into the room and after you discover there are hostiles in there you send the other dwarves to check out the other  ;D


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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2009, 12:22:38 am »

Hey, a scouts a scout, y'know? Also, he's a coward


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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2009, 01:56:05 am »


They started to run, as, as… things started to pour through the entrance. A man shaped flame floated into the door and screamed at the retreating dwarves
سوف تحترق! وسنعمل على عظام وليمة!
A ball of flame struck a retreating axedwarf in the back, burning right through him. He fell to the ground, dead before he hit the stone.

“Run! RUN!” came the high pitched screaming from the mad dwarf, who began laughing, a terrifying, demoralising sound. The dwarves broke into the main corridor, and ran for the ramp, the horrors behind them still coming, still gaining. The dwarves spilled outside, Barbarossa turning to fire a bolt into the cave, and as Kib looked out across the landscape he realised with stomach twisting certainty that they weren’t going to make it. He looked at his men, scared and uncertain, but still willing to follow orders to the end. He made his decision.
“Men, run. I’ll hold ‘em as long as I can but this needs to get back to the mountainhomes. The king needs to know. Run.”
Lt. Bloodbeard shook his head.
“We’re with you, Cap’n, with you to the end”
Kib smiled. “I appreciate it boys, but this needs to reach the king”
Lt. Bloodbeard looked at Barbarossa, newest member of the squad. “Son” He said “you need to get to the king, understand? We’ll give you rations and ammo but this needs to get to the king. You can’t fail”
Barbarossa nodded, unwilling to leave but understanding his duty “Yes sir” He saluted. He was given the remainder of the rations and spare ammo, and sent running. He didn’t look back, but as he ran, he heard behind him the Captains final speech

Barbarossa ran, the sound of the battle slipping away from him, ran past the brook and made it to the tree line after 15 minutes frantic sprinting. He stopped, panting, and continued at a slightly slower pace, shivering. After he was far enough away to feel safe, he made camp, fell asleep and relived the last few hours in his nightmares.

The mountainhomes, the throne room, 1 week later

“You found what?” asked the king, ashen faced. The nobles gathered around him looked either sceptical or horrified. Barbarossa took a deep breath.
“Your majesty, we discovered the dwarves slaughtered, save one, who had been captured and gone insane. They had broken into a strange pit in the mountains and unleashed demons. I only escaped because the men sacrificed themselves for me…” He faltered.
“What must we do? How can we combat this threat?” exclaimed the king “I was not taught how to deal with demons!” He looked close to panic, turning to look at the soothing scene out the window behind him.


“My lord” said General Cog, commander of the king’s armed forces “we must raise a standard, train an army! Over the past week, my scouts have reported a vast goblin migration to the north, surely due to the release of these foul demons ” He spat onto the ground “the size of our current forces are nowhere near enough to deal with this threat! Oh my king, grant me this, that your kingdom may live”
The king looked at him, then nodded.
“Yes” he said “we shall raise an army and the world shall tremble at our might”
Cog nodded, and turned to Barbarossa
“You are dismissed…. Captain”

To be continued
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 02:03:08 am by Jackrabbit »


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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2009, 08:00:40 pm »


We interrupt this thrilling tale to bring you a badly done joke

There was an extra panel showing the elf attacking the dwarf but I think it's funnier if the dwarf just snaps and kills the poncy bastard

Also, I don't know what chairs are in ascii draw. I can't find the symbol

Heron TSG

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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2009, 11:12:54 pm »

I'm getting promoted everywhere... My engraver is now master Architect in Flamebanner, and now I'm a captain doomed to endless war against the demonic hordes.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: To venture north, into Hell and other short stories
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2009, 11:19:05 pm »

Your mother is very proud

"Win one for the dwarves, son" was what she said

Don't think you're not expendable, every can and will might die.

Also, title change. The main story is now To venture north, into Hell. I'll have short stories in between. Moving on...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 11:22:48 pm by Jackrabbit »
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