So I haven't read through every bit of the forums just yet, so I'm unaware if this has been suggested or not, but I can imagine it has.
A 'Mentoring' job that would allow dwarves with professions or skills to be able to teach children those skills. In other words, to tailor them for a specific role once they hit full on dwarfdom. This way, you could perhaps take one mason out of the loop of general crafting and instead have him develop a group of five new masons in the later years of your fortress. Their skill in tutoring would go up as they taught, and the amount of skill they could teach to students would depend on the combination of those two skills, divided by the number of students they work with. I just think it'd be a good way to 'manage' thirty or so wandering children in the fort who can only do simple jobs, by steering them into a future role. Maybe you need a lot of soldiers, a champion can toughen kids up and ready them for their life in the military.
Once grown, they become not just another peasant, but automatically take on the title of whatever role you've set out for them. Recruits, Carpenters, what have you.
Along that same vein, a nursery or day care would also be good, so that instead of dwarves wandering all over the site with their kids in tow (I love getting the constant 'Cancels sparring, looking for child' messages.) they instead can leave them to do certain dangerous tasks. Perhaps it even provides a happy thought for getting those clingy little bundles off of their backs for awhile.