is a link to the story of the baby Faith Hope. She was born with anencaphaly, a condition that causes the brain to not develop. The brain stem still exists, allowing the child to breathe, it's heart to beat, it's stomach to process food. But it has no higher capacities. It will never see, feel, hear, think, smell, or taste. It cannot experience anything. It feels no pain. These are the facts of the condition.
What is up to interpretation, is whether it is alive. I believe that to many, being alive is the ability simply to enjoy being alive. To smell a rose and think it beatiful is life. To see an ocean and hear the waves is life.
Under this definition, the baby is not alive. Many who support the childs existence liken the condition to downs syndrome, or autism. They claim that those children are not fully-functioning human beings. They claim that this child is the same as the children suffering from downs syndrome and autism, and that just because the disability is much worse, does not null the claim of life.
I'm interested in opinions but mine, because I know my opinion. I think that:
A. Children with downs syndrome and autism are humans. They may be impaired, but they can still function, they can experience things, they have a human mind that makes them curious, makes them love and feel.
B. Due to the lack of any ability to do anything of self-will, this is not a living baby.
In my eyes, this is nothing more than a corpse that still requires food and air. It was never alive to begin with, it cannot die. It will not be able to suddenly just grow a brain, and any resources spent on it will have no avail. I'm not saying that the resources should not be spent, because as long as the parents cover all costs on their own, it's their decision. If the mother were on welfare, I would feel the need for the baby to be euthanised. It would be like a woman on welfare spending the money of taxpayers not on bettering herself, to make sure she can support herself in the future, but instead taking the money, buying food with it, and smashing it into the wall. If it was on her own money, whatever.
Again though, I'd like your opinions. However, it must be kept in mind: Arguing on the internet is stupid. You will not be able to change someones mind over the internet. Internet arguements are never going to have any effect on the real world.
Just state your opinions, and, if you absolutely
must take issue with someone, take it up in private messages, or keep it merely to inquiries. This is an issue of morals, and noone can say that someone elses beliefs are "right" or "wrong" because it is subjective.