So, bit of a necro, but I bought this recently and started up my first game as Japan. From what I've picked up from guides, tutorials, playthoughs, etc, hopefully I'm not doing too stupidly, but it's still only January 1937.
I disbanded all the garrisons and cavalry units, because I figured they were useless... maybe not the best decision, I dunno how important manpower is. I also moved all of my units over to the border with Nationalist China and Shanxi, since they'll probably be the first war, and I don't want to fight the USSR. I immediately started producing carriers and artillery, and have been working towards getting most of the divisions to 3 infantry/1 artillery. Should I add engineers?
I haven't been pushing ahead of the times with research yet, but will probably focus on infantry and production/leadership first once the 1936/1937 stuff is done.
Most of my trading is with the US to stabilize resource consumption, but I've also used insignificant trade deals to build relations with the USSR in hopes of a non-aggression pact as I align myself toward with the Axis.
With the navies, I've divided into groups of 5 capital and 7 screen, and intend to focus on carriers and probably destroyers.
I've had the domestic spies working on supporting the ruling party, but I don't really understand what that means/does. I also replaced some of the ministers to get more Control Clique guys in (or ones with better modifiers). Foreign spies are working on raising threat with Nationalist China.
Any advice? I still don't really know what I'm doing wrong/right yet.