Gah, so many words and derails. I'm not going to read through the whole thread. I did watch the video, though
Killing creativity is not a bad thing, not all the time. Creativity makes your mind wander. You'll learn things in more depth, be able to make things of your own, but with too much creativity, you won't have time to master the technicalities of something. Sure, you'll be able to reinvent it, yeah, but early on you don't have to.
The American school system is built for maximum creativity. Asian ones, especially the Chinese ones are exact opposite, actually punishing you for being creative in your tests.
I've learned in the USA, Malaysia, and now Australia. What I've found out is when you're not being creative, you learn a hell lot more. So what if kids don't know why you can't divide by 0 or memorize multiplication tables. It could be better in the long run if they just learn it without caring. But.. not being creative makes you unable to evolve - if your plans don't work, you'd be doomed without creativity. (also why Asians are all life and death about getting good grades)
Looking at how that ended up, we could see that plenty of inventions are made in the West, but it's the uncreative people in the far East who are actually assembling those inventions.
And as you guys have shown, being creative about history makes your mind wander far from the topic