I started a .42 game, chose an embark between four (!) dark towers -- and then proceed to prioritize early fort set-up as though I were still in .40.
I haven't had this many dwarves slaughtered by goblins since .34.
Fortunately, unlike .34, the survivors are much better able to deal with the horror, and are able to function during the build-coffins-and-place-them-as-fast-as-you-can-don't-mind-the-miasma phase. (This was after I failed to notice a dwarf had entered a mood until I saw the message "Urist McWeaver cancels strange mood: gone insane. Urist McWeaver has gone stark raving mad!" Not sure what the goblins thought when he charged at them buck-naked.)
Edit: Indeed, the kind of slaughter that would have been a fortress-ending !FUN! disaster in .34, and wouldn't have happened at all in .40, is very much possible to recover from in .42. Only a few job cancelations as I got all the casualties memorialized and the blood cleaned off the walls; plenty of migrants arriving and jumping right in to help instead of freaking out, and when the Vile Force of Darkness came back the next ingame year in much greater numbers than previously, we were ready. Only (non-invader) casualties were a pet chicken and a human hammerman visitor -- the former didn't run fast enough, the latter left the safe tavern to quixotically charge straight into a trapped corridor that was overflowing with heavily armed invaders.