I'm still new to this game. My facepalm moments so far:
1) When I was reading about how the heck to set up my military I've come across "All civilians are drafted" and "Train all civilians in marksdwarf, and rain bolts on the enemy during sieges". I thought, It was a great idea, but it turned out quite bad. I have a problem of not having enough armor, or civilian squads getting better picks than military. Howewer, the worst (or !funniest! depending on perspective) was when a goblin siege came. 6 were trapped, 2 or so were killed by traps, 5 or so remained, and started shooting at my animals chained at the entrance. On top of that stupid civilians tried to replace cages (however I quickly learned how to assign "all civilian panic" alert to "inside" burrow, that I made earlier, so not many of them died. (basically choose alert level, on the left and burrows on the right) At this point I decided, screw this, I'm unchaining what's left of my animals, and sending 3 full squads of military against the remaining goblins. They could handle stuff like GCS, Trolls, and an FB made of steam, so they'll manage, right? To my surprise I watched them charge into the fray, and die one by one, while barely hurting the goblins. WTF? It turned out, they've used most of my crossbow bolts for training, even tough I made 30 wooden ones, some bone, and always bought bolts from caravans. In the aftermath I have like 15 or 20 dead dwarfs, and some in the hospital. One or 2 will be useless (lost ability to stand, lost ability to grasp), and 2 died in hospital from dehydration, when I was busy hauling all dropped stuff to my base. So yeah, now I at least have a clue on how to reorganize my military. Silver hammers will be my weapon of choice from now on. Or perhabs bronze picks and axes (I don't have any iron on this site, but I have tin, copper and silver).
Also, I'm rebuilding my entrance from
|o o|
| |
====== |
= | wall
T trap
o chained war dog
Goblins come from the left, my base is on the right.
2) My embark is in a rather cold climate, and some lakes freeze during winters. I've connected some of them, and made a 5-tile wide moat. That didn't work so well, especially after I used that moat to flood like 2k squares for farming (yeah, overkill ftw, I'm overflowing with food anyway) (at least I did it the "right" way, with 20 floodgates and all). Luckilly for me when water freezes it turns into ice, and when ice unfreezes it turns into 7/7 water, so my moat is gradually filling up. It was easilly crossed for a few seasons, but now seems to be working. Thing is, in the autumn I decided to perform a quick deforestation, and then went about building some bedrooms, and walling off the cave. 2 of my dwarves got encased in ice from crossing my moat in the wrong place at the wrong time.
3) For my third embark I couldn't buy any drinks or subterrean seeds from my home civ. Oh well, I'll just wall off the highest hilltop Machu-Pichu style, and farm prickle berries. At least I have iron ore now :>