I decided to remove the fps cap on my fort just to see what it could do. Bad move, my fps rocketed up to 300,000+ when I was irrigating the farms. The water filled the fort before I could get to the lever.
Guess I better put the cap back on.
Holy crap, what kind of computer are you playing on?
An older one from 40d. At one point while playing dig deeper I decided to make a megatrap. I took an entire floor of my 31x31 tower and filled it with glass spikes. Of course, the first time I turned it on one of my soldiers decides to walk through it in order to reach the orcs charging through. I turn it off and he crawls out, not really a huge facepalm. He has red wounds on his legs, but he recovered three seasons later so it wasn't too bad. Meanwhile, the orcs are about halfway through the path before I can turn the spikes back on. It works like a charm, aside from a few lulls where the puller got tired and it randomly chose the dwarf on the other side of the fortress to pull the lever, it killed them all.
The facepalm? Mixed among the orc soldier corpses and orcanite steel ore, I found the corpses of three goblin snatchers and two kobold thieves. Very fun.
Another time I had some imps that liked to torch the left half of my map. Luckily, it was bisected by a brook, so the fire couldn't come across... or so I thought. Turns out, in order to power the drainage pumps for my drowning trap I had put this nice path across the brook of wooden axles and waterwheels. Oops.
Edit: current facepalm, was waiting for my dwarves to dig into some coal in a white layer. I didn't realize the mountain I'm on is made of both chalk
and marble. Looks like I gotta dig up to make steel, but on the bright side there's a lot of sphalerite in the lower slate layers. Brass makes great trade goods and furniture for lesser nobles.